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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    no clan cause scared pvp? dat's slaves thinking man! u have no idea what game u play and what ur doing here... randoms ownz all nup... and yeah, with or without clam, i will own cr anywayz, so stop bull****ing me dude... and yeah, i have no fun being in wining side and suking smone or playing 7x7 with donorz or fishing! or fighting pvp's when others wants, i fight when i want and just when i want!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  2. xMikuu

    xMikuu User

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    you realize that if rio make perfects vs you in oly with istina jewels, when he get the anthy you will have to relog?


    btw best friends

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
  3. NiNeTT

    NiNeTT User

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    sorry but last month when cursed have the jewels i make a perfect to riordian
    just for say d: :rolleyes:

    and what you want show with this screen? :confused:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
  4. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    teh drama
    let's say first lempartus is clueless and **** and the clan was alot better when alarion/defro/sepsa was leaders.
    i wont take side but i was in bs i was in rg i wasnt in ba but i got alot friends at ba

    bs dkp system- if you are smart enough to not get ****** up /make screen of every raid aq/baium/siege/etc then send to shanique u wont lose any dkp and you will go up at the ranking pretty fast

    im talking as cp leader of pony squad for like 8 months. we joined and for less than 2 months my cp got 2 blessed ant queens.
    at last we had 2 b.aq 1b.orfen dkp for b.baium and enough dkp for b.antharas atm
    so what i want to make clear to any of you qqing randoms is
    whatever clan you join if you are not active if you are not doing anything for the clan and you are waiting for items =you wont get anything

    is bs dkp system fair? in my opinion it is, first few weeks it wasnt cuz i got ****** up with few dkp everytime, then i understood i had to make screens = i got all dkp = i went to top 4 for less than 2 weeks

    shanique is very very fair person, she never ****** up anyone with dkp. just some qqing dogs leaving bs cuz they cant get a **** then crying at forums but this clan is dictator clan cuz they gave me nothing well if u go ba/rg u wont get anything big also its all about activity/your personal skills/how you behave.... okey enough about bs.

    when i joined redguard i though elronia is the typical smart boy who scaming his own clan with dkp. believe me in my l2 experience i never saw more fair leader than him, that's person who think first for his clan then for his cp then for him /anyone can check what items he got for all time on rg with dkp /

    about ba even if nemesys is ******* ****** some times, that guy know how to lead his clan and believe me it's not so dictator clan all to gruzzi as everyone thinks, cuz i got ****load of friends there and i talked with nemesys himself, so let me know better than all of you =)

    but as 1 man said l2 is all about dramaz
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  5. sixsense

    sixsense User

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    yes i can tell you because of work and other responsibilities we have such online, other reason you recruited whole server, 3rd nobody can miss such work day in your clan otherwise they will not get dkp witch would make minus in business of getting epics.

    first of all you do not mobilize stop even trying to say something. second you have huge activity high numbers because they are force to be like this otherwise they would get nothing. show me those people from ba who goes istina or octavis with randoms , you should not say such pathetic nonsense its fail propaganda lempartus because there are zero such people who do that and they all know that they will get drops that's why people are participating in clan events.

    we win with redguards against your clan mass pvps by 50% its kind fool to say that we can not beat you. about insulting nobody care that you left and nobody even give a *** that you are leader of bs that is not even your clan you should be shame to lead not own build clan but whatever. and you say because of lack of time you could not proper lead the clan. how you lead clan?, when alarion and sepsa is leading everything in clan events, when what you can say in sieges for 2h its they are coming and rush them. when you do not have own opinions and cant even make own decisions you just fallow other opinions.

    you are worse experience leader or gamer if you think we put some kind of spy. is easy to check when your people are registering for oly if you know how, it is easy to join waves when you know what kind of people was in that wave just by checking when they sign. so i think you we're stupid.

    ty for info , i will write to gm why is reasonable so maybe you will fail.
    of course they got ,because your clan all ready have tons of those epics that soon nobody would need them, so gratz for those new groups. dkp system is, are and will be wrong. people taking from dkp points epics and sell them instead of giving a chance for those people who really need.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  6. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    xd yes i remember one of last sieges when rg +ba rushed in
    they rushing
    go right go left /lempartus confused for 30 sec/ *sepsa * lempa *smt on polish* let me lead, then sepsa lead the pvp to glory with help of ametits and analion and at end papa lempartus *very good job guys*
    guys face the reality this clan without sepsa and alarion/amethyst/shanique its lost.

    example sepsa can confirm when i made comand channel for valakas /sepsa was working it was 9 am valakas /and lempartus was leading it, 90% of our clan got petrify/silenced by the little 75 raidboss
    cuz lempartus gived the nice orders to fight near the boss

    his 2 sentences he know are okey guys its orfen time /if get first hit ok guys log chars/
    all of you must understand, unknown private server random can not be clan leader,for god sake first learn to play your own char before start giving commands to 200 ppl , i suggest one litlle test. amethyst/sepsa/alarion/shanique stay silenced at next siege letting only lempartus leading. if you dont die like carpets i will gift you my character :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    sixsense likes this.


