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Helheim Clan Recruitment Thread

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Kogkas, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    a reminder, if you're looking for clan in aria server:

    what is helheim?

    • it is an international, lvl. 7 clan, part of the ech0 alliance with vikings and chaoticminds.
    • very active in pve, with daily parties, weekly raids, spontaneous parties for dailies and instances
    • very active in pvp, with running wars and siege presence
    • owns a permanent clan hall at giran, usually holds a fort and actively sieges for gludio along with the alliance

    what are we looking for?

    • totally legit players who will not cheat or scam and will respect the crest they are wearing and the rest of the server
    • mature people who do not like drama, are polite all-around and want to enjoy their time playing along other people
    • skilled players who want to help around and offer their knowledge and enthusiasm to the rest
    • enthusiastic members who will actively look for parties within the alliance and take the first step to organize

    who we want to attract?

    • all classes and levels are welcome, as long as you fit our ideal description (read above)
    • tanks are especially wanted:cool:
    • parties of friends who usually play together (we do not have a constant party organization and we'd rather not have full cps in, but people who usually play together can find company from the member and ally pool)
    • everyone who expects to have a good time playing this game and is looking for a friendly bunch of people to enjoy l2

    how to find us?

    • check our forums, which we use as a basic means of communication
    • read through our clan rules and see if we are a good fit for you
    • if you like what you see, make an application to introduce yourself
    • poke us in game: look for anariaen, nightarrow or make contact with any other helheim crew you see around
  2. Kogkas

    Kogkas User

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    helheim is an english-speaking, international clan on aria server, very active and open to recruit all classes and levels.

    we are...
    ...level 7 with most clan skills and a permanent giran clan hall; most of the time we also have a fort.
    ...allied with vikings and chaoticmind to ech0 alliance, which currently holds gludio castle
    ...focused on both pve and pvp, are very active most times of the day and form parties via forum and clan / ally chat for tws / sieges / fort farming and the daily grind / questing.
    ...recruiting all mature people who want to enjoy this game without drama and all legit players who will not scam / exploit others, but respect the crest they're wearing.
    ...mostly looking for active enchanters and tanks, as well as healers - all awakened; all other classes and levels are welcome, of course, provided they are active and will catch up to the core of the clan fast.
    ...enjoying a healthy clan and ally chat, as well as voice comms, as we consider socializing a priority in the game.
    ...found everywhere on aria, but if you want to contact us fast, try pming nightarrow or anariaen in game, or hop to our forums, read our clan rules and make an application.

    see you in game!
  3. AnAria

    AnAria User

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    recruitment is closed till aria is back alive :(
    sad to say that clan goes inactive...
  4. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    merge with vikings and all will be fine ;)
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