I'm thinking to lvl up a Sword Singer,when i awake,i will put heavy armor + shield + sword,the idea is to put all abilities to knight tree. Is a good idea to make a full defensive ISS??? Hopefully i will have a quick answer,elaborated one. Thanks.
Another one of these questions.. When asking about things like this, it would be a good idea to post what gear/equiment you have for it (or are planing on getting for it in a near future). Without knowing what gear you have access to.. Yes. Defensive build is the way to go. It would also be wise to check if you realy want to be an ISS Sword Muse because in a future update different ISS's will get different buffs. (some more suited to fighters, some more suited for wizards)
Well,my idea is to pick the Seraph heavy armor at lvl 95,but clean,i have no money for more. Also,the news of the ISSes focused on wizards or warriors...there is no webpage about those changes???? And when the next update will be live???? Thanks.
rochand is good place for those who have end game gear. then you get some tips. for "new players" or those with avg mid-low gear you get just links to korean wiki my iss AP all on knight, def, resists, hp, def with heavy, skill reuse, and reduce crit rate or dmg, now can't remember. but all 19 AP in knight tree.
i dont understand why u need forums to get advices , u build ur char according to ur wills its very simple
Rochand is a good place, full stop. It helps players/people get an idea of what is coming and the general situation of the game in its natural environment. 1000x this. And chose what character you want to be (after considering many factors as time/money invested, etc) and stick with it. Even in the past, constantly doing alt's got (most) players nowhere.
What a crappy advice.. While u have like 60% of L2 knowledge and want rly have a nice build on toon,wouldnt u go around asking or reading others opinions/tips? Ofc u would and thats what for forums are. On topic ,Knight tree is a way to go.
Full defensive iss is a great choice for both open pvp and pve (party). It's not a great setup for oly. Just the Sword Singer choice ... meh, but you can switch it to other classes later via L2store, so if you want to be a pink elf ... go for it
man is very simple gme u want pdef ? u add pdef u want hp ? u add hp u want mdef? u add mdef what for u need advice stop acting smart slaiter wannabe
at this point idk how much defensive ur going to get when feohs running outside 1shotting everyone so without reading the above i would suggest u playing with light armor +8 and full str dyes for pom/br mastery plus u can always play arround turn to stone
im guessing u dont know how mastery works outside of archer/dagger classes.. full str +AP for 60% mastery +light set would increase mastery chance on iss by 1/100 (instead of 5-6 rapsos with mastery out of 100 would be 6-7 maybe 8 if its your birthday) pom in light set+8 can be held permanent on 1 char (even in hvy if tank can use challenge and pom is +10 (or eva rune in inventory)) defensive build is only option (unless going for hero), that makes possibility not to die 1shoted and help healers to heal your pt, also if u arent 1shoted u can land shadow/cripling on enemy so they deal less dmg and your pt deal more
I finally decided for the Iss Doomcryer. And i will put all AP to the Warriors tree. I want to do damage this time.