As we started posting the "Sneak Peek into the update" series, we started receiving questions about the update, so let's collect them in 1 place. You can see the list of current Sneak Peeks here: Sneak peek into Orfen update: The story Sneak peek into Orfen update: Subclass/Dualclass skills change Sneak peek into Orfen update: Throne of Heroes changes Sneak peek into Orfen update: Faction changes Sneak peek into Orfen update: Hunting Grounds (Silent Valley, Lands of Chaos, Plunderous Plains) Also, please don't miss the list of items to be deleted with the update: The update itself is pretty far away (current estimation is August), but I believe in equality of information and I also know that you've been checking translations already from Korean and Russian, so getting a F.A.Q. post so early makes sense at least to me, but I hope it will be a place to collect all common questions about the upcoming update so, keep them coming. Q: Will PoW be deleted? A: No, you will still acquire it at the 3rd class, but it will not work if any 4th class Melodies. Q: How SoS will work? A: The same. Q:
Will all old buffs (like the +35% p. crit damage) be unable to work with 4th class melodies, or only pow?
As I've just tested: DW/Haste/Wind Walk/Acumen don't work with any 4th class melodies. Mystic Immunity works:
To be more specific on his question, right now you can delete Guitar Melody and replace it with Chant of Critical or Improve Critical Attack combos. Trading some cast/attack speed for critical rate/damage is better. You can also not learn Guitar Melody on Iss Doomcryer and keep the two older buffs which are part of the combo but overall better than Guitar. Example: But instead of the two older buffs you can get the combo from out of party.
<_< I've tested with ALL of them in a way: buff Organ + try ww, dw, acu, haste. Then buff Guitar + try ww, dw, acu... etc. Every time, any 4rth class melody replaced the older buffs. I'll make you a video when I get home to a better PC. I couldn't buff any of the said skills along with any 4th class melody. @Palkah and others, if you want, you can give me various combos of skills to try together for the video test.
Cat buff also? The one you remove sonatas and use old pet from arcana lord to buff p. crit chance and p. crit damage..
That seems to be enough. I guess other PoW-like buffs (VoP/CoV/Magnus) are fixed too obviously, unless Korea forgot something. As for the SoS - I've read that it's supposed to double the critical damage of dual-blunts also now, can you confirm?
A video from 2017 is a 0 reliability source because the changes in this patch were rolled back and in on Korea for 2 months every week, and I'm pretty sure he could not know if he is testing on a build that's gonna go here.
Topaz on Server ++++ will make some class better on olys and bring some a bit balance to game Jul 5, 2018 Something new for olympiad Fragola ?
SoS will not work if any melody is on? So tyrrs are gonna be even worse. I mean what does it mean "The same"? The same as before or the same as PoW?
it will work like before. just titans didn't get atk boost with retributers. and if i heard correctly furious slasher also not work with retri. everything else will be same. so only one option for titans is go for frenzied tauti 2h axe.
New pve area around Orfen is there going to be any new fanction for it? if not are the mobs going to apply to use specific type of the fanctions talismans we already have?
how about level difference in party to get exp? same as now 5lvl and then you get exp penalty? exp will be same or also increased?
With regards to SoS what players really want to know if there will be any changes compared to current game play and even though SoS may still work as before the fact Retributers get's reclassifeied as Canes most likely will impact how those weapons will work when used by Tyr's due to the weapon no longer working with their passive & active skills.. Wynn is a different situation as that class always was a hybride and can use either mage or fighter weapons as for their passives/active skills there's no impact long story short: please test & confirm if Canes will work with Tyr's skills aka benefit of their active & passive skills compared to regular 2H Blunts etc. hope this clarifies
Does old (3rd class) Noblesse Blessing skill still replaces (4th class) Blessing of the Exalted? Check it if you have time, thanks