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[21.08.2017] Fishing event preview

Discussion in 'Team Blog Archive' started by CM Fragola, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. ViaAgnis

    ViaAgnis User

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    Activity is pretty much the same as last event, so far on sell shops there were around 500k baits yeasterday alone, and people are fishing everywhere not just heine.

    Yes the rewards are kinda meh, ( you can still get something that will make the fishing pay off) but the exp alone seems to motivate people to buy.
  2. __i7__

    __i7__ User

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    So u dont understand that unique diference btwen Ramona and COre servers from Privates are :

    Fast Support to community if gm put something in STORE and ppl is not agree with prices. They do something fast!

    Fast work and implementation of things in game toimprove the player experience in game (i dont mean xp level, u know), almost daily.

    Normal player and Donate player can have a nice gear or with a low prices or farming a lot, here no drops in nothing in game.
    They have total mentality to keep u players cuz that pay him montly. They have less costs than retail? yep, but they are more smart than this *** that is happening here.

    OMG its a description of a retail servers some years ago!!! So now retail servers are worst than the privates but with OVER PRICE than ever with lowest chance in everithing, just oriented to pick money from players! Open the eyes cuz 3 cps that started with me they left server, now they play battlegrounds, Black desert, privates or some more new and less painfull to wallet till now, cuz here and permanent Rod for event costs around 3 professionals rod's in real life, trully epic fail pay all of this in pixels with 100% profit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2017
  3. andrius3022

    andrius3022 User

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  4. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    They are illegal and I couldn't care less about criminals and their "fast service".

    They don't pay royalties.
    They don't pay NCsoft developers that actually created the game.
    They don't pay artists and musicians who created this atmospere.
    They don't pay official salary and taxes.
    They are breaking the law and have no obligations to follow regulations and rules and bear no responsibility for their actions and decisions.

    It's easy to fix something if you developer is sitting in the same basement hacking the code. It's a lot harder when you have to agree with the right owners on every move and wait for the fixes to be delivered.

    And yes, you got me angry comparing thieves and their ease to the official publisher work.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  5. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    They dont care about opinions of XxX russian players . Why do you even bother here.
  6. iAris

    iAris User

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    Yes you are right here Fragola, Innova must wait for devs and NC to give you something, but as we the Player base we dont want to be ripped of. We would like to know why this becoming so expensive. you told us few comments before on why this is expensive, but with this low community left you should defo not increase store prices.

    I am wondering are there any news from other team and got some feedback of our complaints on this event? Or its just another " Listen with one ear and come out from another" without any explanation? and any feedback
  7. KuroLineage

    KuroLineage User

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    Simple solution LOL :
    1. ALL spam like crazy selling/buying items for 1 adena for nex month.
    2. Next event - dragon weapon for 1 Euro
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT !

    Now a little more real : That system You mention is wierd AF, overpriced items on market creating economy for server and determine L2store prices ? Basicly if we all going to buying/selling items 100 times more expensive (actually nobody will buy or sell anything due to lack of money) next L2store event will be for 100+ Euro per item ?
    One4All likes this.
  8. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    We had farm events that generated basically no items and they only work if countless bots farming 24/7, We had store promos/events that people can't buy so very few items on the market again, you created hyperinflation on Core twice with the first fishing event making Adena worthless giving a hard blow to those who farm legit. Core's economy and market right now are one of the worst I've ever seen on a server, very few if any good items on the market and really expensive. The population gets lower on Core/Ramona and it looks like end-game PvP is nonexistent these days, vacations don't last for 3 months around here, working adults playing this game not kids.
    The fact that you are telling us
    , while looking at L2 Store prices and server situation getting worse every day, is laughable. Nice to see you admitting those decisions aren't based "on an average salary in EU" since the vast majority is playing from poor EU countries, let's see now for how long the same company, Innova, will discriminate between EU and RU having EU priced more than double.

    That's good, they haven't done legit damage since before Infinite Oddysey, the problem is that they don't die(Embody Mana Armor) especially here that everyone has rebirth from a shiny shirt and the worst part is that it requires no skill to stay alive just have a toggle skill on.
    One4All, Naito and LangleyQueen like this.
  9. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    I honestly think the fishing event should be a fixed feature of the server, if they reduced the prices and the rewards(even more).

