This is more of a general guide for all the new players, or players who have tried this game in the past and now they feel lost after returning. For level 1 to 85 refer to the previous guide. 1. What to do at 85 As 1-85 is more of a tutorial, so is 85-99 in some ways. First thing to do is awakening quest. Go to the Museum through the npc where you first started at level 1 and grab this quest Seize Your Destiny. Awaken at Reliquary of the Giants, don't forget to grab two revelation skills from the Monk of Chaos at the same place. Herphah and Penny. After awakening you will get notified about visiting Herphah in the town of Aden. As you can see, Herphah has a series of quests available at specific Adventurer Guild faction levels, faction that can level up from 85 to 94 with the help of Penny. The maximum level for Adventurer Guild faction is 6 and it's not hard to level it up. Every day before starting dailies, go to Penny and see available quests then visit Colin in the same town for Basic Training for Hunter Guild Member quest. Zaken and Freya. First, go to Rune town and grab Embroidered on a Cloak, Part 1: Zaken's Soul and Embroidered on a Cloak, Part 2: Freya's Soul quests. Doing these two raid bosses will grand you soul fragment and when you gather 20 of them go back to this npc to exchange them for a cloak that after equipping it you can use the teleport skill to the boss area. It's also a cheap way to travel around the map. Recommended level is 85-87. They do drop nice stuff from time to time but it's all random. It's another decent way to make adena at low levels. Zaken can be done 3 times a week, Mon/Wed/Fri, Freya 2 times a week, Wen/Fri. Level up a subclass or alts for Zaken and Freya. You can start a subclass. Visit Raina in Talking Island for Red Thread of Fate. After you finish it and choose a subclass, you start it at level 40. You can have a maximum of 3 subclasses, all up to 80, one of which can be a dual class and can bypass the level 80 limit. After you level subclasses you can go back to Talking Island and grab subclass certificates at level 65, 70, 75 and 80 from Subclass/Dual Class Certificate Manager. Same thing for your dual class but at 85, 90, 95 99. Note that Ertheia can only have one subclass which is also your dual class, of your choice, and starts automatically at level 85. Raising a subclass level is easier, you can repeat the quests unlike you did on main class. After you awaken you get Paulina's equipment R-grade set that after opening it will last you 30 days. Additionally, after awakening your dual class you will get another one of these sets. Be careful and open it on the class you need. Note here that because Ertheia dual class is already awakened you don't get this second set. Once you reach 75+ on subclass do Noblesse, Soul Testing. Having noblesse status is important. You gain an active skill that allows your buff to remain after you die. You get noble teleport access in each town, some of them like Gludin arena, Giran arena or Coliseum are available from everywhere for 1k adena. Easy teleport around the map when you're poor. It allows you to participate in the Olympiad. Olympiad is available Fri/Sun from 20:00 to 00:00 server time. Grab Olympiad Starter from Olympiad Manager in any town. Completing 10 Olympiad matches and turning in the quest will result in 2 Giant's Energy (5.5-6.8mil adena) and 10k fame. You don't have to win them but you need to have olympiad points to enter. To check it, type /olympiadstat command. Every week you get 10 points by default. For more fame you can do Ceremony of Chaos from Mon to Thu at 20:00 server time. Grab the 2 quests from the Mysterious Butler npc available near Olympiad Manager. You can sign up every 15 minutes, at 20:00, 20:15 and so on. Do 5 of these arenas to complete the 2 quests for fame. You don't have to win. You gain fame by doing clan quests, olympiad or ceremony of chaos. Clan (N) -> Clan quests. With the fame you can buy various things from Clan Shop. Getting the supply box top grade, available in clans level 8 or higher for 9k fame, will give you Daily Coins that you can buy stuff with from a Priest Franco in Talking Island. There is also a chance to get 7-days epic jewelry. Teredor instance in the town of Schuttgart. Forget it, nobody does this anymore. We used to do it daily in the past. Seed of Annihilation. It was very crowded in the past, now it's pretty much empty. To get there you go to Gludio or Talking Island gatekeeper and teleport to Keucereus Alliance Base, it will cost you 150k adena. From there you take another teleport to Seed of Annihilation 85. You can do Nursery instance every 12 hours, it's a solo instance for 85-90. You can also do Not Strong Enough Alone