8 days so far, they are still in time In case there is no answer till next Wednesday send the ticket number to Fragola in PM and she will try to get it bumped after the russian holiday. or she will kill me for suggesting it..
I'm not talking about anything that happened in Ramona, I'm saying about something that happened in Core around 1y+ ago
Since we are talking about bans, it seems that an obvious proof that a player is botting is not enough to get them banned, but if you sell l2store to a player that has botted, they ban you for 7 days and confiscate the adena. Typical incompetent judgement: somebody's actions are not enough to get them banned, but you are responsible for someone else's actions (my case in this matter) and get punished for it. The response I got from support: "dear player, you have received adena from a player that has been reported using 3rd party software. your account has been banned for 7 days and items confiscated." Riight.. now.. what about the 800e l2store spent in jewelery boxes on my part. How does that fit in the equation? I would post the screen shot of Support conversation but that would probably get me banned on forum (no surprise there) There is no contact number, no contact email address nowhere to send a complaint or to escalate incompetent behaviour of GMs or forum mods. Disgusting!
Thank you for the the quick and good answer, but its not my problem Innova can't manage their systems. Back on track: I won't bother to post in forums anymore, it just seems that some people have more privileges than us ordinary players. I am not even surprised anymore it's Russian company after all. If the staff didn't have to hide something they would not bother to hide evidence and adamantly defend botters/account sharers with sayings that twitch videos are edited and screenshots photoshoped. I just had a little hope that the right actions would have been taken, I guess not. Thanks and goodbye...
So technically and according to this statement, if the guy who logged and scammed makes ticket that he got that account from sharing, will that make broomkay banned for sharing as well as scammer? Also, update your eula in-game, it still says sharing is illegal and for sharing you get russian thumb stuck in ur anus. OH also, why did u take any action against the guy eho logged and scammed items if you clearly stated service support wont be able to help?. Afaik items are restored as well.
To @Fragola what punishment gettin a corrupted Innova staff?! Because us( the community) DONT care about botters or scamners,at this point,but FAIR treatment for EVERYONE ,despite how deep is his wallet.
As easy as the 800 euros should be refunded, no other way should be allowed. About email adress contact, have you read their terms of use? this is the email adress for those complains you got if tickets won't solve them: innova(@)inn.eu Just delete parenthesis and that's it
Based on what I know (which is not that much) you can imagine bot programs like a virus. There is always an interaction between the virus and the protection. Virus appears, makes some trouble, the protection adapts and 'patches' the security holes. To remain effective the virus has to mutate/change its code/upgrade so it will not be detected and filtered by the protection. After the new attack they can upgrade the defenses and it goes on. Frost is blocking the known hostile programs (whatever type they are) but due to the continuous evolution they can pass some of the walls. They are marked as suspicious and checked manually. In case there is a sign of automated gameplay (such as constant delays, too much interaction with the server etc) it indicates both Frost and the manual check found something and that results in a punitive action. Sooner or later all the botters are caught and punished, that is why the market is healthier than NC servers. Please do not get into deeper in this topic as it is not really friendly with the current rules
Talk for yourself not for all the community, wallet ? srsly ? Avatar wasnt banned ? Tranks wasnt banned ? Reflect wasnt banned ? all 3 the biggest donators in Core, so talking about money doesnt seems very smart and im not even going to comment about that "corruption" because is hilarious (check up) xD
@akaaWins if ncwest would ban based on fraps then they would have banned all ppl that frapsed past 10 years and posted on l2 boards. Martelx got probably banned for this. And it's nice to see how much you and others support someone who scammed other player's accounts,deleted their items and then posted login info on forums. You must be proud of his behavior. Will you /claninvite him later?
You sounded just now like a stuck up *****. Players do not have to prove to you anything, you have to prove to them you're doing your job, but as we ca see you are just trolling everybody like a 5 y/o. Nobody is asking you to ban based on a video, but only if you checked logs... you might find the secret to the universe! P.s. if you cant take a heat on forums and be professional in communicating, you shouldn't be doing this job.
Seems you know a lot about who is running and who got ban, for sure. Market is also not healthier than NC servers, but how could you know if you probably never played in NCW
server its clean like crystal i didnt see any bot nowhere!!!go check other servers to check the difference...you talk about corruption its the only forum i see from gm's to explain things to braindead ppl cuz they dont want to understand something just spamming ****s like 5 years old kids...
Indeed based on the rules that should be the proper reaction. I believe it will be inspected deeply and proper actions taken after the necessary processing time. Keep in mind the staff is russian and they are on holiday, and apparently there is no emergency staff for situations like this. Be patient.
yes it works like virus-antivirus thing, both need to keep updating their code to stay effective. So if bots update, frost updates as well. He got caught by GM and got a ban. He was caught ingame as well so that short time period is just a coincidence. Treat forum posts and video reports like tickets - they do give us an extra reason to add those chars to check lists. That's very sad, we have a temporary ticket overload so responce might take some time. Please follow @MrScubba 's advice in case your ticket doesn't get a responce within 10 days: I won't kill anyone for that. Most of the tickets get a response within the promised 10day period. Sometimes there's some complication or simply an email got lost, so asking me in PM about your ticket isn't a crime. Please refrain from posting any conversations as that violates the forum rules. As for your case, I can't discuss that on the forum, as I don't like the idea of exposing an account info and actions. If you have any doubts about that, please submit a ticket (a secure way) or contact me via PM here or on Discord (less secure way). Again, we don't restore items obtained through account sharing scams. So I'd say you don't have the full info and just speculate what you heard on the forum.
I believe the two servers (providers, let s say) are different so different aspects of the game are controlled differently. As a fact I know adena farming by bots is not an issue here while on NC it used to be a common practice. In case you would like to make a detailed comparison to point out the differences and give constructive ideas how you think Eu and Russian servers can improve, please start a new topic and get into the objective details.