How can you improve something that most of it is out of your hand? Give me rights to modify server/client files on my own and I can fix game alone basically, but because that's out of my hand how to start from myself?
well I had the worst experience till now with any L2 server I got my account hacked on Sunday 9 April. After 5 days of emails an screenshots and proofs that I own the account bla bla, the Support team recovered my account but with no char and items! And they refuse to recover them So basically I got an empty useless account back But who cares about 20ish bilion adena, right? I thought NCWest ***** but boy was I wrong nice experience , wont do it again. Im off to NCwest, gl peeps, you will need it here with Innova
Well I don't know exactly what reason they gave you, but in their terms of agreement they say if the account was hacked they can recover your char / items so don't stop pushing if you want to recover them
My experience with support always have been nice, so I don't know how you acted but if you're not acting nicely , maybe you can't expect to be helped.
Core effected very badly from updates ppl who know next chronicle ruined the game spez bug was first uni items was second than i leave after see how ppl store them and sell later make big profit
Satisfy??? HELL NOO !!! Core lost many players coz of Ramona ****, disconects are almost every time, unplayable for me...
The real thing is that Core need more ppl and after ramonas lot of ppl move there or leave game. If you compare Core with Chronos of ncwest or ramonas, you see a dead server. Supposly apart of new donations the purpose was a dimensional siege as ncwest do it with the 4 servers that have.But Dimensional siege wont be worth if one of the server lose lot of ppl so at the end a smell of merging servers or activating transfers comes......
It's normal that Chronos got more people than Core, back in time there were like 10-15 servers in NCWest that turned into only 3-4, and most of pvp clans transfered from all those servers to either naia or chronos depending on period, when here there were Core, german server that never got merged, polish server and aria, and now ramona. Dim sieges won't happen before september and I guess there will be big talks before, because there's 0 chance for clans in ramona to take aden/rune from dimensional sieges, even if whole server goes into same crest it will be impossible, but for smaller castles they could fight for sure. At some point best it could happen to a lot of people is opening merges with RU servers, but if people can't compete in Core and most of them got pve mentality (check clans with 50-100 daily activity doing just pve whole day long), they will disappear from RU servers
Well clans need pve for gather some quests (exalted for example) and also to get lvl and try to gear the toon so then you can go PVP. But also on the way you can have some PVP with mid clans but in Core no clans are interesting of that atm. Other way is go directly to PVP if you donate a lot and can gear fast.
bartz, chronos, kain, teon etc had more peoples. but don't forget there wasn't innova at that time.. and there was only one place where you can play l2 "officially". anw current ncwest is destroyed by bots and their owners. core by rich kids with platinum visa cards. idk about ru.. but probably same as eu servers. just there is more peoples, and more than half can't speak english.
YEs I'm Why ? Because of "Chicken LORD Master" BaHUJas he give my live better whit his PRo Aura .Clan broke every 4 months and this men become my pressies personal war (walkuz , kurogane like etc is to by BaHUJas is the best ).I remember when this donor boost cheater try to kill me in my iss run around we play (2 years ago ) we fun and still run from that time in Mid PvPvE server clans he broke 12 clans and still hunt us like crazy dog for bones. Sometimes was hard sometimes funny sometimes you lose sometimes you win .But that Chicken Lord help me to fun and cry on TS when he hunt frags 85+ in Fairy Setlement whit 104 lvl hero zerk and full 10 pvp set he is my hero That why i love Innova and Core .That time few "kengaas" die play solo and stop play next cry go back was scammed from clan members but still for me server is that lovely "CHICKEN MASTER" my personal war BaHUJas lovely Lithuanian war zone freindship love
10% luck, 20% skills, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and a 100% of reasons to remember the name: English
Nowdays there isnt a perfect server....All servers are from min to max business servers (make money)....otherwise Ncsoft had to pay all by her self the salaries off ppl who work for her....programmers/developers/project manager etc...Every business company has expenses (salaries/development of servers/management etc) which had to balance with profit...its like you go everyday to your work...the same thing do the Ncsoft's its logical trying to make some profit....and the profit basically comes from all of us (all over the world) who play to NcSoft's servers...being more specific from PA and L2Store...on the other side its your choice to play dont be rediculus crying about donators and P2W ****s bla bla bla cause if you had money you will donate as well.... So maybe i tired you reading this post but i will finish my opinion like this: I prefer to pay or not to pay playing to L2 Official rather than play to any private server... it was my choice and i am glad with this...None PC Game is for free...All Pc games are business.. From the moment you press the "Create" ingame button means that you are prepared psychologically to what you are going to face ingame.. Regards
May I ask why u digging out all OLD topics and keep answering them?! Its been like 3rd topic now? Do u need an attention that much? Or why?!
Is there any rule which says not digging???? I was boring and think to write an answer...any problem to that??...on the other side i just told my opinion..if bother you just dont reply...many topics here are repeatable and live your life and cry somewhere else.. Regards
This is only game... so... yes... I am satisfed because I like play. I am far far away from top players but I am going step by step forward and maybe in... next century xD.