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Olympiad Matches [HD + Original Quality]

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by KrustyVonBach, Apr 24, 2012.

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  1. KrustyVonBach

    KrustyVonBach User

    Likes Received:
    1. sigel knight vs. tyrr warrior

    2. aeore healer vs. wynn summoner

    3. aeore healer vs iss enchanter

    4. yul archer vs. othell rogue

    5. sigel knight vs. iss enchanter

    6. aeore healer vs. feoh wizard

    7. tyrr warrior vs. aeore healer

    8. aeore healer vs. aeore healer

    9. feoh wizard vs. yul archer

    10. sigel knight vs. wynn summoner

    11. aeore healer vs. aeore healer

    12. sigel knight vs. wynn summoner

    13. sigel knight vs. iss enchanter

    14. iss enchanter vs. iss enchanter

    15. aeore healer vs. iss enchanter

    16. aeore healer vs iss enchanter

    17. feoh wizard vs. sigel knight

    18. yul archer vs. wynn summoner

    19. feoh wizard vs yul archer

    20. sigel knight vs. iss enchanter

    21. sigel knight vs. iss enchanter

    22. othell rogue vs. iss enchanter

    23. aeore healer vs. wynn summoner

    24. tyrr warrior vs. yul archer

    25. aeore healer vs. iss enchanter

    26. aeore healer vs. aeore healer

    27. othell rogue vs. othell rogue

    28. iss enchanter vs. othell rogue

    29. aeore healer vs. aeore healer

    30. iss enchanter vs. othell rogue

    31. iss enchanter vs. sigel knight

    32. aeore healer vs. iss enchanter

    33. tyrr warrior vs. sigel knight

    34. iss enchanter vs. sigel knight

    35. iss enchanter vs. sigel knight

    36. othell rogue vs. iss enchanter


    1. othell rogue

    2. feoh wizard

    3. aeore healer

    4. tyrr warrior

    5. wynn summoner

    6. iss enchanter

    7. sigel knight

    8. yul archer

    l2eogamer channel : http://www.youtube.com/l2eogamer
    lineage 2

    ps: some viewers noticed that we are not using the background music, its because using copyrighted material can get us in big trouble, say thankyou to 2012 new copyright rules. in my opinion, in couple of weeks, we should be able to add some tracks from some artists, that actually support l2eogamer, so just keepntight.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2012
  2. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

    Likes Received:
    ejiucabot still frontstabing and wasting skills,i see some people never changes. :(
  3. Dudnex

    Dudnex User

    Likes Received:
    this frapsing is just bad.. l2 needs some better spectator mode for this
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