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Why Server is Half Empty?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Estolad, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Tell that to Innova:Roflmao:
    If people feel ok with current situation fair enough, if not though, the only way to see a change is to stop feeding them cause right now no one is really giving a damn about our complaints.
    The only thing that matters to them is revenue and it's completely understandable, but as customers, we must support the good and not support the bad decisions of a company with our money.
    So, if you feel unhappy stop being sheeps, do the right thing and watch them do whatever it takes to resolve any issue.
  2. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    I was hoping someone will do the rebellion and try to change the correct situation and not waiting for Innova to do the change. Yes, we pay Innova to have their services but the server its a community. And that community depending on us and not on Innova, we can change how the people act. Innova gives us the infrastructure and we have to build on that the good server.
  3. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Take a look on ramona, is what is happening. Few huge donors making the server profitable. Well everyone1 has their own pov, but you can't do anything. Not even innova, this game its losing players day by day just because its heavyly expensive to play at end game, so people invest their time / money in other places.

    I never told you to dont try, i just told you that you will do 0.

    Pd: people that paid never want a fair system, thats why they pay for it. No1 pay for make the server better, or to keep it alive. Everyone who pay is to get advantage from others and smash them throwing his visa to their faces.

    Im ok with donation, everyone can spend his money on whatever they want to. But your pov is just funny, thinking that innova bought licenses to make us a server to play, instead of making a buisness with it.

    Keep trying, hope someday u succes on it. But belive me, u will not change anything.

    Good luck
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Estolad likes this.
  4. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    You want change? Start with the root. The entirety of game is based around l2store(which influence bosses, pve and pvp in general) which korean devs are behind, not russians nor us.

    All begins in korea server, so i recommend you start there, learn some korean or use someone to contact them. If you change their p2w policy and subsequent destruction of game, it will affect every branch.
  5. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    You are right about that and I guess it won't change. Maybe its a dream of a lunatic that wants make the server full again... but I will keep dreaming and hoping that someday someone will do the change. Probably that person won't be me, but the new generation has the power and the will to do that, I have hope on them. I wish to see that day.

    Thank you guys to help the Core be alive!!!
  6. Karmaniola

    Karmaniola User

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    In L2Kr they brought out new brooch jewels where you can compound 2x level 6 jewels to more powerful ones.

    And you think that you are going to "save" L2 with a post in the forum?
  7. Siudek

    Siudek User

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    Haha rly next brooch update xD wtf is that :p
  8. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    Actually, no one says "save" Lineage 2, I say make the Server Core more crowded! No one talks about changing the infrastructure of Lineage 2 if I wanted to do that its like changing the whole Lineage 2, I like the game as it is :)
  9. goduole

    goduole User

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    First we need any events or make a plan how to bring new/old players back.. those l2 store events dont not even close to that :)
    Estolad likes this.
  10. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    I totally agree!! We need real events that will help people be more active and not just move their visa from the pocket. An event that helps the poor players and not just benefits rich ones.
  11. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    my To do list for 2018:

    Quit l2

    and check out from time to time if they remove brooch system, add better armor/weapon system

    wish me luck with quiting, rest is no chance
    FeDeZz likes this.
  12. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    The point of the game its to make you feel good and happy if that not make you anymore I wish you a good luck. But there is another way that you can enjoy the game. Stop being so competitive and jealous about what the others have.Enjoy the game playing few hours and have goals what you want to have..even if that takes a long time just concentrate on that. And the game will be more enjoyable. That is my advice ( of course it's my opinion, and I never say that is right) that I follow in my personal free time.
  13. iMusic

    iMusic User

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    You will probably tell I'm rude but well. You are completly mistaken about game nowadays. They are not here to permise you having fun but to make profit for some people.

    Stop being jealous and enjoy the game ? Well, in my case (because I won't talk at place of others), I'm playing lineage 2 since C2 and for PvP only. But since L2Store showed up, there is NO WAY to catch up level 199 Mastercard without using wallet yourself. So how I can enjoy those PvP ? Oh yes, I see, I go flag top geared people to be one shot ... So fun. I go flag people with similar gear ? They won't pvp because they think they need to be full brooch and more to pvp.

    Tbh, I don't even know while I'm still playing this game, because NOTHING will change.

    As last thing, most of those top geared as talking everyday like "We want pvp blablabla..." Shut up and stop lie, you don't want PvP, you want to rule on the server like a buldozer on a site. You don't give a *** about server. You are just playing at who got the biggest on world & hero chat everyday, making fun at people's fail while you fail yourself ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2017
  14. Estolad

    Estolad User

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    I am not here to judge, and I don't think you are rude telling your opinion. I know the game its mostly pvp and yes the world it's not fair, so it will always be someone stronger and richer. Why should we compare our chars with those people?And why should we be mad when they kill us with one hit? Its like to be mad at Elon Mansk that he is powerful.( funny example I know) Personally I enjoy the pve part of the game now. But if I have to pvp I do but I do not get mad if someone kills me :) If you like the game you accept it as it is even if it's not fair.
  15. Cheshir3

    Cheshir3 User

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    Definetely I'm not talking about DD position as you are noone without huge donation: you can still enjoy PvP without putting tons of money in L2 Store. It obviously won't be the same as when you are wearing more stuff than Christmas tree but it's doable and can be enjoyable if you accept the fact you won't be top of the top and you will die some more than others.
    Attitude matters.

