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PK Bug

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by aresl2, Mar 9, 2018.

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  1. plufkata

    plufkata User

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    Usser 1.0
    Again the bugs in this game is getting abused last night. I left my char in enchanted valley on macro with /target mobs name and today i saw 13 pk and missing bless valakas and some other stuff from the my inventory. The name of the guy who killed me is TOTAS (obvously he with another char made the pk). I would like to ask you is there any chance of getting my items back and is there any sort of punishment for people like this guys because a blessed valakas took me 6 months to make and one sec to drop. Is that fair people to farm like crazy and one lazy guy who discovered a bug or use inappropriate way with the pk to take all your hard work for the whole time in this server go in to the bin.
    I hope you will not tolerate such "players" and we will keep the server friendly and free of bots.

    GM answer 1.1
    Dear User, the described situation is a game moment and, unfortunately, the Administration is not going to interfere.
    The only thing that can prevent you from getting in a situation like that is raised awareness. Cycled-macro is a properly working game mechanic and it is up to you whether to use it or not. Any consequences of using repeated macros (lost items, experience) are the risks of the user who left their characters unattended -
    We cannot guarantee an absence of any adverse consequences for the User who applies repeated macros. In other words, it is the User who decides in his own discretion, whether he would like to use this functionality (bearing in mind a risk of losing inGame items and/or experience) or not.
    We are discussing this issue with the game developers.

    Usser 2.0
    Thanks for the quick response!
    I am endlessly disappointed with your decision! I do not understand why you tolerate one overpowering act like this robbery ?! You mean that part of the game is to look for game weaknesses and to use them for illegal gains?! And the thieves will continue to take advantage of it with impunity! Do you recommend players instead of farming to stealing items?
    Thank you very much!
    You lost another player and a fan of this game.
    GM 2.1
    This is not a bug, the mechanic works properly.
    We recommend not to use repeated macros while AFK.
    As I have mentioned earlier, we are discussing the issue with the developers in order to solve this.
    zauliuz likes this.
  2. aresl2

    aresl2 User

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    they dont care about that they just put option on next target bla bla (that is not rly helping)
    too sad is going to be late when they finaly decide to do something and punish the person who is hunting all zones of people not only 1-2 players per night all the zones
    there is no support here they only copy paste texts and that is all server is empty and will continue to die because people are leaving
  3. Leckter

    Leckter User

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    Should we send a fraps where this happens without a single macro used ? So that you stop this nonsense about macro ?
    This bug is older than those loop macros, because it wasn't exploited before doesn't remove the fact it's a bug.
    Will you admit it already ?
    (Food for thoughts : why do you think you auto flag when leaving siege zone ?
    Food for thoughts 2 : you don't flag when leaving gainak zone. Working as entended (traduction : I forgot about it and didn't code it when gainak was added, but now code is such a mess I can't fix it anymore with the time and money I have : not a bug !)
  4. gothic84

    gothic84 User

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  5. ZoIdi

    ZoIdi User

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    Dont know if will solve the problem at all for macro with next target but you can go to options, click game play and in the part of set next target put monster instead of target to taunt. With that you shoudnt target anything different than a monster (not flag or pk char).
    Apr 4, 2018
    PD: Dont know if that work for aoe attacks.
  6. Copeland

    Copeland User

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    So if I target myself after each mob, will I be immune to this trick?

    I also wanna know how he got me to move far away from my spot when all my skills were /useskillstand, which is the equivalent of holding shift. My char shouldn't move unless pushed or pulled or something by a PC.

    That will not work. In my instance, he managed to move my char away from mobs, so there was nothing to /targetnext, so when my char is standing there with nothing on target, he hits me, and I automatically target him. If he is red, I will attack him like a mob, no ctrl needed, and he makes himself white before I kill him.

    So I wonder if we players -- who just want a few EXP's since fishing is a money sink now -- can come together to outsmart and protect ourselves from this exploit that Innova thinks is just mechanics, but is really hurting the server, to add this loop feature only to have people lose good gear to sneaky little bug exploiters. Why prioritize them over other players? Saying "tough sht" may work in the Classic version, but GoD is supposed to be friendly, with 100% rez and not dropping gear to mobs. Listen to your players!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
  7. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    No u wont be 100% immune to this trick, but it will be significatly harder to make u PK someone.

    And pull from tank working even for unflagged players, so they pulled U with some Sigel Knight.
  8. Copeland

    Copeland User

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    Is there any way to cancel the target of a white player?

