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DM CP Daily PVP - 16.3.2017

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Kym Willer, Mar 17, 2017.

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  1. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Yes he spoke about "all" and after about Allab. Doesn't need to try to act smart with me , he said something that means he is low geared and that everytime he wins a pvp it's an achievement.

    Your CP is drinking the lies from Logy saying EN is just overgearing and that you'll be able to do something as a clan , something else than carpet mode.

    Sorry to blow your bubble , but that's not the main problem in TH clan.
  2. iAggro

    iAggro User

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    And stop your bubble about logy :D logy this logy that... You dream about logy or what? xD
    And dont think you are top dog, because without certain people your clan is also nothing. :)
  3. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Wow strong argue. I'm just "quoting" the one saying you're missing gear to do something as clan.

    Without certain people ? Yes , prolly , without the one leading us in pvp . You can have top gear , if you don't know how to use it or if noone is showing you the right way to use it , then you'll fail. This is where TH is losing eveything.

    Oh btw , I never said I'm a top player , for sure , I'll prolly will never be in your eyes since I need to be playing on new eve and go gainak to become one.

    I'm stoping here the burn , gl wining something.
  4. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    None from EvilNation, atleast not from old parties has worse equipment comparing to DM. U will not find even 1 DD from Takanodan, Kengaa, NotBRah, Seleniia, TheTruth, Allab or Rewind CPs, with lower value equipment. Maybe some new member of that CP, not sure how exactly they lost some members or maybe some new meatshield like LaAhad, 1Damage, but this kind of people are maybe already even quitted...

    And everybody can go read this forum 7-8 months back... when EN were saying u cannot even 7v7... how EN like 7v7, @DefNotMits self called 7v7 Champion etc...
    I said, we will see when we will gear up and equal a bit gear... What happened? Suddenly they dont like 7v7. Its same in clan matters.... when our people will catch up with items, this EN will not to sign to sieges again... i can guarantee it.

    At the moment this game is about stacked DDs and suports: How much lv 5 jewels has Koko, Marajo or Syra or DM? Answer is 0/0/3/3. Lets compare now lower parties from EN... Rewind vs koko, Seleniia vs Marajo, NotBrah vs Syra or DM vs TheTruth. - item advantage in all cases on EN side. When we compare top parties from both sides.. Ztifler vs Kengaa, PVPA vs Takanodan... still item advantage in EN side...U cannot deny this. If we merge equipment from our 2 top groups we still cannot really be so stacked as Kengaa PT, but difference is not so high, but its already possible to fight it. When we will slowly catch up with more people and equal equipment with rest of parties, it will be another story. Now of course people like Anxxi or Kengaa will come here and spread something about how bad we are, same as they did 7 months ago when i said same about 7v7, but we all know how its now and who was right :)
  5. iAggro

    iAggro User

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    Oh smart *** when did i call myself top player? :D and better stop the burn not here , stop the burn from the people of your clan this morning air was so salty that i felt like swimming with a boat in the middle of the sea. And its was only because certain people lost their rice.
  6. Allab

    Allab User

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    yes maybe, and maybe because your actions you got scammed by a player was playing more than year with you starnge not?
  7. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    After all this time you are still so dillusional it's not even funny. What gear Kengaa party has more than ztifler party when melivia is linking diamond 6 in clan chat while me and yuukie still have lv.4s? What gear more Kengaa and his amethyst 3 have more than ztifler with amethyst lv.5 active on bar? What gear innervate has more than accuser with his full lv.6 brooches? Only person you can argue about is fea, rest has more than us already. Wake up, realise you are bad, get better. I've told you before i played 2 times with tranks brooches, you didn't manage to make my undieing proc. As about 7v7 only guy avoiding is you and your friends, benching everytime half cp and waiting for iron cp to log out so you can trade gear and play. Only CP from TH atm trying to play active and to PvP is Iron.
  8. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    ultimated cp has nice gear... bblqq cp wasn't bad as well..

    oh w8
    Elesmira, Anxxonymous and DefNotMits like this.
  9. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    i got more gear than tranks and via overgearing yokobloko by far not to talk about 0siris =d
    also the 2 weapons with tops augms dinnervate got dont count too i guess he is not selling them thats why.
    poor kengaa i hope he gear up fast...
    Mar 19, 2017
  10. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    It won't change anything. Simply because our CPs are able to drop your top geared CPs even with less gear. You'll do nothing when we will catch up those CPs also.
  11. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    So 1 Diamond lvl 6 ( not like Melivia has more lvl 6 jewels now, not even sure if she has obsi 5 ) matter but comparision of Tranks equipment with iFea ( Bless Retri +6 vs PVP +13, 6 lv 6 brooches vs Saphire 5 and rest lv 4, skills +10 vs skills +20, inzanity vs longing etc etc etc ) doesnt matter? Accuser with full lvl 6 brooches? Did i miss something? Or u mean he uses Tanzanite, Cat Eye, Vital Stone, to cast brooch and than switch back to his lvl 4 brooches? When u comparing tanks, why dont u compare also ViaAgnis with Chocoloco?
  12. randomflavor

