yo, i haven't seen any tanks pov's lately so i thought about makin one. nothing special just few pvp actions i managed to fraps and which fit to the music background. have some more interesting frapses but they last for like 10 min + each which i thought may be to long for a movie. so: pov: tank link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2iplmk24cg time: 16:07 min size: 1.47 gb (1080p quality) content: some fun by nemesys cp. my first movie rendered in svp 11. lookin for comments about quality/content/advices/music/vegas juices and so on. enjoy, admiral
"gilby viscount this message is hidden because gilby is on your ignore list. view post remove user from ignore list" ty. for the sake of my movie i clicked "viev post". ok. sountruck sux you say. next time i will choose better. ty.
love the editing style. 'f--k up snowman' ahahahahahah. but yup,must give it,the music is terrible. gf guys,neme pineapple.
not wallhack. it is just that way when i have all juices_on in l2. 8:15 - y, mass pvp. was one party comin, sec party killin and random pt flaggin. pvp for that movie i choosed myself to fit it with the music. next one will be way better (hopefully). that's why im lookin for your opinion guys. @ btw - almost all pvp we had - we had with ppl in r95/95 + lvls so i thought it may be good material. greetz
quality-awsome, didn`t know l2 looks that good on high details content-nothing special, just everyday pvps, big plus for non-healer pov and nice playing as a tank advices-intros are for roleplayers and g@ys, no1 want to see it! music-bugged from start- some strange noises coming from my speakers (like womans screaming on their period etc), after 13:40min it`s ok
admi's intro is well made ,music is the problem. now go remake it with rhapsody's or disturbed music,it will be 10 times better. :d
the reason i choosed that kind of music was simply cuz i like it + i didn't want to make any other roar music from thousands of movies i'd seen before. and i will not change that movie. i am actually already working on second movie which i hope will be better then previous one. coming soon !
to glory by two steps from hell was your best music choice in this video. maybe in your next one you could use some more of their music.