how to make adena? at my level, 87, i got the feeling that the game is telling me that i shouldnt play it casually, but grind it hardcore, because the dailies give lots of xp and no adena whatsoever, so if i continue playing the game slowly, im going to be ****ed due to lack of gear and the resources to buy new equips. so im wondering how to make adena in this game?
there are many strategies like - selling shots, powerlevelling services, spoiling materials or playing the auction house/markets. if you're really lucky you can play the lottery :d l2 makes it possible to earn cash in many ways, but none are easy. cheers
selling shots - never heard of this one, but i persume you need the ability to craft them powerleveling - prerequisite a vertain class, and the requirement of pa so you can bring your own buffs spoiling - sure, but the spopils are distributed across the whole party and the time needed to make a decent amount of money from it requires a lengthy party time ah - sure that may work, if youre into it, it can consume lot of time checking the market like that so all in all, you either make money or you get xp. either way youre ****ed.
and yep your summary is correct, money takes time. i know guys that were level 72 with 400 million while the rest of us were hitting 85 (casually) with 15 million.
make litle toons, since i begun to play i have done like 70 litle toons for adena, also i have 58+ toons for daily quests, another thing i made so easy it was put 1 ertel in aution house 200kk and someone boght for accident so try it, there are always ppl that dont watch before buy
soa, party kartia, solo kartia, rewards - attributes stones, sell them, altar with rats in mithril mines, swamp, alphabet event, farm letters m, s, ii, sell them, usually 6kk per day +, soo little patience, you'll have more money don't see any problem
so all in all ill have to pick either adena or xp. picking adena will give me gear but ill be severly behind other people with the leveling. if i choose xp, i wont be able to pvp properly due to missing gear and will not get into certain pve parties due to missing attributes. is this the way the game is meant to be played? grind to have fun at later levels?
well dailies = 10kk+ / day. if you cant play much on weekdays but u can more on weekends so maybe you will have luck with a good drop. in a week = 100kk +/-. as a dd you need 150-300 attribute on a top r weapon much more than top r armor/jewelry set. ofc every necessary things depends on your class, level, playing style maybe. real pvp come after 95+ maybe at endgame. till that grind, grind, grind till you die and sell everything what you don't need.
yeah, if you do all dailies and sell everything you get. that takes a whole lot of time, which many people dont have. and the pvp level requirement goes up as you level so youll never really catch it. im just horrified how ncsoft divided the game into 2 totally different parts. 1 is the grind for xp and the other half is the grind for adena. till 85 you dont really care about adena, yet you get quite some with the basic drops and full drops that happen during the leveling. and after 85 you hunt for adena, couse barely anythign gives something worth selling. the only income for me is zaken. there is no other way of getting adena for me. if it wasnt for zaken, id have a negative income due to teleports and other needed goods. once i cant do zaken anymore, im incomeless. and lets not even mention how random the drops there are.
how come adena can be a problem? kartia solo - from 1kk to 4kk (depends on aquired stones) kartia group - from 1kk to 4kk (depends on aquired stones) soa - at least 2kk swamp daily - about 700k ? and if you really seek loads of adena try hunt mobs on gog upper (party only). with a bit of luck you can get like 20kk ++ adena. also dont forget about zaken. there is also a chance for a nice amount of adena.
please stay constructive, this section is for users questions to be answered and for users seeking help and advice and not for off topic comments and insults. regards.
there are no problem's finding party for freya in /partymatching so don't involve clan's here and try to help op. for the op ; try going to garden of genesis lower/upper as i know a lot of people are going there for money , but it just depend's on your luck , remember there is a chance 1/7 that you'll get somthing that actually worth to sell.
the game is easy mode adena wise nowadays. before you had to play with a-grade stuff until levels 76+, and those werent even top-a. when l2 was published, my friends played without shots to save adena. one friend was able to save 500m in 3-years of playing few semi-good tips: try to get into garden of genesis 2nd floor parties. in there you can farm twilight upper and lower part parts and recipes for your set. this way you will get the gear you need^^ if your looking into long term solution into making adena, then make a dwarf. i dont how it is here in innova, but atleast in ncsoft servers the dwarfs were the richest. for example, if you get your dwarf to level90, you can add twilight armor and apocalypse weapons into your craft book. in my old server - crafting apo bow (these sell insanely fast) costed 35m, and twilight upper/lower the same. check your local craft stores for what they charge^^ if im not wrong - later on you get r95 gear - atleast the most important things from raids like istina etc.