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Stop the process of archiving.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Brume, Apr 12, 2012.

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  1. Brume

    Brume User

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    for the forum sake it's unreadable !
    everytime you put an answer to explain why a post is locked down and moved to the archive session it make the post pop up in the list and since you let the redirection check this put weird post that we all don't care in the main forum.
    so please postpone the process to learn how to use a forum administration tool properly because this is really anoying !
    the post are no more inactive because you post in them !

    it's look like that and it really screw the use of the forum :
  2. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    dear brume,

    all members have been warned that archiving will be taking place, normally at the first of every month, but as i am sure you can see for yourself, there was still a back log on this particular section that needed attention. this process will not be stopped and will only be a temporary process so please stop your trolling and just be patient whilst the team do much needed work.

  3. BadAss

    BadAss User

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    i wanted to state my opinion on moving/archieving threads but since our so careing mods locked the thread someone made today i will start my own thread.

    stop messing with the forum

    i'm sick of opening the forums and see on the first pages only moved/closed old topics - it's quite annoying! and here i will quote deepblue: "...stop your trolling and just be patient whilst the team do much needed work..." - that was a part of the answer in the previous thread i mentioned and i have to say that i will be offended if he/she replies to me in the same way. don't get me wrong, it is good to have order, but no one really cares/needs to have old and inactive topics archieved. does it matter in what subsection of the forum are they? you can't even save disk space from doing this, i am quite sure of it, so why bother messing with the look of the forum? i know you want to make it better, but instead you make it quite worse!!!

    if i somehow managed to convince you even a little just make a pool and you will se the results yourself - i am sure that most of the users feel your way of "cleaning" the forums is wrong.
  4. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    answers have already been given several times, repeating topics over and over will not change the processes, they are in place for a reason and they are temporary and yes this is considered trolling. and if you feel the need to quote anyone from the forum, quote the entire sentence instead of manipulating it in a way to suit yourself.


    thread merged.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012
  5. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    the first planned archiving will be on april and might seem a bit messy since 26 pages should be moved, but links stay only for a week and then everything will be clean and in place.
    no it does not save space, but keeps the forum organised, so that everyone will know that topics older than a month without replies, can be found at archive, and keeps in main board active threads.
    it might be unpleasent but is totally necessary.
  6. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned.

    kind regards.
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