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[02.05.2018] Thursday live stream with CM

Discussion in 'Team Blog Archive' started by CM Fragola, May 2, 2018.


When to do the Thursday stream

  1. Maintenance time (9-12 CEST)

  2. Evening time (20 CEST)

  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

    Likes Received:
    Today I logged in to check the bot infection problem with our GMs and while they were cleaning them, I received a lot of PMs and world shouts with questions about Dim sieges, bot problems, and other questions, so instead of answering everything by text, I've decided to show up on a live stream with everyone, and answer your questions personally.

    Help me choose the right time and put your questions in the comments below - I'll be answering them as well as questions from the chat.

    Time: TBD
    Pempem likes this.
  2. Naito

    Naito User

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    Ok so the first question. When donation system will be less agressive and more friendly to the players ? It's not really funny to play a game where 2 really heavy donors clan fight each other, and the rest of server 80% ppl are one shot players without any posibility to be even close to them. (I have almost all possible gear in game from donations, so please don't tell me, that i am crying, because i dont have)
    CM Fragola likes this.
  3. Cudezicic

    Cudezicic User

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    Is Innova going to react to the fact that Loot Boxes and similar things are now illegal in Netherlands and Belgium? In Belgium you can face upto five years of prison maximum for this.

    What are your opinion on this? Is it criminal or illegal to continue pushing predatory Gamble mechanics into games - involving real life money?

    Source: https://www.engadget.com/2018/04/25/loot-crates-illegal-in-belgium/
    CM Fragola, xLeax and xa0xa0xa0 like this.
  4. Emeli

    Emeli User

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    Question 1: What are the actions related to the "Community Feedback on everything" Thread?
    Question 2: Is there a change of the rules [make it illegal to get a Macro player red] planed so that more players use the macro function again and therefore maybe less player bot?
    Question 3: Will there be an option for the players to vote on further events or event types [not L2Store or drops in the event]?
    CM Fragola likes this.
  5. xLeax

    xLeax User

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    Question : What will u finally do to revive the Server, since u said in other Thread that u have a few ideas, i dont think that merge brought enough to survive the comming Summer
    CM Fragola likes this.
  6. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Allright, evening time has won.
    You still have time to drop the questions below.
  7. ANGEL

    ANGEL User

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    Question 1 What you planning to do with ppl using bots and inapropriate programs for pvp oly etc how you planning to stop them because GM ingame check my opinion shoudnt be the answer you should make frost security more secure in my opinion.They are there you just need to open your eyes abit
    Question 2 How you planning to bring more ppl in
    Question 3 What is your vision for this server
    Question 4 Are you planning to lower the cost for l2 store at all
    Question 5 Are you planing to make this server works properly because they are plenty on known bugs but noone does nothing to be resolved.Especially with the skills
    Thank you for you anwers in advance
    CM Fragola likes this.
  8. Emeli

    Emeli User

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    Question 4: Is there a possibility to change the change the system from L2store to monthly payment [like the classic server]?

    Do you upload the record of the stream somewhere so that player [who are not on at that time] can watch it later?
    CM Fragola likes this.
  9. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Sure, I'll upload it later to the youtube channel, so everyone could check it.
    Emeli likes this.
  10. americangirld

    americangirld User

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    Why do farming/free events dont have l2store/paid event rewards ?If u do it like u do just add packs of farmable items to l2store :>why bother leaving town for trash
  11. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    I'm a little bit late, the stream will start in ~15 minutes.
  12. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Cooking, dishes... Its ok. We understand and we will wait a bit
  13. Kadden

    Kadden User

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    Thank you for having the patience to deal with the crying kids in chat. They don't understand why the game has changed even though you explained it so honestly.

    We want to see more streams and more about Classic please.
    CM Fragola likes this.
  14. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    That was a fun stream. All jokes aside though, from my understanding your team seems to have little knowledge about the game or just denying the facts.
    A party "farming" roughly 100mil per hour while continuously dying in Paulina gear isn't a great example of grouping and progression. I hope you guys start giving it a bit more thought and, along with the devs, figure something out.
  15. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    It's just the server is 1 week old, they can't buy r99 crafting packs because there's none on the market so they are investing their adena into jewels atm. Still, in my opinion, farming Atelia 1 week into the server life is an achievement, the gear will come with time.
  16. qweto

    qweto User

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    Some questions was really helpful to understand how it all works together, other was less helpful but still your time with us was kind of a good think so I want to thank you for that and I think if we have more streams like that our community might get little better and be more friendlly to each other.
    Last but not least thanks for all your volunteering time trying to help us... I hope some more people appreciate how important it is indeed. Have a good night.
    Kadden, CM Fragola and Naito like this.
  17. SevenSeaS

