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Gameplay broken: Istina, and other similar Insta-zones

Discussion in 'Feedback Archive' started by LooAlonelMoon, Jul 30, 2017.

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  1. LooAlonelMoon

    LooAlonelMoon User

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    The Istinas Lair is the insta-zone for 90-95 players, recommended by Map menu. Istina lvl is 94 according to this Istina common. This is in theory must make a fun game for Command Channels of two parties of level 90-96.

    And this is what happens in reality: The single party which is include high level character 102+, disassembling for two groups of 2, and 5 players respectively. Then command channel is created. After entering the Istina Cavern insta-zone, Command Channel is deleted, and party of 7 chars is created again. Then Istina being easily bated by a high lvl characters


    Before Ballista will appear, the high-level chars going out of Insta-zone, switching their Double-class which level is near level of Istina, re-entering Istina Cavern, finishing the boss. Then charging ballista, and viola the loot is ok


    Because because decreasing loot depends on level of DD option is counting only on the last stage of battle — The Ballista charging...
    The same situation with Tauti, etc

    The result: so the proper level characters can play in only few Insta-zone from the long list suggested to them by Map, becoz nobody is interested in the normal battle if they can win easily with high-level chars and obtain the same loot, and it is VERY hard to gather a normal group with proper levels for something different than Kartias Labyrinth (group zone usually playing by just two, or even one player) or Fortune for an example (which is no interesting to many players too)

    The solutions: Count loot decreasing on the all stages of battle, but not only the last one! De-baff in the isnta-zones that can prevent changing class even outside of the insta zones. Any other solutions?

    I am curious, is the situation the same on EU-servers?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  2. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Yes its.
    If game mechanics alowes u to take any adventade,pple wll take it. Thats human nature. Also Im pretty sure U going to do exact same thing when time comes.
    As long as none breaking any rules this wont change .
  3. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    I do not see any problems with it.
    They take high levels, they lose drops. That's why people do not really do it any more.
    Make some friends, transfer gear from your high level chars and you can farm it.
    Or do it with low level, sit inside 40 mins and get low drops anyway. Up to you!
  4. LooAlonelMoon

    LooAlonelMoon User

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    But it's sux) No, I will not. I am not interested in such battles. Loo is A. Cardinal — I. Doomcrier, 93th — 92th, I have picked up Doomcrier (A cool name, I liked it) thanks to the free Essence of Chaos, and those necromant Hardin :p.
    So only I see the misconception High Levels chars killing a low level RB and obtaining the all benefits? :)
  5. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    High toon cant kill and gain rewards,can just lower its hp,which is game mechanics.
  6. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    if they kill with high levels they do not get rewards
    there are experiments made on the drop reduction and basically with 5+ levels difference it is waste of time

    In case the high levels help the low ones by speeding up the raid without ruining the drops, I see it as a positive effect and lowbies should be thankful for any kind of help.
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