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Our Own Dimensional Siege? i dont think so

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by -V77-, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    55/5 servers = 11 for each server IF ALL the protection was successful, which is not the case every siege.

    Also the majority of Aden/Rune owners try to make it to the next stage to get PvP weapon stone as they don't have a problem with armor stones.

    It's not like they get it EACH stage - if you managed to keep the castle, you update your Dimensional energy and exchange it. It's not like you get updated energy every stage.

    So let's say you managed to get Aden and keep it for 4 sieges (2 months), then you can update Dimensional energy lvl 3 for lvl 4 and exchange for it to Dark Helios Enhancement Stone — x2, if you lost it on 4rth siege, you are left only with lvl 3.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  2. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    System is totaly fine, only 2 clans cared for that stone since the start of that system and now there is only one that can win it.The moment that the rest clans will change tactic and get some balls to fight things gonna change.But we are on Core, nothing gonna change,stop qqing
  3. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    As response to Fragola, as with PvE stones I didn't mean PvE armor stones, as those are fixed more or less with open field raids bosses + PA agathion rewards, I meant PvE weapon stones, which can be only farmed from 3 dragons + Trasken + dimensional raids which we don't have in our server (https://l2central.info/wiki/Припасы_Героя_Иного_Измерения#Opening). Somehow this info is missing from eu wiki, probably because we just don't have the feature. As you can see it's true what you said, one person gets coupon for either pve armor stone or weapon, but you can also spend 19 dimensional coins to get that chest with chance to give you pve stone both armor and weapon, even tho when chance is low, there's still chance.

    As about pvp armor stones ,there are 7 castles not including Rune and Aden, if you need to defend them for 2 sieges (1 month), you get 35 from all those castles in dimensional siege, which means divided by the amount of server RU got (5 if I'm not wrong) it's still like 7 stones per server per month , which is a bit of counter to the pvp weapon stone you can get in both rune and aden, so the system more or less stays in balance (pvp sets as counter of pvp weapons and viceversa), while here we get pvp weapon stones but not pvp armor stones at all, even small quantity would do the job little by little I guess

    P.S: I guess the general idea of this post it's just to give smaller clans a way of improving even if it's little by little to mby some day try to join forces some of them and try to compete for the big rewards which are dragons / pvp weapon stone castles, but as Nogf2ez said we're on Core, it might never happen

    Fast edit: V77 those 17 stones you listed went all of them to EN as PotrisFanClub and Blahfirmed are box clan of ours
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2017
  4. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    If you think it's healthy for the top clan of the server to aim to crest gludio,dion and all other tier 3 castles then you are as clueless in this game as the people who answer support tickets. Server siege system needs a change.
    iKoobu and MrOurk like this.
  5. gangbrossCO

    gangbrossCO User

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    Let'[s bring back the teritory battle option , was best fun ever .
    iKoobu and MrOurk like this.
  6. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    Replacing Territory Wars with CoC was pbb the worst decision I've ever seen in l2..

    Problem of TW is that you need a castle to participate, and if top clan or mid clan takes castle from enemy, he won't participate in the next TW.. And dunno if the TW files are even available for the EU staff to implement it here.. But for sure it'd be great, like 1 week siege, another week TW.. And TW could give like 2-4 pvp armor stones per ward that each clan has in the end, Idk..
    iKoobu, MrOurk and gangbrossCO like this.
  7. JaceB

    JaceB User

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    Do you actually see what you typing ?
    Feb 10, 2017
    2 clans ? wich is the second one cause i see only 1 clan in dragons
  8. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    If anyone of you had any doubts if the administration of the server is clueless i think you got the answer.
    Gludio Dion every big clan's dream.

    LF new CM once again ,this one is playing some other game (if she/he ever played a game in his/her entire life).
  9. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    It's not only the CM, when they tell you that server is unstable everytime and they can't fix it or they can't put events or l2store promos like gender change or switch main to dual class because it will create problems on database when ncwest f.e. have these features long time that means there is a deeper problem here...

    It's same company but it has so many differences between EU and RU servers.Looks like they focus on RU and the EU one is only for L2store
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  10. Hax

    Hax User

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    Instead of bashing on Fragola you might as well appreciate her time to even check ingame for stuff which is not the case with every GM on other servers.

    It is true, that the constant changing of castle is not so successful as top clans will crest it no matter what.
    Changing castle basically results only in 1 thing: Lower clans keep losing their castles.

    If you keep it on Aden+Rune, then at least only those two will be out of hand for lower clans, but the rest will be available to fight for.

    About shortage of pvp armor stones: I have to agree with Fragola, we have many pvp armor stones on server. People get 1 Shot for other reason, not because of missing pvp armors. (Hint: you get 1 shot for missing everything and if you have everything you get 1 shot for not having UD on archer skills+brooch)

    Maybe there can be some change in offering rewards to castle owners (lower castles get pvp armor stones maybe; even EN cant defend all castle at the same time) but also here: As soon as there is a reward on a castle, top clans will try to crest which leaves other clans without castle.
    SnoWyz likes this.
  11. Skalpelex6

    Skalpelex6 User

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    getting os or 2 shot from one archer full stuff is not something u cant qualify as a contest, am pretty sure u are often in the good side of the aoe -regards-
  12. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Please skalpelex6 tell me one person who stands alive vs 1 archer on broch br+ci+hunter+rapso+br no matter wich side it is, learn to try to counter and recover from that instead of qqing about it.
    (Out of defensive skills)
  13. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    This decision is on dev's side, not ours.

