how to make adena ? its rlly easy . the game is online mean real ppl playing so think you have no money in real life what you have to do and then think it for lineage2 world
I'm not surprising bots digging adena,mostly Russian people where to sell 1kkk adena is better income than 1 month work,and no taxes
Why instead of complaining in forums don't you just go to support and report the names there? They usually solve it fast
Alot my friends and me to leaving l2 coz with that drop adena/items never get R99 armor and weapon <NEVER!> Look this all instances like Kartia,NM KAMA,Balor,CC 0 drop only **** and u always are on - adena coz u must buy SS or maybay entrance or maybay some vit scrolls etc. and u NEVER get anythink valuable somthing like 100 M Adena NEVER !!! Open fields? Here too is totaly **** only what get is sometime adena 10 k but not always and very rare useless parts of armrs ,weapons wchich costs max 10 m adena .So GMs,Admins, Game Creators , ETC tell me how the fck. normal player playing like 10 h a day can get somthing valuable? Only by buyin Adena in internet or payin u $$$$$ and selling on Aden. On GoD L2 was been very nice game when drops was very nice and not destroy game but now? 0 satisfy from game really boooring and we are leaving this is sad.
yes ofcourse.. no drop no nothing.. and in black market already people selling adena.. no drops at all and people runing in r99 sets, r99 weapons.. no adena drop and there are shops with buy sitting in town... u cry about no adena and u buy passes for kartia/baylor/vit scrolls? ^^ gl with that
you make me laugh. You speaking about daily instances mean to be for expierence and you hope to get drops there? no drops? So from where ppl gets R99 when like half server on sets/weapons already? If you are simply minded and believe that kartia/nm kama/baylor and octavis ance a week will give you any profit that you're totall noob. To make adenas in L2 you need to first know from where is comes and invest: time or adenas and both eventually. And this game is not made for solo plyers, but for partys, so if you dont have party you will make 5xless adenas, because of limitation of what you can do. And for example our cp makes +1b daily from items that we DROP, so this crying that tere is no way to make adenas is false.
I have hope, that one day, people will stop using GoD's update as an example for anything (good) in this game. God patch/update had all those nice things because the game changed from subscription into "f2p". They needed to bring people into the game in order to lure the whales aswell. Are the drops bad? Yep. For Example, new players will struggle to make/buy their weapons, add one SA and get them to 300 element. Will they bump the drops up? No. They get enough profit with whaling.
I played ramona like 2 weeks, lvled my yul 96 lvl till then i have 300kk++, i made only dailys and opened PA agathons, i hade 3x PA accounts so i invested 24eur for every day adena gain, if u lvl 3x accounts for zaken and freya u will get much more, i beleve, as many ppl said u need invest time or money, jus chose there is many ways to gain money somtimes bigger sometimes small, u need be pacient from zero to hero ;o
When the god started it was different with drops, easier. You had this bound items dropping like mad, lot of mats, lot of adena. But then, first they nerfed adena to stop bots from selling it. Did that work? No. Nextly they nerfed mats drop to stop adena sellers. Did that work? No. About bound items they are just greedy as hell so they deleted them. Currently as solo player with doing daily instances you basically have no chance to get rich. If you have a good PC you can solo freya/zaken with boxes. Tezza is a good instance as well but u need 14ppl. With zaken/freya itself you should be making arround mid 100kks a week. Elcyum powder was also deleted to make lineage 2 more profitable btw. But they didnt realize people rather to buy adena from russian bots than from ncstore :]
The excuse about reducing adena / materials / drops because of bots it's not more than that, a simple excuse to make you buy everything from l2store since you have lower and lower chances to drop anything good. It's very simple, you don't need to bot for adena / mats / drops if you're getting enough amount of them from hunting zones
Aaaaaand, its a matter of time till those instances get nerf hammered (again). To me, a game where i need to grind several weeks in order to get something as basic (and needed) as my armor and weapon fully elemented, its not worth it. (Mind you that 300 attack element is probably as effective now as 150 was back some updates ago.) To me, ts time (or money) vs entertainment. And for those that spend money its even worse. If someone spends a good amount of money to deck out their character (if they have money available to spend, why not. stop hating), its only gonna last them untill the next event with the next overpowered new item/s. Then, if they want to stay competitive they will, not need, not want, but have to spend more. NCSoft is basicly making players chase the carrot. And thats fk'd up.
You both are right. They nerf drops so people focus on l2 store and zaken/freya will be nerfed really soon (even before salvation update). Probably the only reason why Ramona is still not as dead as core or lineage 2 overall is that, there are no serious rewards in l2store like tarots or caskets. But still that didnt stop mctrooper to get full dark set for l2store or starbot to fully donate 2 chars at once. Freetoplay didnt **** lineage 2 so hard because at the beggining of GOD it was really cool with drops and adena. Being greedy killed the game. Im not sure if ncsoft is really that stupid to belive 5-10 hardcore donators per server will maintain better income than monthly subscriptions by everyone but well. What i can tell you guys, this game is dying and after Ramona dies there will be no official server to play. Someone smart might make a private one not focused on P2W with something like PA here or so on. That would be eay more succesful than all these innovas or ncwests but it needs cash to start and people change ita mentality that privates die after 1 month.
idk from where this ''Core is dead'' circlejerk comes, but at this point I'm too afraid to ask. They should just make better progression system both for character leveling (gl leveling after 103 w/o xp boosts unless you farm bosses daily) and adena wise. It's a joke you can end up being poorer after 1h of farming in top spots. Just watch how competition is doing, p2play system where you need to buy also updates, servers are healthy and you can get drops to keep gearing up character, it does makes sense to do something like that but I guess NCS doesn't share this PoV
if you make the proper chars for pve and you play with cp , you can easy farm 30 bill + each month , you just need time
Unless you farm something like a lot of bosses or a lot of epics / tauti rounds I don't see this happening at all