    Any what happens to Brooch Jewels? Do they drop or get destroyed or what?
  9. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

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    I dont get why people cry about losing items if they dont want to play the game anyway. If dont have time - dont play. The way you lose items is dirty, but you dont need them, if you spend more time botting+complaining on the forums when it's already been stated that it is not punishable.
    zauliuz likes this.
  10. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    what can i say, life is hard ;)
    yes, and pretty easy.
  11. aresl2

    aresl2 User

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    sry but are you even 99+ lvl ingame ? :D if you are then you know how many daily quests you have and ofc it is ingame option free for all i used macro for 30 min to eat and i lost 10b :D
    so think about it next time when you click macro to chek your facebook :D and i dont think the problem are people who use macro system maybe the problem is the one who make people quit the game every day ?
    Apr 5, 2018
    same thinking like innova team why should they play when they are on macro or why should they get it from farm events when they can pay for it in store :D
  12. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    What about the other people who quit because they could not do quests because macros were filling most spots for quests? I think you are greedy and you just think about yourself, it ***** that Ncsoft is making the game more for players like you instead of real ones who actually like to play.
  13. aresl2

    aresl2 User

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    well im back to game from 7 months and as i see the only problem zone is hellbound desert quarry
    Apr 5, 2018
    but i dont think anyone quit game bcs he cant find spot in desert :D
    Apr 5, 2018
    i like to play and im full pve player when i work 2nd shift ofc i want to use that ingame options so i can do atleast 1 faction quest while im on work
    and im greedy ? :D or that dude who scam items for billions every day and people leave ? yes they are on macro but dont forget that same people will join your party room and do instance/farm with you not mr "SuperBad who is stealing theyr items i dont care i was not using macro much now i dont even use it i got all items back so now im only tyred to see people spaming world chat every day about that and people leaving
    1 person making people quit every day and support doing nothing to punish him that is sad :)
  14. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    less bots, better game. what's wrong? i don't get point of this game automation. keep core bots free. but nooo. lets afk in all possible legit and unlegit ways. you will say: oh i have family, job and other responsibilities. well, thats your problem. you chose to play or not to play. because of those "lifers" and "responsible" peoples game become botland.

    @D3m0niak, what about monster and xiongfey? what kind of "safe and smart" macros they use? ;) probably monster didn't even complain when he droped smth. but pls explain to me, for noob who have no clue how macro works, how the hell it's possible to set macro to attack only mobs in nexttarget range, but not even target pet and/or flagged/pk char who attacks you while like 15-30mins someone nonstop removing your target and checking what you target. how to know what he targeting? well. for that there is ig "cheat/bug/exploit" called /assist and even rmb click on targeted nick table or alt + lmb on char and chose assist/pm/trade/add friend or invite to party. so non stop spaming skill to remove target, attacking with pet/char and not even get on target sounds very profezzional macro. i wont tell how i managed to make him flag/ get pk.
    so what else.
    we still have some "supersmart macros" in archaic lab, protected by th members koko and/or ebahuras if my sources not lying. those from warriorsofheaven clan. what about them. well. if you spectate them, they looks fine, feohs use snre, tank.. idk what he doing, warlord use provoke and /attackstand, spoiler spoil. everything looks fine. but that second when warlord was pulled outside, and pulled far from /target mob range zone. he didn't attack anything, even if he had someone on target. but that second when we pull back him to mobs, he attacked mobs. well.. i would say very "smart macro". i think i even reported them, but can't find from which account i did that, and i wont complain about support actions cuz i will get ban in forum for 'false info'. but support do really good job, and one of my tickets still open since march 10, gm was assigned, but no answer, nothing.

    so thx for reading, and gl, see ya in few months, cuz post will be deleted soon, and i get ban once again for false information.
  15. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    u can set in option of game that nexttarget will target only mobs, or only players, or only NPCs etc...
  16. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    oh rly? you think i don't know how work this thing?
    try yourself. if want more details pm me ig. i'll explain that to you. or even can show
  17. xLeax

    xLeax User

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    While im really sorry about ur loss, and everything, i still dont understand how people are still ******et enough to loop on macro over night as long this shyt is non bannable offence.
    My conclusion
    U either provoked this to happen
    Or ur just plain ******et to still loop while greedy idiots still doing this shyt to others
    Once again, im rly sorry for ur loss, and i hope those guys get banned, but wasnt the smartest move to loop right now
  18. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

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    I'm still 89, doing Kartias. If I botted, i would be 106 for sure. If you really wanted, you could do all the dailies by your hands, l2 idea was to be a hardcore, but it's made easier, cuz all the old players are like 30-40. But you shouldnt complain about the game, if you dont have time to play. You can: 1. Quit the job, go full time l2. 2. Play as much as you can and dont blame the game for its 13 years or so broken mechanics (no 1 forces you to play this old piece of garbage). 3. L2store.
    All the choices are reasonable in their own way, so it's for you to decide what to do.
  19. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    People always forgot that we pay for a service. We pay for a service, if you don't recive that service at 100% people are on their own to come here to spam about ig bugs. If you don't like it you can stop reading already. As leckter said, its not anything related with ig Marcos, its even older. And it's not a mechanic, its a bug.
  20. goduole

    goduole User

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    Whatever.. gm alredy write that they dont care.. and ofc this koko and bahuras boting, i pked many times those chars and reported, but gues what? They still on so this gms doing rly good job :D :D
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