this argument is pointless. both servers are dead except on one if you have a +8 pvp set you're decently geared and on the other one if you have a +8 pvp set you're far away from it. the gear cap is much higher on core, i'd even say ridiculous right now with dragon weapons obtainable in exchange of 5 to 10k euros, so ramona is an option for people who are on a budget and dont want to get 1kk dmg in their faces.
There is people getting 1kk damage in ramona too. Both servers are pointless tu play unless u have top gear. Or either you join make your few basis dailys and log off
Its true that in ramona probably with a +8 pvp set you´re decently geared, but the problema isnt really the armor or your weapon, a guy with full brochs could do 300/400k damage on other with pvp full set easilly, so this problema exist on ramona too. The advantage to play on core for the new ppl agains to play on ramona is that in core if you want to buy a pvp/pve set +8 is cheaper that in ramona, almost comparatively. Why? because the ppl on core nowdays are looking for sets pvp +10, weapons +14 or higers, or look for dragon weapons / claws, and this ppl need a big amount of adena to affort this investments so this guys habitually put on ah their older sets/weapons cheap (ofc by a pvp full set we are talking about 30 billions and ++). This happen also with less gear, normal or blessed set +8, weapons +6-+10, sets +6, low epics jewels are zaken or aq, there is a lot ot ítems that had been cheapened by this evolution of the server and this is a big advantage for a new player that with less adena can get the same gear that i got in the past by more that the double of it.
Problem is when pvp armors was introduced there was no brooches at all ..So pvp sets was supperior ..Now i have +8 pvp and still getting huge dmg .Would be great if they enhance and make some + to pvp sets cuz now vs ruby/sapph 6 its max 2-3 hits . Lets see how with goes with that talisman event in future ..But credit card players will get stronger and non paying players will be more low than now.
Ramona is completely dead, olympiad ranking has 5-6 player for a few classes, there are heros with 50 points, i quitted 4 month ago, came back for some oly with seraph jewels and gear and took hero, that server is completely dead that's it
Come on snowyz, ramona its totally death, there is no1 there its even less than 150 online players. Saw burgis stream 2 days ago or so and were 8 people doing oly, same 4 matches going on loop.
If u lend me 200b ..No problem for me oh i forgot ..that will be much and much more than 200b no chance ..but thx for answer, helped me a lot. ..Yes, we need dim sieges asap!
dim sieges = all castles on 2 clans.. avg core clans don't have forces to handle even 1 "mid tier" party..
There will be no dim sieges, servers will end up with merge. There is like 100 people active playing in ramona,if they dont merge servers ramona will end up losing all and closing. So forget about dim thingies, there will never be up and if they are up any day, people will just not assist since there is no chance to do anything.