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[Event] Happy hours in L2

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by CM Fragola, Sep 5, 2017.

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  1. MaoMao

    MaoMao User

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    I am not sure how everyone sees people leaving. In our clan we have a lot of returnees, also mostly refugees from botland and every day we see people in clan chat making k85/k90 parties, new to the server, poor as *** but happily getting involved, asking questions, giving and asking for help, etc.
    It is true the server is broken in two, the rich people which are indeed leaving and so there is an impression because some household names are suddenly out, but there are new names everyday at the top, the so-called non-factors which one day, through a lot of investments or stealing will rule the server. On the other hand, new people come up every day.
    Unfortunately innova either does not understand the psychology of the game or simply decided to cash in while they still can and close down the operation. It may be even that the second part is a consequence of the first.
    At the moment, I would not say the servers are healthy, far from it, but not in a coma either, there are some 2-300 addicted people on every day for many hours doing stuff (not simply afk fishing or not), they maintain the structures, the clans, the wars, the hate, then we have some 1-2k of casuals, people loging in for dailies once a few days, or even every day for a couple of hours,then the vast majority of inactives, logging on now and then to see how things are going, coming and going for months at a time, etc.
    A smart company would use the huge pool of the latter people by getting them involved, because then they start spending, and, albeit premium accounts will not sustain the server, will add up, as well as a purchase now and then of vita potions, even beauty tickets and stuff.
    Innova seems to target only the heavy spenders, ignoring the effects of scale an involved community will bring. Yes, we may have 50-100 people spending 1 k eur (guesswork, could be 500) in average every month,, yes, we have 200 more spending a fifth of that, but caring only for those and throwing a few breadcrums to the others int he form of heavily diluted events such as hungry horse one god forbid they can get too much EoD and buy jewel boxes to gear themselves us bypassing the almost obligatory l2store for that, all that policy is wrong.
    The few hundreds heavy users of l2store will still be heavy users, no matter if the 95% others can afford r99 armor +6 or not. They will not bother to farm carrots, hunt for the horse, won't be bothered by us in the higher level hunting grounds, they will get level from fishing with embryo bait and ++++ pvp gear by selling l2store and even if they would encounter some of us in the fields and think we bother them, will simply send us to town, one shot for the whole party, so keeping people poor by artificially lowering event drops will benefit nobody, the people which cannot afford or do not want to use L2Store will not do it, and those that use it will still use even more if non-ebayers can afford +9 pve weapon after a few months of heavy play and trade or not.

    TL;DR: Don't nerf "free" events, it does not help anyone.
    BeFair and TheFi1mGuy like this.
  2. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    I guess the only event that made everybody happy was the Attendance Event, since it only depended on you logging for 30 minutes and claiming the reward. Any other event will always have people complaining about. The only flaw about this lottery event is that they should have made a failsafe mechanics for it = 3 hours failing rewards in a row = at least 100 coins.
  3. peking

    peking User

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    they should make a kinda perma event like that. changing rewards or something, but hell, no, instead innova going full ****** with events.
  4. akaaWins

    akaaWins User

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    Guys it was awesome event. Stop crying!

    Soon we will have sayha talismans incomming and nextly the long awaited, dragon weapon chests!!!!

    Im already selling my apartment to buy it!
  5. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Don't forget the elmoraden cloaks! Now imagine trying to kill a mage and he pulls up : Shirt rebirth, agathion rebirth,cloak rebirth. Now that's when you say "screw this, i'm out".
  6. MaoMao

    MaoMao User

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    Extra items and such will not do damage IF people can afford them. The fighting will just last longer, as long as you pass the one shot threshold, i.e. heavy ebayers will actually have more fun and wont be bothered by the rest, because we will always be a one shot material (except maybe tanks on UD, Evi on SM etc).
    They will not change anything, in the end, for the vast majority, when you are one shot, rebirths do not matter, but they will make PvP last longer for the ebayers, so overall, will be a good thing.

    As for the events, I liked the first horsecoming event, the one without nerfed drops and with the roaming horse, I liked old santa events, I liked tiger event enormously, it is still my favourite, I liked many events of the past, maybe not the smashing melons or pumpkins, even the first fishing event was fun and undoubtedly helpful, there will always be people moaning, but if you look at the bigger picture events help, what does not help is continuously nerfing the "free" ones having the wrong impression this will force people to buy l2store instead.
    It wont happen fox, people which do not buy l2store will not buy l2store no matter if you nerf the events or not, will only make them quit as there are no real possibilities to do even PvE, not to mention ever dream to last more than one shot in PvP even from the low level ebayers. Nerfing the free events is the sure way to lower populations and disilusion the people which make the game work, you cannot have just 300 ebayers on the server, they will pack and leave as soon as the others leave, there will be nobody to buy their l2store gear for adena, the other ebayers will prefer to buy directly with eur. If you do not understand this simple thing, all is lost.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
    LangleyQueen likes this.
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