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Helheim recruitment thread

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Aviran, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. Aviran

    Aviran User

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    note to moderators: there is another topic made by sebastianroche‎ for helheim , this topic is old not updated and was posted under different leadership , to avoid spam i request from you to remove it , thanks

    helheim clan recruitment thread

    clan background:

    helheim roots can be found in teon server (1st ncsoft's l2 european server) where the reknowned clan ech0 was born, and later on moved to naia (after servers' merge). helheim was founded by original creators of ech0 in innova's lineage 2 eu after they decided to start over in more healthy environment

    so... why choosing helheim?
    helheim is not about participating in the lineage 2 race , who will be the biggest clan , or who will make the first hero.
    helheim is about having a mature membership , with strict recruitment method that will get the kids go away , and recruit the most qualified ones for the clans.
    so... this project is certainly about fun, friendship and group activity!
    oriented towards more matured players as target members.

    clan status:

    clan level: 7

    clan hall: the silver chamber - giran castle town

    teamspeak info: teamspeak is on , but will not post adress for now(security and cosmetics reasons)

    clan management:

    leader: anariaen

    co-leader: nightarrow

    officer: aviran

    recruitment information:

    current status: recruiting all classes(more info can be found on site's main page)

    clan site adress: helheim clan main page

    clan rules: clan rules (important to read before writing an application!)

    apply to clan: application form


    1. must have a good lvl of english(write/speak/read).
    2. must have age of at least 18 years old.
    3. must accept the rules. can be found here: clan rules
    4. must fill an application.

    no recruitments will be done without an application , or at some kind of "interview" at game chat , any excuses wont be accepted!

    thank you for your time and enjoy the game!
    aviran - helheim officer
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2012
  2. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    nice presentantion, now let's get those applications going! :)
  3. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    bump! we especially need tanks and mages and healers :)
  4. ShorterThan5Characters

    ShorterThan5Characters User

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    we don't need tanks/mages/healers but if you are one apply please :) we give you cookies
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