    I joked about one day the pay 2 win system of official servers would come to a place where you could buy levels directly from L2 Store. This fishing event is as close to that as possible : With 1 a thousand euros ( give or take), one could make a toon from 85 to 101~102, maybe. Put the baits to only give a couple of PvE rewards ( freya scrolls/runes etc) and keep the exp as it is. Boom : official(legal) service of powerlevel with guaranteed result and safe place ( in town, no need to form party).

    Next step is to create a couple bundles of items ( +8 dark sets, +12 dark weapons) for a fixed price with random chance for every type( robe/light/armor | bow/retributer/etc) and the game will be slightly more honest: spend your money as you wish, get decent geared and worry only about PvPing.
    Vraja likes this.
  10. BeFair

    BeFair User

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    Well i have to agree all this gamble packs should be forbidden
    Gambling is for 18+ cuz it can be addicting, but here every teenager can gamble and i dont even wanna know how many ppl are addicted to it already
    Imho its true, better put items for a real price into store , this would stabilize market alot faster then all this gambling
    Btw shouldnt be there a warning that the chance of winning is very low and that u have to be 18+ etc bla bla like in an casino?
    Naito likes this.
  11. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Back when i played on NA servers ( where the age for gambling is 21) they said the game policies have a loophole: something like you are not actually gambling because the Ncoins/Euros in your account are not actually yours. By NcSoft policies ( and i guess that applies to any publisher of Lineage 2, Innova included) your toon and your items are actually theirs, and you just "borrow" them to play. Everything in the game belongs to them, you are just renting the right to use it( and buy).
    BeFair likes this.
  12. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Everything you buy in this game is considered a paid service and yes they own everything too you are just using it to play, that's why they can also ban you at will if they have "enough evidence".
  13. BeFair

    BeFair User

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    U are prolly right with this, but then every online casino should work the same way, i open a casino and just borrow every teenager the chips to play, but in the end i keep their money
    Aug 23, 2017
    Well if i rent a car to use it i pay every month to use it, once the car is broken or the company dont exist anymore i just give it back
    Now my question
    Now a days with epics/brooches/ soon dragon weapons an account can be worth as much as a new car, but what will happen if someone put 10-20k€ into the store and then the servers close? Will u get a payback cuz u been just renting the items ?
  14. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    They operate in different regions and many countries all around the world, you think they are not legally covered? LoL
  15. BeFair

    BeFair User

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    Ofc i know that they have enough lawyers etc, but even bill gates had to pay becouse some microsoft backdoor *** was against the law
    Not saying that they do the same, but still its kinda weird
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2017
  16. -V77-

    -V77- User

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    So now every item in l2store will be with changing price accordin to our economy on server? How often prices will change their value? What will be cost of tarots at this ecenomy situaction?
  17. goduole

    goduole User

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    This fragola have no idea whata talking .. why u take his words sereous? :D

    He saying we ban bots every day , starboy and G still playing, cashing out /facepalm
  18. manu

    manu User

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    So adena ratio/inflation from core-ramona its the same and russian servers has different one? good to know.
    And this increases the price compared to Ru? Not greedy fact?
  19. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Most countries have very loose legislations when it comes to games & internet. In North America they have a history with it, so their laws and costumer protection works just fine. In Europe...not that much. Keep in mind that Innova is a Russian based company, so they are more likely bound to the legislation of that country, and every person that plays outside that place have not that much right in cases of "refund" or anything related to that area.

    Let's say you feel misled by the company and want to sue it. If Russian laws allow you to take that case (cyber-purchase) to trial, it would be on Russian courts. How would you afford paying for an attorney to work in another country when you live in a poor one?

    And as Fragola said, nobody is obliged to buy those products or even play in this server. Once again people forget that Innova is a company and their goal is PROFIT, not "balance in game" or "prices that make you happy" or even "items that you want/need". And surely their terms of agreement protect the company, not the player, just like "HUman Resources" protects the company rights, not the employees. Innova is just trying to make the best of a free to play game that still makes huge amount of money having to compete with tons of private servers that are cheaper and more "player satisfaction"-oriented.
  20. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Actually, the rule is the following for the most goods/services: they are regulated by a territory they work on. L2 EU is operated under EU laws and legislation: https://eu.4game.com/contacts/
    Is it also stated in the License Agreement: https://eu.4game.com/licence/view/serviceId/1006/type/2/ p 4.7

    I'd also disagree on a part about not caring about players and their opinion. It's just... I'm not a fairy mother to make all dreams come true, sorry :Cry: