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Change main class

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by jekix604, Dec 6, 2016.

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  1. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    This is just totally no sense and random comment from your side, that show us what kind of brain you have.
  2. reivax

    reivax User

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    I don't understand in NC west they do all switch separate switch whit servers etc etc.In Russian Innova do last December do switch separate and transfer what problem is get some money in L2 store and sell that setting when ppl wona buy this easy like that switch main whit dual
  3. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    NC doesnt have main<>dual, rusians dont have main<>dual, koreans dont have main<>dual (but koreans had an event where u could have donated your dual to another person (or to yourself in that manner) it was called "invite a friend" so from 1 char u had 2 different chars)
    what u are talking about is server transfers, and its not main<>dual, server transfers is much easier since they already have scripts for joining servers so its not big deal to transfer 1chars full data to another server

    main<>dual would bring so much nonsence in game.. like archers with white elf skills on dark elfs, like healers (almost all) with pow's in oly, like tanks with reflects in oly, and etc.. to relevel char is not hard, but all dont want to do it because of shirts/brooches and etc, but if they make this main<>dual all would be runing hibrids.. some races will be totaly forgoten (all new tanks would be orcs, all dds dark elfs and etc)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
  4. reivax

    reivax User

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    You rly think that someone will be care about stupid race att ? I think when you change main you can include change race if you need of course saya seer eviscator can't be change what is include from that changes that same kamael classes .Not because is not impossible only that game is special that create for that class that from beginning can be resolve different way .Do you think that change now in chaos esensce don't give stupid thinks like dager humans who is wind rider or ghost hunter ? It is now that way what stupid reason you give because someone now is that way and no one cry about this orc who can be tyr dread or tyr dooombringer and ? Point is that this ppl who exp char in 103 lvl and more they don't change for different char like some another ppl who don't have brain who switch rerol in 1 year 6 times and after that time all server is few light years before them .Next argu is that exlated and faction soon will be grand crusade upgrade now 6 exlated quest is more like 1,5 year doing quest NO WAY TO DONATE THIS .You think that someone new or old start from beginning like you whiteout brain that job ? DO you think that new players start new chars think how long more server will be have that many ppl and after 2 years from now only 20 on top they don't will be win becosue they are best only they have all quest even no donation and exp or no life help them .I think if inova won't to have profit in next 2 years they should think about instant change sub <> main pots or something different way on server will be less ppl less and soom left only 100 and gf server dead .In EU server special in NC west is dead zone becosue that politics don't help only kill serv .If somewhere say to me ok inova lose donate from rune 200% exp stupid example why ? Try EXP 105 you will see why .Whit that often PVE exp event go on hit 105 GL plus only 1 libra ( not 10 like you can see on NC west now is IX orx LIBRA THERE ) THEY TRY DO SOMETHING BUT THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT BOT'S this server win whit problem of both now they should every week ask ppl what they won't and simply give them this plus counting profit .We speak about something normal not AQ ring for 10 euros or etc but change main <> sub should be ok now chaos can switch in oly and ppl switch all time and is no porblem .
    Lillim likes this.
  5. Ennigma

    Ennigma User

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    I'm Feoh Soulhound and i'd love to be Feoh SS but with some SS before awakening skills. Can I switch with chaos essence and decrease my lvl dying and get those SS skills? Or. Is there any chance to change main class before awakening?
  6. Fragola

    Fragola User

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  7. Naito

    Naito User

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    With dual class is only one problem, can't play olimpiad. In my opinion it should be possible. Easy to change, for example some one is main Feoh and dual Yul, he go first fight in month as Yul need to play to the end as Yul. Next cycle if he want, he can start as Feoh and finish as Feoh. Simple.
  8. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    If that was the case, what hero are you in the end? Feoh or yul? Or whatever you played this month? If it's what you've played then this means there isn't separation in main/dual, which i doubt they would do. If it's fixed, you are hero on your main, the idea is broken. In my opinion they need to make no restriction to subclasses (levels, classes), so the dual becomes subclass again and all are on the same category as main, and a service to switch your main with one of them, but with some sort of a limit let's say once every 3/6 months maximum.

    This would cause some people ofc to make the fotm subclass and switch it as a main, but on the other hand they would either do it, having to make a new character buy every untradable thing again etc. which are fairly expensive things €-wise, or deciding to quit the game because the new fotm dd class is killing the on sight and they get no fun
  9. Naito

    Naito User

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    What you dont understand ? Start Yul so finish as Yul and be hero also Yul, can't go in this month as Feoh.
  10. P2WforWIN

    P2WforWIN User

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    There was a option not main<> dual but change only main by stone of destiny i see old players that are race humon but have elf class or anythink like this
    Why thay was have this option to change i wanna change also....
  11. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    I don't think switching mail with dual will ever be a service provided by any official server. What Korea has is that you can split your dual from your character and move it as a different character to the same or maybe a different account.
    So you end up with two characters, I also think that this new character only has dyes and maybe enchanted skills, all the quests done or non-tradable items stay with your old char.
  12. Lillim

    Lillim User

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    just they must pay nckorea for soft to do this, propably not small :)
  13. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Even if that's the case, still Race change is not a cheap service, in Korea and NA it costs the same as server transfer.
    If you think about it, it also boosts Gender change because many people will wanna change to a different gender on their desired race.
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