    SevenSeaS User

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    Well after i saw all the (Q/A) video i can say some things , one big reason i stopped playing the first two months of new server Ramona was i did over 100 times instances 97+ and the only good thing i took is EWR , even Epic bosses like tauti etc ..dont drop a thing! And the result was to be a 100lvl char with immortal lvl4 set. Farm with dwarf is destroyed ,drops are equal to completely zero. Now how to be a player of Lineage 2 EU Salvation ? I cant find a reason..it will be the same thing as Ramona .You saying from L2Store feed your family ...developing team families ....and any other who working in NC i can respect that ! BUT how do you expect someone to start from begin or re-begin the server if there is no possible way to get a thing from normal farming ,yes ok we took some lvls ....after? how to get normal armor-weapon? dont tell me to kill mobs and get 10k from each mob and take because this will take years. We had multiple ways to make Items and now Zero. Yes we can understand you take the patches from NC Korea...but you have considered why they Nerf everything ? they have so big community and bots and to slow down the game the did it. You should "push them" to make the game "normal" at least for Eu Server,and you will get community because we will have something to archive...after all OUR community keeps alive their chair job and you job also. Every Region Server have different problems but we are taking the same patches and we must obey them . That's totally wrong.There are 3 types of players : 1. Normal players (who loves the way farming recipes materials adena /xping etc) ,2. Normal Donate Players (who can donate a little to be one point above the Normal players),3. Heavy Donate players (who donate every single thing in L2Store multiple times and be ten points and more above the Normal Players). Now the types who playing the game is only the Heavy Donator Players and i doubt if they keep donating right now because they dont have any competition ...so no more money for you. I really really want to comeback me and my CP to play but we cant find any good reason ,we dont have 2k Euro each to be a very simple PVE players and there is NO WAY to "skip it" ! Your Voice must be hear to Korean Team and make heavy changes or else the game sadly will remain almost empty.
  18. xLeax

    xLeax User

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    @CMFragola plz take 5 min and Read what i wrote, and please feel free to correct me if im Wrong

    About that Party on RU Server that Farm so Wonderfull in Atelia

    Now there are a few Scenarios.

    1. The Economy is like on Core in around a year or two, which means ( the party improves and make 20 mil per char per hour in atelia ) then they can afford lets say 1 Ruby 5 which cost here around 50 - 60 bil in ( / 140mil per Hour ) 428 Hours, that means for the Average Joe to Farm ~ 100 Days AS A CP for a lvl 5 jewel ( and there are lvl 5 which cost the double ) . so for the whole party to get ONE lvl 5 jewel each = 700 Days , in other words 2 Years, now we all know to pvp on a Server where L2 Store is u will fight against lvl 6 Jewels, do the Math, reread what i wrote and tell me if any Normal Human beeing with Friends and Family which is not a pure sadist to himself would FARM so long to get there . ( btw the lvl 5 Jewel i described is like 5% of gear u need to pvp here )

    2. Maybe im wrong with 1. IF the RU item prices are cheaper SINCE the l2 StorePrices are cheaper ( around 1/3 of our prices) BUT MOBS STILL dropping same amount of adena like here, this will let the things look totally different.
    If an Item cost here in L2 Store lets say 50€ , it will be sold for around 5-8 bil = 40-60 hours of Farming for that cp in our server ( mobs drop some amount of adena then RU ? )
    Same Item cost in RU Store around 20€ , now it would be intresting to know how much russians sell it for ( L2store Ratio) cuz if the Item also cost 1/3 in Adena THEN YES @Fragola ur right, they have more reason to farm items then the eu Players, becouse they get 3x as much money/Items for their Time then the EU Players.

    To Confirm all of the Above, we simply need a few Screenshots from the Russian AH, this way u can compare how long "They" need to farm for an Item, and how long WE need
    ( Item Cost divided by money farmed per Hour)
    As i said i dont know the Prices on RU, but if anyone do feel free to post them here.

    Conclusion: If their Prices in Adena are 1/3 of ours also ( cuz of cheaper Store) and u want to Compare their Situation with ours, either give us Their L2 Store Prices, OR put our Adena and Drop Rate 3x Higher, then and only then we have the same Scenario like on the "wonderfull RU Server, where Partys make 10 mil each per hour in Atelia with Paulina Sets"

    Thanks for ur Time , and sorry for the Wall of Text
  19. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    I agree.
    As i said xyz times before. L2store, farming, even graphics or old core of core, laggy mass PvP and other things Fragola described yesterday are not real reason why players choosing other games.
    Real reason is ratio between farming and donating. ( Adena vs L2store )
    Only because ratio is huge in favor of donating players, population getting lower and lower...

    Atelia 15kk per person is nice. On fresh server where adena is propably valuable might be ok to get items.
    Fact is if u get top equip, what is like xyz times more expensive than Paulina Sets, your income wont be xyz times higher, but only like twice higher. Lets say 30kk per hour...

    There are limits on farming u can reach, and its ok... but ratio between L2store and adena farm should get lower.

    Imagine u farm 30kk of Adena per hour and u can afford L2store worth 1+ Euro. Atm on Core u can afford L2store worth 30 cents.

    I think ultimate goal in this game is to have equal equipment on everybody. U can have opportunity to farm or to donate. But those oportunities should be more balanced. I understand, u need time to develop your character, but developers should understand time should be reasonable.
  20. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Since no major changes can be done to the game, only by lowering the cost of the overall gear a player needs will help, not only those who wanna reach end game but everybody below them(gear-wise), the economy, bring more people etc.
    The best example I can give and remember is the early GOD years in NCWest where boss jewels could only be obtained by farming bosses. For example, Blessed Antharas and Valakas cost multiple thousands of dollars back then.
    Then NCSoft decided to add this http://www.lineage2.com/en/news/events/the-hungry-horse-event.php a farm event where carrots could be also bought from L2 Store. But no one rushed on forums to accuse NCSoft of being greedy, doing another money grab etc. Everybody was happy because super expensive items were now way cheaper and accessible to a broader public. We are in a similar situation today with the only difference being that the insanely expensive gear can only be obtained through L2 Store, not gonna exclude dragon weapons for obvious reasons.
    Last edited: May 4, 2018