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Leader with not even balls to scam.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Hindu, Oct 13, 2016.

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  1. S4nDm4N

    S4nDm4N User

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    So Elronia scammer,when is kengaa slurping him into clan? Heard will take slot on taka cp since the legend incident :/
  2. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    fill this form. and send to support
    Vonak, Aleksandr1na and R4inm4n like this.
  3. Lirialia

    Lirialia User

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    It's called L2 store, in case you didn't know. :p

    On topic.
    /care about the items.
    Personally I don't think elronia will sell for $$$. The items will most probably sit in the clan wh forever picking up dust. The only complaint I have is that after all those years in RG, I expected some announcement from elronia.
    A reason for leaving. If he got bored, it's ok, I get it. But at least we deserved a "goodbye". Not just logout for
    vacations, and 2 months later, log back in to remove all privileges, and logout again.

    To alexandrina: do you have any proof that it's an alt account? Or just speacking out of your *** again?

    And to set things straight. The reason your CP left, is because YOU accused elronia of scamming the clan wh and /emo-leave. If you need more info on the subject, ask sleiter.

    And more on the "scam" thingy. How about those epics you took with you when you left clan, and you feel so mighty strong now?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
    WaRiAtKa and Kym Willer like this.
  4. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    Another proof of how slow you are . Anyway you were proud winner of " Slowest person in RG " contest. Won without any doubts.
    We left and Sh1ny can confirm it ,is that we wanted to go for end-game content and fight for all dragons and stuff.We wanted to change the item distrubution (not in our favour only ,but u are too slow to understand it).
    You can ask him for the recordings why we argued ,not about his " scams" but about his vision about the clan.We wanted to remove DKP and change completely how the clan works ,he said no ,we had drama and we left,not because we didnt take certain item/amount of items. No matter what we did im pretty sure he will agree on that we didnt leave cause of items.
    The things that we posted on the forum was cause we were accused of such and we simply answered back.

    About your epics ,we took 1 lindvior ,you took 1 lindvior . We have the blessed valakas that is on me ,u took atleast 3 7s energies more then us (which 1 is already more then the valakas itself). Trasken ring .. i wont even count it but whatever.

    What you CP did for the RG ? How many times Pano emo-left clan cause someone told him something ? You left once as a CP and came back. Didnt YOU exactly leave cause of a PvE weapon stone that the mentioned SirHoru wanted for his beloved lover Casma?

    /out of topic .
    When you are posting on forums like this one ,atleast put the effort to spellcheck some of the words ,cause you look really ridiculous.
    I was 1 year +- in RG ,you still cannot even type my name properly.
  5. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Someone call Svoloc to give some statement.
  6. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    He did already, zauliuz is Svoloc himself
    yLogy likes this.
  7. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    It's not about svoloc putting some statements ,it's easy and i will explain it ,since they dont have the guts to admit it .
    They are rats and they wanted part of the share ,before they leave ,they knew where it was going and what was going to happen with RG and they Looked for an option in other clan -which is normal flow of the things is total normal. But yet they didnt get the part of the cake and they got butthurt and decided make it public. Well dear Rats,not gonna work. Stay happy with what you take and continue washing the CH with your "top" party.

    Edit : Sorry forgot to put "" on the top at the end.
  8. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Svoloc left without saying anything and Elronia blamed him. Now he do same. I enjoying this big happy family thingies...
  9. Lirialia

    Lirialia User

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    Α) Since you question my spelling. Learn the difference between the words THEN and THAN first. After you learn some basic english grammar, you are free to question my spelling.

    B) The difference between our CP, and yours, is that when we left, we first returned ALL CLAN ITEMS. But you can't say you did the same, can you? And the reason that we left, is MILES away from what you wrote. The reason was a dispute we had with shiny on a PERSONAL level. It had nothing to do with items or in general with the game.

    C) And let me refresh your memory, cause it seems to be a bit selective.
    When you left, you were QQing about dkp, and that "trashes" get items, and you wanted to gear up the clans "bigshots" (yourselves included ofc), while shiny wanted everyone to have equal shot at items through dkp.
    Because he was not giving you items, since you were the tip of the spear in pvp, you left the clan, with some billions of items in your pockets.

    Halloween is in 10 days, the clown costume suits you perfectly.
  10. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    If you returned the items you got, your problem, after that much effort spent in amount of hours farming with the clan, you retuned the items, I hope since you returned all of them you did the same with the 7s energies you got besides all other items (which I don't give a **** if you did, but would be funny to do half of it and bragging about it)

    About gearing up people from clan or anything, do you consider giving anakims and liliths to people camping clan hall a worth investment? If so, you're not very bright then, just go to forum / dkp and check who got what from clan and how much they were giving in return as a matter of how useful their cp was (online time, activity, olympiad farming, dragons camping, pvp power, castles activity, etc), about rest I won't even comment, no point but if you're going to compare and bring facts in, at least check out first that what you type it's somehow true
  11. Lirialia

    Lirialia User

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    First of, who are you exactly?
    The 7s were not returned since they were personal items by clan rules.
    The epics were clan items, and it was made very clear to everyone when they took them that if you /quit or leave you have to return them.

    Since you asked, I went and checked the forum and dkp, it seems alexandrina forgot to mention the trasken on sleiter, the 2 pve stones, and the pvp stone he took. And about the 7s. With 5 out of 7 with permanent 20% activity, it's a miracle you got those 3 7s.