    randomflavor User

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    i saw chocoloco on hb quarry doing quest and she had ruby 6 on her. It was prolly "borrowed"
  13. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    but our only stacked archer to drop is Ztifler and u dropping him with people who are equally stacked. WE need to drop 7-8 Ztiflers with people stacked like TDA ( u saw his DPS to full stacked toon ). So this is exactly what will happen in Mass PVP. Same was with 7v7. We had no stacked DDs able to drop Kengaa and 0siris back in time without full boost. Now its pretty possible to drop em without skills. Back in time we were hitting Kengaa PT members for 25-30 k crits, now we hit them approximately 50k on same conditions. Usually u counter skills so its all about damage without skills. And this is where this game matters. BAck in time we were not able to do proper damage, so it was just matter of time when they kill us, we were able to survive xx minutes, but damage was still missing. Now with Ruby, Opals 5/6, skills +20 damage is totally different comparing to lv 4 and +10 skills. I see on video TDA damage to full stacked toon ( Anora ) ... now imagine damage from some other people from our clan, not even speaking about defense of our not so stacked peoples. This game is pure mathematic. MAybe im wrong this time. But 7-8 month when we had this discussion for 7v7, i was kinda right. I said problem was with we hit like Kengaa stacked for 30k, he hit us for 50k... times changed and we can also hit like Kengaa stacked for 50k and u see results...
    To be honest, i dont see any reason why it would be different in mass PVP. Its all about simple damage u can deal to your oppononent, of course some other factors matter, but in case your dont ahve damage, u can make no matter what tactics, u can say no matter what, if u hit Kengaa for 10k and he hit u back with aoe for 70k without boost... there is not much to do at the moment...
    u can nicely see it in some 101-103 PVPs where we going with 1 full stacked PT vs 20 ppl from EN... usually u jsut ressing for XY minutes untill we PR or die or all bosses die and u PR to not get farmed more.
  14. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    It will be different because most of your CPs lack of teamplay. This game isn't only maths , for real , you're just spaming about numbers all the time , you're so damn wrong.

    Mass PvP won't be the same since you got carried the entire life of BA and now , there is noone to carry you.
  15. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    We will see... but i think its working a bit different. All "parties" who carried or atleast they thought they carry someone, usually proved it in other clans. People says Gravedigger carried, vllm carried? Why they wouldnt able to carry other clans? This question is 1 big mistery for me and cannot understand why it is like that :/
  16. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    No it's the opposite , you have to see what happened to your clan when those pt left. GD , vllm came to replace , vllm ? You lost everything since this time. When you begin to zerg and you lost Karmen, Ulti , bbl, you're back to zero.
  17. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Define everything.. for example u said i wnt be rewarded anymore. And in 2 days a got brand new Lindvior Earring. Meanwhile vvlm and Gravedigger, how they doing now? U ahve any info? Are they 103+, when they will join to carry some clan?
  18. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Gz for carpet mode. Nothing else to add , you need carpet mode to win anything or pray for the ziggurat to spawn in A2. So good at this game don't you think ?

    I've no news about GraveDigger , but the fact that he quited has nothing to do with you being so bad that you don't understand anything from this game. About vlm , he is fine.
    EDIT : Sorry you were untag , it's even more pathetic.
  19. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    What about gainak? How Gravedigger and vllm carried gainak for RGs? Its also carpet mode there? What about taking KEngaa dignity in 7v7, its also carpet mode? Grave and vllm were just proper and stacked meatshield... thats the fact... and when meatshield join RG meatshield, its obvious there is none to carry, since old crew and new recruits were both meatshield, actually EN used that big merged meatshiled back in time if im not wrong... do I?
  20. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    What stacked meatshield ? Lol they carried you so hard that you're not able to win anything anymore without going carpet mode or untag mode now.

    Gainak ? Ahem , RG was farming gainak at night, when we were there , so yeah we opened gainak for RG and the free farm at night.

    Who fought GraveDigger in gainak ? Not you , it was Skizzik and vlm , so yeah once again a proof that you're only able to get carried.

    vllm CP was farming your *** in every 7v7 we did and still you're talking about dignity in 7v7.

    Stop embarassing yourself Logy , you're a total 0 , just assume it.
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