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English speaking clan

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Cookie, Mar 12, 2012.

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  1. Cookie

    Cookie User

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    hi guys, my names cooookie - some rather heartless fellow has stolen the original cookie name so i'm left with this one, i'm looking for a clan who's not so much pvp orientated but can hold their own, i played on the other sever but i stopped for a while to focus a little more on college and that's riddled with 90 + chars and a super fast economy, and due to that reason i decided to start again here due to the slower economy and not so high level chars.

    i'm an abyss walker at the moment, i'll buy pa to reach 85 and for subs when i get there, mainly looking for a clan that likes to party and is relatively talkative, there's nothing worse than having a clan of ghosts !

    if anyone's interested in some cookielovingggg, then either message on here or message me in game, if you'd like further information i'll happily give you my skype or we can talk on ts/vent.
  2. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    hey mate, you can get in touch with us at helheim, an active, english-speaking international clan.

    we are level 7 clan with many skills, a permanent clan hall in giran and part of an alliance (ech0) with chaoticminds and vikings (who hold the gludio castle, as of today :)) we are progressing in steps, mixing and matching and not playing in constant parties and, generally, enjoying the game as it was intended to be: in a legit and social way.

    take a look at our forums and make sure to read our clan rules. if you find that we are a match, why not make an application or / and try to look us up in game for a chat? you can pm anariaen and nightarrow next time you are in game.

    hope to see you soon in blue chat :)
  3. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

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    i can recommend helheim ;) - cool guys to hang with.

    vikings are busy with 2 wars+full acad atm, otherwise id recommend em to.
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