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R.I.P. Ramona

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by STI_2017, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    And with 20b he was able to buy osom things like apo oe weap,random jewels and +8 twili set. Amazing!

    If ncsoft does not introduce new content for the next 200 weeks( on perma x2 xp ) he will catch up the rest!

    The only thing that will made this game playable again for more people is making it as ru. Drop l2 store price 1/3 and servers will be crowed.

    Its better sell 100 items for 1 euro, that 20 items for 4 euro. But seems innova departament is not capable to reach this idea.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
    Yslock, SnoWyz, Naito and 1 other person like this.
  2. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    When the game is so bad that players suggest only in game shop improvements.
  3. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Thats a pure lies.
    U simply cant exp that many in 2 weeks.
    But as others said,that shouldnt be even a thing.
    U could create like 10chars for zaken/freya purposes,a few mby for tauti,but thata about it.
    Not freaking army of toons.
  4. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Been saying that for a year, and since it's already like that in RU they don't even have to use their lazy brains and think off a new solution.
    Having a little less overall cost to gear a char than NCWest but forced to pay PA(which is good IMO) isn't motivating enough players to migrate here, but RU prices will easily do just that.
    Let's hope they will come to that conclusion as well, so the servers don't end up with 50 pixel dong swingers that will eventually quit too cause nothing else to do.
    It is what it is, Korea makes the calls and even if something it's too outrageous they get feedback from their player base and fix it before it gets published overseas. Therefore most of the changes or new content you see here is considered okay.
    So Innova, if they have any control at all, they can only make improvements on L2 Store as sad as it sounds.
  5. Notic

    Notic User

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    Its funny reading all these crybabies. People come and tell them in the face "Look there are some ways to make money if you work for it" and all they shout is "That's the wrong way blah blah cant make adena". It's just unbelievable.

    Look, we all get it, the farm is hard or possible only in some stupid ways. Everybody knows and aware of this. But there are ways to make money, the problem is people don't want to put in extra time. Instead of spending hours reading and crying on forums go farm some pavel ruins or level up zaken bot.
    CM Fragola likes this.
  6. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    Because what you do is better ? Remember this a a game, a game should be fun, if it's not fun people dont play it. You can keep your head in the sand and blame the crybabies, because it feels so good to show how hardcore you are and how the others are just spoiled brats who can't work to get their gear. Yet the player base is shrinking, 1 or 2 more quitting wave like we had when brooch was introduced and server will be completely dead. Why is that in your opinion ? Most likely these complaints are useless, but pretending that the game is fine and that people just need to be willing to farm to compete is even more ******ed than spamming forum because l2store is too expensive.
    nbtn! and Oscar like this.
  7. Notic

    Notic User

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    Where exactly I said the game is fine? I said the game mechanics are ****** up, but if you come here and want to play and get gear, you have to work for it or pay for it.
    You clearly have no idea what l2 was like before, because if you did, you would realise the grind was even worse back then. 0.1%/hour at lvl 65. Do the math. Sit 48h hardly with any sleep at baium just to enter for quest and that's just small part of it. And people spent hundreds if not thousands of hours to make adena and trust me it was not all fun and rainbows and fairies.
    The game is a grind just as it was before, but the game is dying because: 1. Its an old game so catching up is always a problem 2. there are special unicorns crawling out of their safe space who want everything easy so they dont commit long term.
  8. mucea

    mucea User

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    for a new player to make over 1000B (current gear worth if you want to be able to compete anywhere) without any donation it will take over 9000 years.
  9. Notic

    Notic User

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    Tell me how long do you want it to take to make 1 trillion adena?
  10. goduole

    goduole User

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    Its not a lie , i didint say its a big money , u said there is no way to get proper money in these days , i just said an example for slow money making , but if u are lazy to think , stay here ^^ i tryind this forum talk thing , nothing changed :D
    LuckyLuciano likes this.
  11. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    I know how this game was before and the difference is it was farmable, it was long sure but it was doable. You could spoil your crafting materials, farm your varka/IT/whatever quest and get your items. The game is not designed for farm anymore, so comparing c5 lineage II with current doesn't make sense. Everything in the L2 of today is an incentive to spend euros not time. But there's no solution anyway, innova/nc are gonna milk the cow until it dies and then move on.

    These new raids are a good addition to be honest, more farming potential for people, but the server isn't even active enough anymore to make it interesting.
  12. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    No dude u said its possible to make 49 toons at 97th lvls.
    Im saying its a lie.
    Simple as that. Even having PA an all of them.
    Not possible. Mby when u run a bot 24h/7d?
    Still not enough time for just 2 weeks.

