ofc no drops and it was stupid to let whole server know about ur lilith xD innova doing this restarts to make some mass pvp fun
Hey, we do respect player's efforts and the players themselves. Many people were DCd during some instance zone, be it Kartia, Baylor or Lilith in your case. If the boss wasn't killed, you can reenter the instance and repeat it again. If you have more questions, please let me know.
Good morning, thank you for answering. Yes, as soon as the server went on again, we logged in and we were still in Lilith raid zone. After some time, Lilith respawned with the same HP she had when the server went off, so we could finish what we started with no issues. Our biggest concern was that Lilith is not a normal instance zone, and with the dc we didn't know if we would appear outside like if we had failed, and we had to wait until the next respawn day to try again, not the case of Kartia/Baylor, which are instance zones where if you get dc you can still enter again. Anyway, we could do it and we had 0 issues in the end. Thank you again for your attention.