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SOS from aria

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by AlpineStar, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. RedWind

    RedWind User

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    full agree with jamal :) ;) innova do someting or i leave too. the situation on aria server is bad. playing on this server is not more great time. we have problems with make pt for daily q even we have nice friends list. we need option to move char to core server (like on ncsoft) if we don,t have even mentoring system. do something plz or i go out like others. cheers.
  2. Jamal

    Jamal User

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    a lots of ppls see chance to have some more fun from this game in server merge or transfer from server to server. when they lose this chance they just leave. think about it innova

    btw before most of ppls wasnt like privet servers bcs of server vipe, closing servers etc. now we r playing on official server. its great but when server going to die its like vipe on priv server. its not the same but close. ncwest have idea for this, but what have innova?

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2012
  3. GYMpower

    GYMpower User

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    we can see there are here 5-6 ppl who qq on 10 topics on this forum about aria online
    and they all time say same word we will leave innova we will not spent more money or bb innova
    but they coming again and again and write same and same
    why dont u just leave and stop qq
    /close door behind you
  4. Jamal

    Jamal User

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    always will come player who dont have any idea about situation and try to be smart... its not qq. me and lots of ppls from aria wanna have a little more fun from this game, thats why we doing what we doing. it wasnt to u. u are not even from forum moderators team, so keep ur smarts behind closed doors.
  5. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    like i told so many times. as long player dont use partytool there are enough player online :d if they can cry in aden for tank and heal instead of create a partychannel that also tanks and heal outside aden can join, there are enough player there :>
    and with the help of subclass you need only 7 online player ;)

    the english problem is a present probleme here. often no single englishword. cant handle his class but you have to take this nap cause there is no other heal, tank avaible in random ^ ^
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2012
  6. molochpope

    molochpope User

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    many of our clan stopped playing.. it is really boring atm.
    no event, no gm, no mentoring, gk bug, random disconnects, and many players left.
    atm aria dont have more than 3-400 ppl in the evening and market is facked up (170kk an apo cutter wtf).

    no reason to stay here on innova, it rly failed.
  7. Meegosh

    Meegosh User

    Likes Received:
    1- innova opened aria too late and didn't blocked registration on core when they opened aria, so 90% fresh players continued to subscribe core.
    2- average population on aria (stabilized in jan) was fine, but meant harder play to beat the highest level & stuff (harder to craft, harder to xp). it could have been ok since it was obvious populatin was stable.
    3- the "fixes" provided by nck, like : pi quest, craft more expensive, quest rewards downed, soa farm attributes hardened etc... made the things even harder and longer to do in aria, when on core most of people benefited of these old "bugs" (as we should consider it?). and i do not even talk about spezion exploit, for instance..
    4- as forecasted, people started to stop (you can see many threads about those fixes when it occured), coz on aria, they knocked back the game to the old l2 farming. and when leaving process starts, on an average server, it always comes to an end. especially when owner's team (innova) refuses any communication about it.

    i don't understand your partymatching obsession, coz it has no room bout the actual situation on aria.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2012
  8. Jamal

    Jamal User

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    innova team we r w8ing for fast answer: will u do something or its impossible? while u delay with response u losing more and more customers every day... nobody will w8 forever...

    like always... no even 1 simply answer... ty vm innova....
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2012
  9. GYMpower

    GYMpower User

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    becouse this 5 kids innova should make server transfer?
    more epic sets will be transfered from aria server than players
    and that would destroy core server this aria kids farmed epic very easy on empty server
    btw i just wondering what moderators are doing on this forum
    this topic became full spam topic and should be closed
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2012
  10. Jamal

    Jamal User

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    gympowder u even dont know what is going on? lol what epic sets, just log on aria and look, than write ur "smart" epic posts... n/c
  11. AlpineStar

    AlpineStar User

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    epic sets ??
    wich one??? it is harder to get items on aria than on core man in aria you get a light upper bound twilight for 400kk maybe 250kk if you find someone nice wich is selling (if you find it it is sooooo rare you see one in auction house every two weeks)
    core 150kk for a real one same for the robe
    what else ?
    don't know really =/ because everything is cheaper on core, what to farm man new things are instanced so you have a time limit and drop is not 100% ;) (if you manage to do the party...)
    i will say there is no epic set in aria just create a char on aria and see the price of things ;) a and go in aden you will see the interesting part population...

    and i will say to end just because 1 child don't know what he is talking about come to say stop the idea of transfer, 1 entire server must stay like that ;)
    gympower have the solution i will say something to proove it is not about epic sets

    if the condition of transfer is wipe my inventory with keeping only my set 500k and ssr i will be ok for it...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2012
  12. eXarDo

    eXarDo User

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    that was a very smart move.
    rest of u didn't believed when ppl said aria not gonna get any popular, and now ppl stucked on it coz they spent time and money for it, while with current amount of players and items on market(core) u can get same lvl and gear as u have on aria in no time.

    and tbh, what do u expect from innova? neither interesting events nor some advertisement won't bring huge masses to this server. l2 is the old game, all those ppl who know and like it alrdy playing on nc servers or on core and nothing will ever make 'em change server. only merge can help in this situation (doubt it's gonna ever happen), or mb some kind of event like "move to core from aria and get nice starter pack which will include different items to speed up ur lvl'ing on new server".
  13. Drago

