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Buffs for levels 86-85

Discussion in 'Feedback Archive' started by Lootus, Apr 3, 2012.

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  1. Lootus

    Lootus User

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    i got two messages in this one post: (a) presently very hard to level from 76 to 85 without boxed buffer. (b) problems of mentor system.

    im basically having hard time trying to start playing in here cause elsewhere i am granted with mentor buffs until level 86 that basically makes it easy to grind to awakened. now i basically have to dual-box another character - that puts me even farther from wanting to play here.

    i have tons of 86 characters in ncsoft side, and i want to go back there everytime i have to think about the grind from 76-85 without mentee buffs.

    i checked the l2store for buffs and chose not to spend hundreds of euros to get buffs for 76-85. i wonder how many players have quitted cause they havent been able to play from 76 upwards :d

    and what about elixirs of blessings? i understand that its possible to craft them, but in ncsoft side you can buy them with mentee coins. those cost like 4 mentee coins each, and if your mentee levels from 85 to 86 you get something like 2k mentee coins from just that one level. from your mentees other level ups you get less coins ofc.

    i have played in ncsoft side with the mentor system from the start of god and heres my view on that.

    a) you have tons of mentors online taking server space - cause in mentor system your mentor has to be online so that the mentee gets the buffs/xp bonus.
    b) 7 day penalty if you kick your mentee?! maybe a penalty but tbh - it happens too often that your mentee goes awol. basically - in the end i didnt even bother taking mentee's and keeping my pc on 24/7 for them - since you usually get a mentee that is either: online during weekends, or even worse, the guy quits for weeks or alltogether after he gets a mentor.
    c) you have to beg and beg and beg for getting a mentor. also, alot of awakened characters scam low level players with promising mentor, cashing out, and not taking them as mentee's. new players dont need this.
    d) this is the worst. it really discourages to play at all, if you dont have a mentor, or if your mentor is offline. when i started a new server, and had to get a mentor, i just usually logged off if my mentor wasnt online.
    e) theres a bug/exploit in mentee certificate in ncsoft side, that is something they know (i have been replied by a gm to a mail) that hasnt been fixed. basically - fix the dimensional transfer option from mentee certificate and that fixes the problem. im not going to describe an exploit here - you can ask ncsoft if you want to know more about it.

    basically, mentor system is a nice add, with mentee coins and everything, but, people have learned to hate it cause of the flaws it has. clan hall with 20-40 awakened chars staying logged in 24/7 for mentee's is a sign of a faill-system imo.

    thats just my two cents.. other ppl might find things different^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012
  2. Lirelin

    Lirelin User

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    if you want mentor system only because of buffs... well, it's not that needed. and no, you don't need a boxed buffer either. you can buy buffs in town (30-60k for 30 min buffs), port to your exp spot, stay there for 30 min and get much more that 60k used to buy buffs. soe to town and repeat the process.
  3. Meegosh

    Meegosh User

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    did you just arrived on l2 ?
    did you ever played the game before god ?

    ncsoft has already enough easy-ed l2, from the sight of many veterans.
    lvl from 76 to 85 is just a piece of cake.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012
  4. Lootus

    Lootus User

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    no offense dude but i have played on retail from 2007... i had a level 85 duelist already before god.

    peace out
  5. Meegosh

    Meegosh User

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    don't see any offense in my message, it was real questions i was wondering about :)
  6. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    somehow i doubt that because if u would really played on "retail" before goddes of destruction u wouldn't create this thread.
  7. Kahlor

    Kahlor User

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    game at least from 1-86 is so easy as never before u can do it even in 3-4 days without mentor system , before u needed the time that now need to reach 95 just to get to level cap :d its normal to be easy since level cap changed but stop crying so much about the mentor system and try to enjoy a f2p game , and no its not paied anymore , its paied if u want to reach 99 in a month , if u just want to have fun then its not paid , if u want to be top in a matter of 1-2 months then pay and help innova and nc to keep up the developers intrest :d they pay lots of people and resources to provide u this gaming enviroment and they provide it for free , before god we had to pay every signle month and if we need buffs we needed 50-100e more to log buffers and a super pc to run all those l2 :d so sssssshussss dont speak about paid game and more about the freaking mentor system , just enjoy
  8. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    at one point lootus has a good,truth point that from 76 till 85lv is not easy to exp w/o private iss,why?
    ok dailies gives u some exp,ok vit gives u some extra exp,but thats it,buying buffs every 30mins is real pain in ***,
    first u have to leave ur spot,which offten is taken by someone alse while ur in town,
    second ur losing about 10mins on that re-buffs,just to get new one (and back to spot),
    thirdly mentor buffs r for pple to help them,mentor should be working here since very begin.
    and lastly w/o mentor here we wont have new players.
  9. JahRasta

    JahRasta User

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    lololol, from very begin?

    how the fcuk it would worked from bagin if there was no awakened chars to make with whoom mentor in begin? its new server was
  10. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    guys, this is not a discussion section, if you have a constructive post with feedback or suggestions by all means make it but discussions amongst yourselves are not appropriate here.

    @jahrasta - watch your language please.

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