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Yulls IO

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by BaHaMuTa, Jul 23, 2015.

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  1. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    To say, even more, that a saggi p attack based work :D

    No need to be just class based, ofc u will meet daggers and archers in open.

    I didn't say he killed because he was saggi, said he killed in a combo of everything. He killed gs, he killed trick, he killed ms, and his saggi role helped that as hell, since he fought ppl with equality of gear too.
    UE vs UE is one of the strongest point in yul x yul, if in that u manage to hit harder, faster and defend better, saggi has the upper hand.
    MS don't hit harder than saggi with less 70% p attack, would never do. About ME can't stack with 101 skill, 30% p attack more can match trick, rest, gs and ms, lose, since no add in normal hit. And ofc, more defense, way more if turn 101 skill on.
    Saggi is good. It's a beast in oly, best in yul vs yul. Open pvp is another story.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
  2. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    So the point of your screen was to show that a Yul hero in IO is able to kill everyone if he uses BR + Hero Zerk + Lv1 Hunter ?
    Unless you were talking about using patk build for oly and then that's just asking to get your *** kicked.

    gl using Mind Eye to kill a dagger when you could just press 101 button and play lotto to destroy him two shot since his evade skills aren't as great as yuls

    Ok let's start with the basics...

    101: For 60 sec., increases P. Atk. by 40%, P. Def/M. Def. by 20%, and increases Max HP/CP by 20%. Consumes 5 Soulstones.
    Passive : P. Atk. + 10% when equipped with a bow or crossbow.
    Active Stance : For 30 minutes when a bow or crossbow is equipped, P. Atk. + 10%, Atk. Spd. + 10%, and P. Def./M. Def. + 10%.

    101: For 60 sec., increases Atk. Spd. by 20%, Skill Power by 20%, P. Skill Critical Rate by 40%, and Skill Critical Damage by 20%. Consumes 5 Soulstones.
    Passive : Speed +20
    Active Stance : For 30 minutes when a bow or crossbow is equipped, P. Atk. + 10%, chance of receiving an M. Critical Hit - 10%, and P. Skill Cooldown - 10%.

    Which means that Sagi have 10% patk / pdef / mdef / atk spd more than MS who instead have -10% cd, +20 speed and -10% Mcrt dmg

    Yul vs Yul MS have advantage because -10% cd means more uptime on quickfire, flash and stun. The 101 for patk for sagi have 0 use in yul vs yul cause you are forced to play with Mind Eye... And no +40% patk cannot "match trick" if you miss 99% of your arrows which is why Mind Eye is used for, not to get fancy crt damage but for accuracy boost.
    Against any other class the MS will not only have better skill damage (which is the only way to do dmg with yul in oly nowadays), but better flash & jump & stun cd, better atk spd with 101 and better speed to kite. I am only taking MS as an example but I don't think I need to talk about Ghost Sentinel 101 skill that make him capable of one shotting everything if he crts.

    The only "good" thing Sagi has for him is the pdef/mdef but Yul in oly aren't meant to tank their sole purpose is to burst and then use CDs to avoid getting damaged at all.

    I've tried to explain the best I could, if you still consider Sagitarius as god tier I just give up.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
  3. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    In the end, we can just know 100% sure in an actual fight between ppl with same gameplay skill/gear. I believe that a saggi can have the upperhand in a fight.
  4. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    Sad Seivlas is sad. And by the way, I find that the 101 skill of Sagi suxx hard. I mean, you want a DD, not a Tyrr V2.0 in party ("Eh, look, I don't die !" "yeah, but the ennemies don't either...")
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