hello, according to mr dot ,every real greek gets burned in the middle of the street. hoping that this this server doesnt tolerate racism,we ,players from greece ,expect a proper punishment. regards ps.. fyi mr dot : the term "racial discrimination" means any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. i bet you will learn this on your future school years..
please, cry more and print screen what u write urself in hero chat) no direct terms where used and greek is not a race, so your arguments are wrong. i could copy paste from wiki like u, would be easier than going to school eh?
botpwnz mad and frustrated,this is the time to use hide hack,not to get more attention on forum. and the screen clearly shows a violation of the eula and a lack of respect towards greek people.
lack of respect towards nickmgs whos according to 20pms i got is **** so pls i have nothing to hide from, petition more pls, no way to win ig - petition not the first time its happening.
nickmgs > you,on any aspect,and lets say hes not my best friend.... on topic: on that screen it clearly shows a disrespectful sentence towards every player of certain country. this is even more lame cause you didnt even had balls to put the talk with nick but just trashing a whole country,looking even butthurt and ******. petition-what? dude im not even playing anymore,i cant care less really...just laughing of people like you that gets new toy and feels to show the world how dumb they are.
hello mr dot, first of all im just a random greek player.not the hero that u had that fight in hero chat. i dont care what else u both said there.if you do then post and get him punished too. as i said on my first post - offending a whole country with your comments on hero voice is not a game. and since i think you are unable to understand what u said and what racism is, we expect from innova to punish you so you may realise it.
expect whatever you want, it was not meant to offend anyone, and anyway that hero (not you ofc:d) prolly didnt even get the whole point after his 10 min flames in caps. i can start writing text walls with grammar fix on also like you do , copy paste stuff from google, or i better will just read ur rage about nothingness.
your words were not meant to offend anyone? stating that all real greeks should get burned in the middle of the street wasnt ment to offend anyone? then why you said it?you think its somekind of a joke?excuse me but where are you from?i would like to know what country has this taste of humor so i will never visit it. and that hero told you that he doesnt respond to racists. and you (that you didnt want to offend anyone),still keep discriminating. "economically unstable ******s?". who do you try to fool? grow up hello im just anonfactor that plays on core and doesnt tollerate offensive comments for his country on hero voice. why you all think this has something to do with game?
first of all i didnt say it to all, i said it to nicmgs. im alice from wonderland. please spam more, haters gonna hate, go exp instead of trying to proove smth that isnt, at least photoshop the screen if u want to confirm ur last post.
you said it on hero voice = to whole server. if you wanted to say that to the other guy you should have pmed him prove what ?that im not that hero guy?thats not the point!and anyway i dont care to prove that to you.gms have my ip anyway. all i care is that i got offended as a greek by a racist! that is (i hope) my last post .since you try to get offtopic and try to twist this serious thing to some ego fight you all hero kids have. i expect actions from gms and innova
you are the only one here who needs attention and wants his ego satisfied, hope, expect, in the mean time stop writing **** and cut off ur wings boy. noone else even pmed me about this, except that i was right to opose nick on hero chat, so ur the only one whos "me" is offended.
imo unknown u re wasting your time, i dont know if dot wrote that or not, mate the game is for that, why do u think that when ppl is flaming here mods send them to flame in game, cuz game is for that, everything ppl tell u to make u be in emo rage etc, is considetared part of the game... you re not the only one that have been ofended in game, many times i have been like many ppl more, but no for that reason we come to emo cry in forum, and if dot really wrote it he should be happy because u got emo... just calm down and dont give to the others the pleasure to see u qqing.
according to violations: - 1.3. use of swear words and/or insults in hero chat and in messages sent by mail results in 24 hours character/ game account blocking (in case of recurring violations penalty period could be extended or character could be deprived of heroic status at the administration (innova)'s discretion - 4.1. morality insult, propaganda of hatred and/or of race, ethnic, sex, religious, social discrimination, disrespectful attitude towards culture, race, nation, language, politics and political order, ideology results in character/game account blocking from 7 days to permanent blocking topic closed and reported to admins who will decide, if there will be punishments and which those will be, if any. kind regards.
author is requested to write a ticket to support with attached screenshot to report to gm team the offence.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.