    Drago User

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    aria was open cuz of the lag problem on core let's not forget that, there was nothing smart about it. now they are left with a big problem.

    how about our money back? server transfers ? a gm on the server what cares ? an answer to what's going to happen to everyone's chars when the servers dead? want me to go on?

    or maybe nothing if they want to lose customers every day, i watched a whole clan leave last week and there not off to reroll on core.

    ask yourself this!!! how safe would you feel about your own char on core if they let ours die??
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2012
  14. Meegosh

    Meegosh User

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    rarley seen such silly logics :d
    you have no clue how many players (customers) for innova core has lost because of the laggy periods & queuing for quests. i do, coz as a leader, i seen 30% of our members stop playing after 1 month coz of this. so that's why we decided to move. and it would have been a good move (it was perfect the 3 first months), if ncs wouldnt had released ****n "patches" unbalancing the game.

    what i don't understand is useless babblers coming to talk about aria and who haven't a clue. useless brains thinking they're so smart they can analyze the situation which is none of their buisness.
    of course, there won't be more ppl complaining about the situation, you stupid gympower, only few ppl speak proper english, and by the way, since aria pop has been divided by 10, it's not difficult to understand there will be less ppl to qq (i explained it to my dog, he understood, sure you will get it one day). ah and.. em, rofl your epic obsession :d

    well anyhow. lesfremens was a clan on aria which had aournd 60 activ ppl in jan/feb, 50 in march. now, we have 1 party playing in the evening (to help gms, that makes 7 players). more or less the same for our allies. and i can figure out, that's the same for all clan (which are still a bit active, coz so many have vanished).

    as those threads about aria situation are up since few weeks.
    as situation has become so critical that 5 minutes in aden is sufficient to reallize how the things are.
    as there was no answer of any gm / moderator about this ****n matter.
    i assume that : innov does not have the will to do anything for (at the begining there was like +1500 players on aria) the last aria players. i assume that they do not have the skills to merge servers, or they're simply to lazy and imagined they could just let aria die before closing it.
    this is a great customer care *applause*, anyway, even worst than ncwest one's (and i know what i'm talking about).
  15. Tekilla

    Tekilla User

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    in photoshop u can merge layers it make 2 or more layers into 1. maybe is good idea to merge core and aria into the 1 server?
    it will give more pvp's and much more fun on high areas. core lose players too... now when u make party maching from 85 lvl u see 90% ppl with 90 lvl+. vacation are very close so much more ppl will left server, diablo2 is close so we will lose more players( never understand ppl who get 95lvl and left server lol). innova must do somethin, dunno change a bit rights l2 updates from ncsoft to make some own specyfic extra events or somethin. server base just on updates it is not so special , we are l2 europe! not usa, we have best programist in the world i mean russians! so scrape own *** and do somethin extra.
    polish gamer

    ps.to megosh

    lags - yes u right, disconect ok - it is fault software or hardware? many ppl come l2 because it is free for now no payment= 1 big hanger for polish players( i think 70% players are polish), if somethin is free we always come. connection and hardware i think is the main problem here. i talk with many players and i know polish ppl are here in huge big group. i think what hapen with russians? romanians? greeks? koreans? wietnams? wher are they? on all private servers are many this nations here not to much, so problem must be conecction.
    from another hand advertisement is totaly down, maybe ncsoft pown all prive servers new changes in game but still they dont get how 1 of best private server on open day get 3-5k players, cuz famous clan invite to test server before game will start to test it. innova translate game for german why? not to much players from this country, not better invite some good l2 german clan dunno maybe back2buissnes to try it? best advertise for server are famous clans, second of course famous men in tv like wow do chucknoriss ftw:d

    and sry for english, i dont care about it, come to poland and we teach u real life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2012
  16. Carb0nFiber

    Carb0nFiber User

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    in last 24 hours i was searching for any kind of pt. daily/ or just xp. got 0 pm's. i have 98 ppl in friend list 3 are on at the moment i am speaking. in last 2 days 2 of my friends that invested more then 300 e in these server leaved and are w8ing for diablo 3. i wont cry , im not l2 addict and i didnt invest money to these game , but what u done to donators here is pretty close to scam. i play l2 for 7 years and i had seen these situation milion times. these server have 7 days more max to change smth or it will be dead.

    cheers all, rock
  17. Meegosh

    Meegosh User

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    that's right. and be sure, inno team, that i will advertise your customer care anywhere if you keep your head in the sand.
  18. DaevaPain

    DaevaPain User

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    ppl just purchase diablo 3 it will go live on 15 and let s all make innova cry to show them who is the customer and that they as a company actually need us for more than to take a piss simple as that anyway i bet u all that diablo 3 will be a great success
  19. Krontas

    Krontas User

    Likes Received:
    did not saw you in partysearchtool. so you did not really look for a pt :)
  20. Pinko

    Pinko User

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    i really won`t be able to understand 95 even 40 lvl ppl leaving for diablo 2 - that will be something i`ll be surprised to see :)
    about the 2nd part be more specific: )

    just an advice as a fellow forum user - if you want to know something don`t spam the topic - the only thing for now is that no merge is being discussed and i asked you to stop discussing it.
    i don`t have any other info atm but you can be sure if innova are planing server transfers they`ll announce it - for example in the video blog. and another advice use the video blog topic or comment the video itself - ed might select your question too ;)
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