    And pvp activity? Who? Sleiter? Mr 24/7 pve?
    Or camping parna when alex was hero counts as pvp?
  12. iSTOMPquakez

    iSTOMPquakez User

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    its funny how all the "Personal disputs", "Vision of clan","Bad leadership" and all different kind of those always happens when clan "X" start loosing, ive seen it many times and its still funny
  13. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    svoloc the mother of scamers
  14. 1Damage

    1Damage User

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    He did not scam anyone, he just didn't give anyone anything o_O
  15. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    I see you are really familiar with the Halloween so you will probably participate. Dunno about clown costume ,but you can go as yourself - ****** Slowpoke(I can just call you Pano CP member,pretty much the same). You will win another contests (if you didnt understand it ,i can explain. Dont hesitate to ask,we already know you!).
    Talking about memory refreshment let me tell you a story:
    Party you are right about the DKP part ,we wanted to gear up the proper CPs/people from the clan. He said no ,and we can see the result ,most useless CP i have ever seen for 12+ years in this game (yours -for the slowpokes like you) got items and the clan went straight down. Healer running with lindvior while having dagger/feoh in CP. We were not QQing about DKP ,we wanted to remove it/change it completely.
    As up to returning clan items ,did u return them now ? Cause i can tell you what they said in clan chat when you left -" in 1 week i will reinvite them " i guess you are pretty much predictable ,so the excuse"when we left back then we returned everything " is not valid anymore.Not surprised,such players much wow.

    About your dispute on personal level ,ofc it would be on personal level ,you are all rats and trashes,what else to be ?

    So i will ask again ,did you return the items you got from RG ? The 7s ,the lindvior and all the stuff ? Cause you are blaming someone for something you are doing aswell ,which like i said in some of my previous posts MAKES NO SENCE BRAH!

    And unlike the rest i keep my words and i stand behind them ,so i can say proudly that TRASHES got items (not talking about every1,but you exactly). Im not afraid to say it out loud.

    P.S I never said our CP was the bigshots or that any other CP is. (Dunno why im explaining it for i dont know probably 12300th time,but still ) What we wanted to do is instead of spreading 100 items in total worth of 10b i.e on 100 people ,to put them on 1-2 CPs by turn depending on their setup and impact during pvp(NOT PVE). Which was totaly the opposite of the DKP idea. We got denied multiple times on that idea and in the end things just exploded. About trash CPs ,i got asked by Elronia " To who to give those items who is worth it ?" The answer from my side (you can also hear it on the recordings ) was Ivader Cp(Current iRevan CP). Back then (just like now) your CP was full trash and total useless (i think you have been already told few times by Stevian/Assazhi this,and as you can see noone from your current clan is trying to deny it).

    Btw i give you that ,you really spellchecked the words this time! Good slowpoke good boy!
  16. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    The fact that you or anyone from your cp is speaking about pvp in a pve clan is at least funny, tell me how many pvp activities did RG have in the course of the week compared to all the pve activities.
    Sleiter CP never got a pve weapon stone, those 2 were given to Specnaz CP. And check again the activity, you don't want me to post the real numbers
    Edit to help you understand it faster: Specnaz CP got 0 7s energy, those are the members with 20-30% you might be talking about
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  17. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    When im saying that your reading skills are below zero since you are VERY VERY SLOW, Turtle speed ,even worse. Learn to read like now ,please.

    About oly ,when was the last time u signed or any of your CP ? Horu who was (maybe he still is) banging casma was either player her or she was playing him. Anima4 was showing from time to time and pano playing on his own mostly. About pvp what ? Look around you ,everybody and their mothers know you are the clanhall cleaning lady ,camping it since forever.

    I dont know why you even speak about stuff ,that you dont even know what they stand for ..
  18. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    i left because you and shiny don't care about clans/ally, just watching how to "DOMINATE" and run or cele. also say thx for blooddyvine and tampony, he was on alfabetaomega or smth like this at that time. when those two clowns pk you all over map for no reason it's fun. and when i said in ally chat "ok, i start pk ba for no reason" then shiny started scream, and said: if you don't like gt*o and leave. ok i left. sold everything in next 36hours. and didn't regret it. probably if i didn't get offer i would return that earring later. but happened what happened.
    so blame me for everything. you are saints without any sin, svo was bad, and ungrateful.
  19. Lirialia

    Lirialia User

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    Did I make you mad?

    You are a really funny clown you know. I see some real potential you got there.
    Maybe consider it as a full time profession.

    Feel free to check the activity and tell me what you find, I did and the difference is more than 10% in activity. If you count the 2 months that your CP didn't exist since you had 2 or 3 members it's even more.

    About the pve stone, check again, you will find Goomer taking pve stone while in sleiter CP.

    On the oly topic, we had 5 out of 7 ppl consistently playing oly every month. Casma was even doing it with 2 toons making 30 matches on both (casmi and casma). When was the last time your CP went to oly? Because from all I know, sleiter was triggering (never playing), neko was comming, alexandrina and sometimes tzam. The rest? Nonexistent somewhere afk.

    I won't bother talking to you any longer or proving a point since you have a fun way twisting the truth, but I guess you need to do it, so that you can sleep at night with some feeling of accomplishment.

    You can stay mad now and break a keyboard.
  20. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Who did what to Aleksandrina? Why he think he is good and what is even better, why he thinks any clan would farm for him all items? And especially for someone, who isnt able to improve alone. Major part of equipment of all parties comming from personal effort of CPs, clan helps, but help to someone who saying " feed me with items or i leave" its pure nonsense... Such a ppl who cannot even improve themselves... Just expect to get all items from clan for free. Today this forum is funny...
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