    No, it's not. Top clans always aimed for Adena and Rune for obvious reasons. And crested necessary castles to alt clans.

    No, we're not implementing anything ourselves, only the original content from KR and we're not allowed to code a single variable, so we can just request something and wait. Usually, the devs are following their own vision and refuse to support content that is not present in other versions. So most likely even if we ask about TW, we'll get "no".

    I counted TH and EN as two main sides.

    mkay :20:

    Hax likes this.
  14. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    Share with us the average population in RU servers and EU the last 3 years!
  15. __JTB

    __JTB User

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    Let's calculate a bit:
    Let's assume castles don't change owner for 3 months on the Russian dimensional sieges. (To get the max number of weapon stones in shortest time) That's 6 weapon stones and 140+ armor stones for 5 servers. That's on average 0.2 (6 stones/(5 servers *6 sieges)) weapon stones and 4.67+ armor stones per server per siege. And here winner gets 1 weapon stone every siege, and nobody gets any pvp armor stone. Seems balanced.
    MrOurk likes this.
  16. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    by making it random u denying 1 castle every 2 weeks for rest of server cause those 2 sides simply 1shot lower clans
    about pve stones - 1 pve stone every 2 weeks is 1 more than we get here, + those coins are farmed by all server which can be traded into stones again (doesnt matter it can be 3months to make the 19coin chest, but that chest has a chance in stone, and in 3months of farming for lets say 300ppl atleast 1 gets extra stone for wep and few more armor stones so that also brings it to account that we have only 4 stones with chances to drop, and they have those 4 +extra from dimensionals)

    about shortage of pve/pvp armor/wep stones, its not about shortage.. its about pricing and accessibility of them for ppl playing here, lets take an example: lets take person who farms adena game way and he makes 100kk/h in 100h he makes 10b adena so he can buy 8-10 pvp armor stones here, and in rusian servers ppl make same farm 100h=10b and they can buy 12-15 stones, so we are missing 2-5 stones for the same effort, i understand marketing prices are made by ppl, but there is also a factor of accessibility of those items provided by server, we miss a part and as all marketing goes demand rises price
    lets say gainak in a 2week period drops 100armor stones, so in 2 week we get 100, after 2 week = 200, after 10weeks = 500
    so now lets count in russian (lets say all 10 castles are succesfull in holding castles) 1st 2week = 100, 2nd 2week = 240(-40 compared to our), and after 8 week period 680 (its 2 weeks less and 180 extra stones - its hard to keep castles and etc i understand but its ~40% more accessable than to us and in 25% less time)
    MrOurk likes this.
  17. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    They are getting 1 shot when u have no boosts on. Thats the general problem. U dont really need to open any skills for such a people to hit them 120k. So dunno what u wanna counter in their situation.

    As about pve, pvp armor/weapon stones. People discuss here few missing stones from sieges, low drop rate in gainak, few missing stones from dragons... And meanwhile l2store making new stones daily and if there is some good offer, its flooding market with amounts u can only dream u will farm so easily...
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  18. andrius3022

    andrius3022 User

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    Maybe was main sides, but not anymore. Now there is only EN.
    So such dimensional siege system (as we have now) is not providing any sort of "challenge" in server :)

    Cele (10sec) & Rescue (25sec @+20) can be as counters for skill (or at least 1/3 of it).. Party UD/Sacrifice does not give complete protection either since if you get 150k+ - tank can not take 90% of that damage and you just simply die with pt ud on.

    Not mentioning for me as a tank with basically all possible defensive gear besides like 2 top items (+10 Monkey belt instead of COC and no 3rd SA) I can easily get 60-80k from archers even without their 101 skill.. so tell me more please... :)

    I suppose a lack of ability to counter archers did not led you to rerol from Feoh to Yull. :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    MrOurk likes this.
  19. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Thanks god someone got my point.

    We know koreans don't implement things other servers didn't get, but maybe they are more receptive to hear suggestions / feedback comming from server team (like Innova branch or NCWest or w/e), it's same as this game should stop focusing too much into l2store and give more chances for non paying players to catch up (old content shoudl be much faster to get, in example levels), not only that but spoil/craft system is beyond dead, drop in any area 100+ (areas into which bot is not working at all in this server) is ridiculous, finishing after 1h farm with 5kk adena per member when only in order to get brooch rhapsody (your latest addition to l2store) is 300kkk is not less than a joke itself, so some changes regarding all of this could be maybe given to koreans, same as I think they had in mind to bring back territory wars for dimensional servers (mby they gave up on the idea), there are needed too many changes to this game, at least the GoD+ version that it's not even worth it to post them all here, but easier farm so people non paying could catch up and maybe new content (new armor/weapon grade introduced into endgame content like dragons) could help a lot this server. Sieges is just another of those things that need to be changed ,at least on this server

    At least myself I would like to thank you for your time in this post and at least you're reading our comments / complains / suggestions, something that no one from Innova.EU during the past close to 3 years did, which I guess it's a huge improvement like Hax said himself
    plastoosh likes this.
  20. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    I've been watching this situation since December and I also see that even if we change the castle, the current top clan would crest it no matter what, while lower clan would not be able to protect it and just hope that next time randomizer won't choose their castle. Now this IS a problem in my opinion and today I brought this to the attention of our team and we'll think if we can improve this situation.

    BTW, @Hax I enjoyed the content of your videos and I'd like to put them on our social media, but I cannot because the music contains too much of swearing (
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