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Pro tips from pro tank.

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Brume, May 3, 2012.

  1. Brume

    Brume User

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    ok, since i've seen many failures of tanks, i've searched how to avoid it, and the main reason those tanks fails is not the problem of the tank himself with his aggro but the party he is with.
    there is effectivelly some skills that render the target immune to p.mez and m.mez wich render the target immune to "taunts" (that are now more a skill that force the target to attack the tank for a certain amount of time). and there is skills that makes the target change or lose his current target.
    people usually must learn by themselves how and when to use those skills, but it seems they just pay attention to the number it show over the monsters head ...
    i will list there the skills that people should not use in instances untill they get used with them in non risky area.

    othell rogue :
    tyrr warrior :
    yul archer :
    wynn sumoner :
    feoh wizard :
    agro stack mechanics or agro reactive mechanics ?
    l2 was before on an agro stack mechanics. meaning each damage or each heal point was converted into a number and accounted on every people who have engaged (or being engaged) by the monster, stacking. the tanks class was given agro taunt that was not counting for damage but augmented the number of agro stack they got of a certain valor.
    now, l2 is based on an agro reactive mechanics, wich introduce not alone an agro scoring but also some mechanics of targets like in aion. the first who engage a monster or get engaged by a monster will get a multiplicator of certain amount for his agro score. every targeting cc, untargeting mechanics, or cc based on m.mez or p.mez generate agro toward the monsters, modifiate by a certain amount depending on landing chance/skill level, and if the player is the first or not to engage the monster. taunts do not more have aggro score but now work on the following model : tank.agro=max.agro.register.on.mob+random amount depending on the level of the taunt. the level of the taunt also determine if the taunt lands, depending on the monster level (or not).

    proper use of progressive heal :
    progressive heal, heals your target for x amount depending of the number of ally around it (up to 10) and 40% hp to the other allies. problem is the following :
    if there is numerous ally around the tank (ie heavily close range party + lots of cougars), and you land your progressive heal on the tank, the tank will be healed for a small amount of heal and the pt member around will be healed for 40% of their hp.
    solution and work around :
    put the sustain on the tank, and the fairy on the iss (who need to be always in close range) and do progressive heal on the iss, this way your iss should be fine (he takes ae from monsters from time to time) and you tank will always be healed for 40% of it's hp. if your iss run away, the other solution is to put the couple fairy/progressive heal on a close range (tyr or othell or even a cougar).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2012
  2. MiuMiu

    MiuMiu User

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    moved to the right section .

    regards .
  3. Lilly-01

    Lilly-01 User

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    sorry, are you looking for excuses for yer fails? as for yul skills, you listed in your post:

    flash (aka how to screw the tank aggro for 30 seconds)
    this makes the caster untargetable, not the tank - also it last like 3 seconds.

    lure shot (act as a taunt)
    the landrate of this skill is equal to 0 when tanks' aggro is on mob/rb

    diversion (work properly but not as most archer beleive)
    only a halfwit would use it on someone else than tank (also landrate on aggro'ed mob is pretty low).

    impact shot, recoil shot
    have you seen any half-decent archer using these skills while killing a rb?

    confusion decoy (... nice if you're for suicide)
    or when tank is dead and rb/mobs **** your healer. otherwise its useless as its landrate on "aggro'ed" npc is virtually none.
  4. Brume

    Brume User

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    the problem is not what the skills do to the tank, it's what they do to the monster.
    flash remove the target of the mob, use p.mez stat to calculate his landrate, 3 mez skill, even if they have land or not, and monster is immune to taunts for 30 seconds. if you can't taunt after a flash, monster go on the yul right after the 3 seconds.
    lure shot use m.mez for landrate, 3 mez skill, even if they have land or not, and monster is immune to taunts for 30 seconds. even if you beleive the landrate is 0 when the monster is already aggroed, it's a false assumption.
    diversion don't work properly and you cannot control it properly. mez rule also apply.
    impact shot and recoil shot is a fail.
    confusion is as same a lure shot.

    the real problem there is not what the skill effectivelly do but the "new" p.mez/m.mez stat. (also used for lift, kb/kd skills)
  5. Brume

    Brume User

    Likes Received:
    added : small sumary of agro mechanics since god.
    to come : more explanation.
  6. Brume

    Brume User

    Likes Received:
    added : use of progressive heal.
  7. Vexen

    Vexen User

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    it breaks my heart every time that a healer targets the tank for progressive and then ends using panic heal to clean the mess. btw, if the iss wants to heal the tank as well, he should target the othell/tyrr or himself too.
  8. Brume

    Brume User

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    the main key when you make a pt is always to talk with your mate to recall for everybody their role in the pt. recalling the healers that they should use progressive heal on another target than the tank is part of it, no offense but necessary in some case.
  9. Brume

    Brume User

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    some monsters behavior have been reworked and also the way monsters reacts to taunt/count the aggro score. so for exemple now it's better to not use any aggro skill on zellaka/teredor and some other instanced raid bosses beside the initial taunt. i'm actually working on data ive collected during my tests to rework the tips.
  10. lovrencio

    lovrencio User

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    right. use fighters as main target in the first place, so iss is free to move around.
    it's easier if you order party window with alt+click: tank on top, heavy users, light users, robes.
  11. Walkirye

    Walkirye User

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    wrong, flash removes the target of the moob around the archer, it doesnt mean that these skill will remove the target of moob around the tank. if the archer are pretty close to the tank, yes, it will cancel the target of the moobs around the tank.
    also, flash only works if the target are passive type, in regions like soa/teredor/kartia/fortuna/spez/octavis/orbis/etc etc it remove the target, but since it doesnt count as debuff for a moob (it only work on pvp) the moob take the agro on the archer again.
    u want to know why so many tank fail on his function?, its simple, any tank make a good skill chain with his skills:
    they allways start making aggro with skills who makes aggro itself, and by doing this they have his aggro skills on cd when they are most needes. u guys, have some aoe skill, wich do damage and also that, make aggro on moob, use it first, and keep aggro just in case a moob change his target.
    its is not all u fault still, all classes have some ultimate skills, wich gives the oportunity to reduce/evade dmg, but all the dd still stuck in his place, waiting for healer to heal him and dont stop doing dmg, just to make the moobs change his aggro.

    also, if u get debuffed, u cant do nothing at all, and that is a healer fault. since im playing here, any healer wich i do kartia group cleanse the tank when they get fear, and as archer, i keep hiting, and what happen? zellaka comes to me because tank are running away with fear.

    another important thing, who nobody lvl 85 cares: dds run to buy the best weapon they can buy, but