    And ure missing a point.
    Its all about bringing back new pple ,or old players,or pple which tried the game but gave up upon 0 farming chances.

    U simply CANT expect a newcomer to create 1000000 toons just to farm for his main toon.
    That wont happen in 99.99% cases. Period.
  13. Notic

    Notic User

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    It is farmable just in different ways. I totally agree this game totally ***** for new players, but it was difficult for new players in all chronicles. The difference is that people earlier wanted to play it and invest time, now they dont so they quit in a few months. Simple. But most of them are lazy and cant stand the idea of actually putting the effort. Private servers also spoiled them

    Why not? So before it was ok to spend hours and hours of grinding adena/material (which is no fun at all) and now its suddenly not ok to spend hours making adena?

    Especially now, 20min, new toon. Farm zaken/fraya all day long. Paulina 30day ends. Throw away make new one - 20 minutes. Make cp, farm with full account of zaken/fray toons. That alone should make a few bil each. And to run 7 zakens/7fraya takes what? 1.5 hours maybe even less
  14. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Korean grind wasn't and never will be a fun activity, that's why botting was always so popular.
    It stays deliberately like that so people quit farming and spend their hard earned money on L2 Store instead.
    And even if something is worth farming, it will always be farmed by big clans or by people with top gear backed by big clans.
    No matter how much you love the game it's pay-to-win, if you want only play-to-win go find another MMORPG.
    @LuckyLuciano Back in the day things were simpler, but after GOD L2 Store content is increasing exponentially so the farm you needed then versus now is multiple times more.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  15. Notic

    Notic User

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    Game is dying (because its probably as old as some of the people here lel), very few new people playing, everybody knows how it is and will be, so why even discuss this? This game has been grinding fiesta all the time, nothing changed. As you said you either like it and enjoy whatever it has to offer or go play other games.
  16. mYzor

    mYzor User

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    The problem that most seem to be missing is that the game is not developed for new players. (i am guilty of this aswell)
    Sure, NCSoft has made many changes that do help new players (or new characters) a bit, but most of the content (be it Store or Gameplay wise) is for those in endgame or very close to it.
    But they are not developing the game for us. They are developing the game for their home playerbase.
    The changes we sometimes get, are not changes we necessarily need or want but we still get them, because they deem them needed for THEIR game. (for their home playerbase)
    A good example of this was the economy nerf that we got on core with an update (i cant remember exactly what was it) when core at that time barely had an economy to start with.

    EDIT: An example of this is how much people seem to cry about feoh's barrier. (here, at INNOVA or NCWest) Yet NCSoft doesnt seem to find any problem with it. How would they if their playerbase doesnt complain? (and there are alot of feoh's on their home servers)

    Back in the day we had the grind to keep players in check, with a realistic objective. "I want to get to the next 2 levels, because ill get new skills or a new armor/weapon/jewel mastery!"
    Today we have, thanks to players that want to be glowing from the toes to the tip of each hair strand, l2store progression. "Players got what they wanted".
    As much as i like to hate on NCSoft, this game (and many like this) have been infected with the "endgame is great, **** it up" mentality type of players.
    If players want endgame and are willing to do anything to get there, why would the owners of that game not take advantage?
    What makes me glad is that there are still players that are not willing to slug through -_- in order to get to the supposed greatness. Maybe there is still hope.
    Oscar likes this.
  17. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    @mYzor I kinda see your point but I wouldn't say "infected with the "endgame is great, **** it up" mentality type of players", because this is how the game is designed,
    no one is preventing people to stop at 85 or 99 lvl with basic gear make clans/allys and war each other. But guess what, no one is doing that because no matter the way or how fast everyone is always trying to improve, it's in our nature. In a game the developers set the limits and not the players. That's why tons people choose private servers with older chronicles or even new ones but with easier rise to the top.
  18. LotusTHB

    LotusTHB User

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    I agree, for this and several reasons many fail to play the game, administrators do not create means and strategies to attract more players, are lazy
    xXGuliverXx likes this.
  19. Notic

    Notic User

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    And people who dont want to spend time farming adena are not lazy? The delusion is real here...

    "Hey I just joined, I cant make hundreds of billions playing casually in months to enjoy top end pvp, game ***** *** boohoo". Go play lol, you can buy top items in 30-45 minutes :
  20. goduole

    goduole User

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    7 premium acc , and 2x kartias every day in 2-3 days they are 97 4 sure in exp event and start with 85 char , its not that hard as make instances and quests.. u didint even tryed it i think ^^
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