Simply PA 200% exp +200% rune +100% rune +100% buff for first quest + vit 400% and you have what you need .(1000% exp is understand how they do that ?) Mar 24, 2017 First time i Agreed whit Cmec1 " IDIOT CAN DO QUEST" ( when simply 40 to 61 you can exp in grind in 15 min easy kilning whit do food plus go to toilet and f.. wife ) in macro i can do that in 30 minutes and simply i go watch movie
All of this spots I will say you have quest to make fast xp: 1-33 Chain of quests 33-38 either keep making quests or Cruma Tower floor 3 40-46 Alligator island 46-52 Outlaw's Forest 52-58 Sea of Spores 58-61 Forsaken Plains (if it's too crowded move to ToI 1 ) 61-65 Fields of Massacre 65-70 Swamp of Scream for warriors / Fores of the dead for mages 70-76 Wall of Argos 76-80 Varka for warriors / Ketra for mages 80-85 Dragon Valley