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14th of March maintanance.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by iAris, Mar 14, 2017.

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  1. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    pts is closed not for testing reasons... i got an answer when i asked why pts closed they said since ppl complain when they dont see smth they decided to close all pts
  2. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Well it was a good feature to see what they were planning to introduce, even if it doesn't come to live server it was usefull
  3. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    CM Fragola-03/14/2017

    after several incidents like I described, when users decided something based on PTS and then demanded the team that it happen soon, or blamed the team, the testing decided to close all PTS from public access

    that was answer about why pts are closed
  4. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Based on my information, Its good step to close PTS at all for public. If we wanna focus on "equality" for all players, its better if it will stay closed for public.

    As far as i know, none from current players who plays on Core are part of test team and also test team cannot test everything they wanna. I specificly asked, if Tester can turn off random scatter in damage, test skills, test L2store etc, answer was negative. What they test is controlled by Head GM and they cannot really test whatever they wanna. Respectively they can test it, but Head GM gonna see it and take decision about them.
  5. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    what equality u are talking about if pts is closed?
    need reminders of some nonsences where testers had huge advantage (and by huge i mean not 1-2b but 100-500bilion adena)
    remember elcyums, or when brooches 6 came, elcyums price jumped 4x somehow 95% of elcyums was gone before they announced on ru section
    when brooches came somehow all brooches <20kk were gone same day when it came to ru pts (and im 99% sure it wasnt checked by random players first)
    MrOurk likes this.
  6. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    So closing Public Test Server where you can plan ahead what's about to come more or less into your server is bad. It's like saying that when they decided to close PTS for upcoming updates by removing scripts making you full gear / level to test stuff was good also. It's not like no one could just download it, make a level 1 char, take a look at NPC's / L2store to try to understand what might be comming up and that's all
  7. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    +1, like event with rapsos dropping, i knew it gona come, i found myself a company to farm warp(took not 1 not 2 days to find who will dedicate alot of time to farm it until all done), i made my 6slot bracelet, i got some books and etc etc
  8. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Its not solution for all players, just for some specific players.
    And as far as i know, none from Core players is tester at PTS.

    And exactly things like CMEC mentioned should be reason why to keep such things like PTS closed. Because some players taking advantage from it. And its not purpose of PTS in my opinion. Players should have equal position, so either u annouce changes and events before, or u keep it in total silent and implement it suddenly. But if 30 people know what is comming to Core 1 months before and 200 people doesnt know it, its not definitely equal.

    So GM team should annouce tested events, even if test fail and we will not get event, and close PTS and let testers do their job.Its not needed to have lvl 1 characters on PTS servers.
    Mar 23, 2017
    U asking this question in wrong way. U need to ask. Its bad, if some players know and plan their next steps and some players doesnt know it, because they dont know even how to connect to PTS and some of them maybe dont even know there is something like PTS? My asnwer is, Yes, it is bad.
  9. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    if its closed and accessible only for testers doesnt mean that only testers will take advantage.. testers have friends u know (since they all play in live server, have cp's/clan and etc..
    how to connect to pts all can search in forum its not heavily guarded secret
  10. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    It's like teling me it's bad to know more or less the events that will come to Core (even if PTS is closed), because I can research info by myself, whoever want to do it can do it, simple as that. The case in example of elcyums, I could just make a level 1 char in japanese server when the update comes (usually 1-2 months before RU) and just check how market evolves to see the changes and apply them here, do I need EU PTS for that also? not really
  11. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    So as i see, u are Ok with PTS being closed, so i guess subject is closed in your case. Be my guest to go to Japanese server and grab info for U and your friends about incomming events and changes to our server and take advantage from it.
    Mar 23, 2017
    People at Core has different opinion about it and many of them doesnt know about PTS. Maybe first try to get all informations, instead of spamming here. As far as i understand, u was 1 from few people who took advantages from PTS, i did also. And still im against, because its not equall for all. Thats the fact. There are other solutions how to make it equall, and do not need PTS for it.
  12. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Where from what all I posted I said it's ok? It's ******ed and makes totally nonsense because the info that it's here can be elsewhere also, the people that complain about not being able to access to it are just lazy ***** and the ones thinking it's good it closed it's basically because never used it, stop twisting arguments to your favour, it doesn't make you look smarter in any way
  13. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Are they lazy or they doesnt wanna do it? Does it matter. Innova offers a product to players. Why they should download some bookmarks, change some setups and access to other server when they play on Core. I play here long, i knew about PTS, i knew about some info before and objectively i admit, i took some advantages from it. I also say, its not fair and that option shouldnt be allowed, because sometimes advantage is just too high. There are other ways how to do it and it will be for mass and not for specific people only.

    PTS is there for specific purposes and not for grabing informations. Grabing informations for players isnt purpose of PTS and if u log there or no, it has 0 influence on true purpose of PTS, so why u would even log there?
    Mar 23, 2017
    Yes, i asked same. This was answer. We need to believe. Further conversation leaded to following results: Equallity for all players.
    Closing PTS was propably considered as best option by GM team.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  14. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    i played at ru i know who testers are, unfortunately some of them was my cw and will not share info.. but i guess im not alone who played at ru servers and im not alone who knows testers and probably have vk/skype/icq.. and spoofing info that u are so trying to protect..
    pts was for a reason to go test, yes we had oportunity to know something before it comes to live, but also (dont know about u) i have 95+++ char there and if smth interesting i go and try it out in open field..
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