afaik **** is a project of so u should ask him about adding it. tho it surely can't be made w/o innova agreement
what's going on with those disconnects could you please do something with thid every 30 mins we get disconnect with my friend
please make a thread in the appropriate section and give as many details as possible - technical issues regards.
as i`ve been warned to not flood threads with offtopic, i`ll ask it here. in this link birth of draco event is first in the chain. my question is "why only innova didnt had this event?" and my second question-what`s going on with mentor system? p.s: posting in correct section for teh lulz, lets see how i dont get answer again p.s2: question is to innova team, so i`m expecting answer form innova tag, not a super moderator or whatever else.
you will not get an answer to the mentor question as it has already been told countless times that when we have further information it will be posted in the thread in the news and announcements section. as for the draco event, it has already been told a number of times that unfortunately sometimes things can not be implemented for various reasons, i myself have posted that statement in several threads across the forum boards. so if that particular event was not run there is a reason for it. regards.
as expected, you`re throwing me your cliche. with your fast answer i`m pretty sure u didnt even bothered to contact any of the innova team. also, when i looked back, i see 0 answers from the team in this thread, so you better rename it to "questions to the super moderator" may be? and last, your post doesnt answer my question-why only innova servers didnt had the birth of draco event? telling me it is for a reason is not the answer i`m looking for, as i`m asking for the reason and i`m well aware there is such one (and pls, dont tell me u cant tell us the reasons for every single event u skip, i`m asking for this one only). so - "why only innova servers didnt had birth of draco event?" - i`m still looking for answer with the reason from the team.
hello innova team! i want to ask, there's any chance to change in-game character sex? (i.e male to female) thank you for answer
any chance to add more ( not 1-2 ) but moar ( liek 10-15 ) hats/hair accesorys to the ingame shop ? you could rotate them weekly or sometin . hanta can buy new hats , inova gets more money . more diversity on peoples heads . everybody happy , thx
currently this service is not available. if it becomes available in the future we will announce it here on the forum. @hanta - this suggestion has already been noted from the feedback section, thank you. regards.
we do not have an exact date at this moment in time only that we shall have it this autumn, as soon as the release date has been confirmed we will announce it here on the forum. regards.
according to my experience - check ncwest website from time to time. they will have it announced earlier. we usually get an update 2-7 days after they do.
nc taiwan has announced glory days to go live on october 11 and ncwest usually gets updates at the same time or 1 (max 2) weeks later than taiwan so i believe we may get it this month. ps. nc taiwan also announced that they will get glory days + echo 2, so most probably we will have the same
guys, please dont turn this thread into a discussion, we have a designated section for those things. regards.
[01.10.2012] обновление 02.10.2012 уважаемые пользователи! 2 октября на русские сервера будет поставлен патч, содержащий следующие изменения: [зоны охоты] 1. добавлена новая временная зона "древний лабиринт картии". 1) вход в зону осуществляется через нпц исследователь картии. для входа нужен предмет след древнего лабиринта картии 2) предмет след древнего лабиринта картии можно получить следующим образом: - выпадает из агатиона горыныч - падает с финальных боссов лабиринта картии 3) награды за прохождение временной зоны можно получить у нпц исследователь картии 4) откат временной зоны происходит каждую среду и субботу [рейдовые боссы] 1. изменены рейдовые боссы 1-84 уровня 1) время респавна рейдовых боссов сократилось наполовину и составляет от 18 до 30 часов. 2) характеристики рейдовых боссов изменились таким образом, что теперь их может убить одна группа игроков 3) при убийстве рейдового босса игрок получает бафф, который повышает получаемые опыт и sp на 10%. 4) добавлена возможность получения дополнительных очков опыта и sp с боссов в зависимости от вклада игрока в убийство 5) повышение опыта / sp происходит в случае, если разница между уровнями игрока и босса не превышает 5 ур. 6) изменены умения ряда боссов we have it today?
firstly, please do not paste walls of untranslated text, we use english only on the main forum boards. secondly as already told many times, changes at maintenance will always be posted after maintenance is over so please be patient and wait until the appropriate time. @the rest, i told you already that this is not a discussion section, if you want to have a discussion take it to the appropriate section and refrain from flooding in this thread. regards.
i play in core server for 8 months and didnt suffered any lags at all get decent internet connection not some third world 500kb/s piece of c*** and u will be fine.