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CP LF Mid-gear classes

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DelfinuVesel, May 9, 2016.

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  1. DelfinuVesel

    DelfinuVesel User

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    Hello everyone. INT.CP PvE & PvP oriented is looking for different mid-geared classes. The only requirements are 100+ level/good gear and a decent english ( More than " Hi , hello,how are you" ) :D
    The cp is established inside Ecarlate-s clan ( Core server), good environment,nice people ( I will quote a legend, core players should know him-A lot of fun, join join "Stanicheff) If you are interested and you wanna know more details, pm or mail me in game on name Imuabil.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
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