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    i'm not sure if people writing here are serious, so let me write me some truth and only it.

    the only reason why some dogs complain about bs dkp system is that they are just being jealous about how it works and due to space limit in bs clan - they can't enjoy it themselves. tbh i dunno any person in clan who isn't happy about current drop share. a month ago there were some unhappy faces (including me) when we couldn't bid for boa items, but after some discussions with management - surprisingly they introduced without any big dramas. it was the only drawback of it and imho current drop share system doesn't have any flaws, if cp is active sooner or later they will reach it's goals. my only hope is that lempartus wont introduce any so called "exceptions" and will keep it current as long as possible. so if you want items and you are active and if you have enough pts - here is your item, otherwise gtfo.

    now for those who believe that clan is being lead by dictators or for nemesis, who thinks that clan should be led by dictator and there couldn't be any space for democracy in clan.

    how you can complain about the clan which can easily outmatch anyone in epic events like dragons/sieges/daily pvps ? if you believe that clan is ruled by someone who is bad at management/ordering , then why you can't make something similar? i know more that enough players who wish they could join bs, but i don't know anyone who is planning to leave clan any time soon. if lempartus and co. would rule clan in nemesis way, i'm sure bs would be long gone and i'm really surprised when nemesis wrote something like "why? simple, because me and maximo said so".. wtf ? it is easy to predict what would happen if someone from bs management would say this to clannies, lucky instead of making dramas, they trying to avoid them and they are good at it. if you have a problem you sort it yourself or you go and speak with lempartus 1vs1 and so far in my and other cases i know - everything was solved in both, again both side favours. the clan is being ruled by those who believe in fairness, completely opposite emotional people like nemesis or great leader kim jong elronia. i really don't want to be in lempartus position where he is judge in every single drama case and looking from aside i don't know anyone who could be better than him in that position.

    nemesis, how you can call yourself or your boyfriend good leaders if your clan is full of spies and many people dream about leaving it at first opportunity and then join us ? just because there is no place to go at the moment, they stay with you "to hold the mass".
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
  8. Patri

    Patri User

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    oh and i got baium soul already, and livindor earring coming soon!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  9. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    wat da **** scamer where is my mail
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  10. Melll

    Melll User

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    didnt read but just looked at last sentence and already know it's some bull**** from clueless random

    go back kill newbies, pming me from boxes, and reporting enemies u piece of ****
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014


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    ... okay, but only if you take out at least more than a half of my cp next time in oly http://i.imgur.com/tkxnu8d.jpg

    btw, the only time i pmed you from box was when you were ****** in parna, blocked me and started to write text walls, so tried to explain myself, but you seems have a nice block macro. so looks like it your fanclub is bigger than you expected.

    reporting enemies ?? its your clan who is specializing at this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  12. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    i can't stand more this mistake burning my eyes every time.


    lets go together, lin-dvi-or
    Empristis and Yolai like this.
  13. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    dagger killing archer such huge achivement, what next you will post? screen of u owning me in s3? when i was 90? like u do till now with all 85-90 players in boz core? dude if you want gain some respect than learn to respect others


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    not looking for respect in this game, instead looking only for fun and part of that journey is sending people like you to village sooner than they expect it.
  15. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    funny cuz i havent seen you for weeks in the area where do i xp , oh wait, its area for level 97-99 :( to stronk for you , you're only able to (pivpi) on boz core xp spots
  16. dmxpowa

    dmxpowa User

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    words on the street he went back to swampland because there is still high level pvp taking place sometimes @boz/kamael
  17. Hindu

    Hindu User

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    dkp system / leader's decide both are fair/unfair also but what is best? some cps/players can be 100% active every day so more dkp points = mores drops, somes cant so less dkp points = less drops seems fair and good. but at my opinion to be strong clan needs strongs cps not 4 - 5 groups (with much free time) getting all the epics and then selling them cs they have 2 or 3 of them.

    ps 1 . bimart try to sell your soul orfen to your clan mates with a discount.
    ps 2 . syra can you post also ltunited/blackswansii activity also at sieges/events etc??
  18. NiNeTT

    NiNeTT User

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    that numbers i say is for pvp , atm bs only make pvp bsii dont know , so i cant say , is for that you qq for zerg when in the 80% is only bs va ba and rg
  19. Hindu

    Hindu User

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    so the bsii that i see at sieges helping at pvp and at hax movie orfen 16/1/2014 that you replied to the post are ghosts??????? omg syra dont lie

    ps . i didnt say that are many i simple asked for a number and you prefered to lie.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
  20. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    siege = every 14 days.

    in one orfen of the 3 , they came . yes you are right. syra spoke generally.
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