    Which makes me think that this
    is excatly what YOU and other undergeared players expect to achieve; I'm not rich enough to catch the top so I'm stopping my rat race and/or quit the game, not complaining, dying from jelousness and flaming FOR YEARS (this is not personally towards you, just generalizing) how bad Innova is and what this game became, because these are actually real 4-5 years? since the community and gms "sharing thoughts to improve the game" which is nothing but "sharing thoughts to not destroy the game completely" and the only time they listened was with Topaz, I guess?
    Tell me people, what you expect? Why you still expect?

    Also I'm not saying there are no addicted people with money card which makes them feel better (of course they exist, everywhere).
    But plenty of players on top has a lot of gear already; I read few times calling other people slaves, just because they accepted the share system inside the clan. These people can't understand that big part of players in top clans is already pretty geared and they are there for more PvP practice mostly (correct me if I'm wrong), or they just don't expect everything for nothing, more like something is better than nothing; eventually just want to play with the leadership who is in this server since the begining, which means there are less chances to cash out by them with clan drops/can constantly fight for top.
    Don't measure other people by your own yard-stick, not everyone is greedy.

    To sum up: life is as you make it therefore try to have fun because
    And have a nice day all.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  16. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    They are making even classic GOD style so the chance of CORE being saved is zero.
  17. iMusic

    iMusic User

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    Like I tell previously, I won't talk for others. No, it's not what I'm expecting. I remember 7-8 ago, I was on private (yes I know, but wait the rest of the story), when pvp was slowly dying, because 1-2 clan was too strong, some of those players decided to change clan to keep pvp alive and still having fun. So until the server shut down (new owner bad managed it but that's an other story), we still had toon of fun.

    I don't care dying in pvp as I got my fun. To give you an example of my mind, I'm playing League of Legends from time to time. As I tell to everyone, I don't care having a bad KDA, the main objective of the game is destroying the nexus, no matter if I end 0/50/0, if I got the nexus, I won. For pvp, it's similar, if I got some fun at least, I'm fine with it. But like I tell being one shot isn't fun at all. Because there is no winner in pvp game unless you fight for epics (which I honestly don't care because event give toon of them than you will find on market). The goal in MMORPG is achieving things with friends/clan mate in FUN. If you don't have fun, there is no point to play and that's why I don't even play more than 1h a day since long.

    Why I talk about buldozer earlier ? Because when I see some hero with his clan mate with top gear who need to pk a full party of level 95-99 (for the best just decently geared for that) who are trying to make a RB, i'm just telling myself than those people simply want to rule server.
    Make me think of something : those top clan making all RB, they got all drop and keep in wh for what ? AH is empty, market is slowly dying (people trying to sell the same things for days/weeks). So unless eventually some new player start that game, if they don't use wallet, they got what ? NOTHING.
    In my opinion, every game population (active or not, hugh or not) can be judged by his market. And Lineage 2 Core's AH/market is not going well.

    Just to tell you than I expect Nothing from the server and his players. I'm already playing something else and playing 1h a day to have fun with some friends in game because we got what's app to have fun from time to time even being separated by many kilometers and even ocean.

    Hope you won't take this too serious, just telling my opinion with my eyes about the server.
    Cheshir3 and Estolad like this.
  18. Kvothe

    Kvothe User

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    Man, don't even try. Just pointless...Even if you spend 100€ every month you won't be competitive for years and if you somehow decide to spend thousands of € on this game, they will just add more. There is no fun involved in this version of L2. If you want to have some fun, go to Skelth and enjoy it till it's playable, because it will have more and more negattive aspects and will be similiar to GoD eventually.
  19. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    I will never play l2 for PVE. To make instance in short time? to kill efficiently mobs when they dont drop anything ?
    I had my to do list 2017...managed all
    There is 0 1v1,
    0 7v7 with normal eq
    ceremony is waste of time vs feohs
    olympiad looks like this:
    2store rat,stacked toon, l2 store rat, l2 store rat, box, stacked toon, box, box, l2 store rat, stacked toon, box
    in 4 hours you meet like 1 normal opponent
    0 field raids
    0 drops from tauti, octavis, istina
    0 quests with worthy reward

    even if there was 2 kkk per 3 hours in pavel ruins, 90% brooch compound rate and dark eternal stones dropping from mobs in atelia

    im cured
    thx ncsoft
    St0ne and FeDeZz like this.
  20. goduole

    goduole User

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    Dont forget Kengaas and eternal items shared ppls in oly , 50% competition of them :D They are sad as players , but when this game based about items so u know.. ;p

    Back on theme:

    I bet i was said it befero but, this company need fire that guy or ppls which look for new players, rly we lost atleast 300+ players in this year, ofc ramona start was bigest fail, but whatever , they like 2 dead servers its ok.

    So our side with looking players weak, next why they chose look just big spenders 90% - L2 store events, if they lower this amount atleast to 70-60% and change them for farm events or smth we see server more alive, some new players will come , win-win both sides.

    Where is gone returning heros event? We lost on this again, no any plan return old players
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
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