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Experiment 168 Servitor’s level influence on drop rate

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Yumi, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Yumi

    Yumi Innova Group

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    In this experiment, [​IMG] Wynn Spectral Lord servitor’s level influence on the drop rate is going to be checked.

    Attacker: 85 or 87 lvl Wynn Spectral Master (depending on the test), having different skills (depending on the test). Equipment: [​IMG] High-grade Lindvior Thrower. Buffs: [​IMG] Ultimate Servitor Share.

    Target: 83 lvl Tully

    During the experiment, only the servitor was killing Tully. In the first experiment, the character was 85 lvl, as well as its servitor, however, in the second one, while the level of the character remained the same, servitor’s level was increased till 87th. (it is the maximal level of Wynn Spectral Lord [​IMG] for 85 lvl character). In the third test level of both of them became 87.

    All the items that drop from this Raid Boss belong to one group that has a 100% drop rate, which means that in any case (except for those when the character has a level difference penalty) some of the items will definitely drop from Tully.
    200 monsters were killed for each test. The results are stated below:


    Drop Rate






    Summary: as it can be seen from the results, servitor’s level increase didn’t influence items drop rate, however, when character's level was changed, it led to drop rate decrease.