Greetings! The keucereus defense should have happened in ramona server this thursday/friday. I am not sure if it was the dimensional content added or the reset on the NPC server that affected it, but what happened was this: The NPC that announces the defense isn't present in game( Aden or Gludio) AND the teleport to Keucereus in Gludio is enabled but you can't talk to Teleporters NPCs there( can't even port back to town).
if i'm not wrong keuceus defense is same week as castle sieges. so probably next week you will get that.. and it's easy to defend with 2-3 parties + 5-6 95-99 lvl alts you can defend it easy
It is in the weeks without siege ( this week, on Ramona). So the NPC didn't appear wednsday,thuerday or friday, but somehow the teleport do Keureceus was enabled ( it is disabled when the defense fails, and it was, because it failed last time on Ramona) but with the NPCs not giving any options there. So it was either caused by the new content added ( dimensional) or the NPC server restart. So yeah, the last defense was 2 weeks ago ( failed), this week the NPC didn't appear.