quest outside. We used to do this one in group but now with npc buffs you can solo this one on some classes. Also grab Finding the Lost Soldiers from inside and if you find injured soldiers you can also do Completely Lost quest. Harnak Underground Ruins at 85. Recommended by Penny. Easy to do it solo, kill 200 mobs and you're done. Altar of Evil at 85 and Bloody Swampland at 86. Recommended by Penny. Each one is done after you complete a set of two quests. My recommendation, don't do it or do it once to see how it is. I don't recommend it because to get a quest item you need to kill several mobs on average and in the end you kill around 1k mobs to finish these quests. Kartias Labyrinth is an instance in Aden, for both solo and group. This is the main leveling exp from 85 to 99. Do both the solo and the group instance and don't forget to grab the quests from Penny. The group quest from Penny is only available at 87. 2. Level 88 Go to Hunters village and grab Shadow of Terror: Blackish Red Fog quest. It will give you an agathion that gives you a free teleport to Magmeld every 30 minutes. To use the agathion you need a seed bracelet. Go to Dimensional Merchant in any town, click "I want to exchange a Zodia Agathison Charm or get a Seed bracelet", the click "Exchange for seed bracelet" and buy one for 500k adena. Don't buy one from auction house, overpriced. In Magmeld you have a series of quest available from level 88 to 95. Penny asks you to do some of the Fairy quests. It's nice exp and recommended quests from me. Some one time quests have decent rewards. 3. Level 90 You have another series of quests around Magmeld. You can do Fortuna and its one time quest For the Forgotten Heroes or Spezion for its one time quest rewards from Undecaying Memory of the Past. Penny has quests for both instances. Spezion resets every 4 hours, Fortuna is daily. There are also some quests in Garden of Genesis. Kimerian and Kimerian Epic are easy solo instances that you can do. Rewards are not great. On 1st and 15th of every month Antharas Nest (Balthus Knights) instance is available. Check the party matching, lots of people are recruiting, easy five minutes instance. At worst you can get a gemstone R-grade and an element crystal. Istina (common) is also available in the Seed of Annihilation, resets every Wed/Sat. There is a one time quest Primal Mother, Istina. 4. Level 93 You will be prompted to do a one time quest named Mysterious Journey. It will unlock a series of quests in Isle of Souls Harbor. Penny has quests for this region as well. Good exp overall. There is an instance Nornils Garden where you can fight the boss Spicula Zero. From Isle of Soul Harbor go to Stronghold 3 then walk towards Nornils Cave, speak with the teleporter and go to Boz core. The you Find the Boz core npc that will teleport you inside. Finish the one time quest Soulless One inside this dungeon. 5. Level 94 One notable quest is Kicking Out Unwelcome Guests. Grab it from Giorgio in Aden, Penny also have a quest for this one. 6. Level 95 As you have noticed, no more free buffs and no more free teleports. Guillotine Fortress, forget about it. It was something I did daily with full group in the past but today is completely empty. Dimensional Gap in Aden. Grab this quest Dimensional Exploration of the Unworldly Visitors from Tarti, speak to Ruine and enter Dimensional Gap. Take the quest Exploring the Dimension - 30-day Search Operation from Beloa. It's easy and soloable if you have buffs. As daily rewards you get 3k soulshots, 2k spiritshots, chance for a Venir's Talisman Box, Superior Giant's Codex Box, or Kaliel's Energy Box. It's a decent amount of adena and exp. After 30 of doing this daily you will get these rewards Exploring the Dimension - Sealing the Dimension. Note that inside the rooms there is a chance to find Dimensional Vagabond monster and after you kill it you get a key to access a boss room. So far I got only EAR and EWR as drops from this boss, so nothing really interesting. Keucereus Alliance Base Defence available every 2 weeks in a random day Wed/Thu/Fri and a random hour 21:00/22:00/23:00 server time. This instance is accessible for 2 hours and you can do it solo as well but find a group. At the end you get to fight Kain. The rewards can be blessed scrolls, codex and so on. Octavis. In order to take the one time quest Owner of Hall from Lydia you need to have finished Undecaying Memory of the Past (you did this with Spezion), and then a series of other quests from Lydia. From Magmeld, go to the teleporter Sookie, select orbis temple 1st floor and you get to Lydia by walking a bit then to the left. Same as Istina, it can drop Rune Stone and various other items, and resets Wed/Sat. 7. Level 97 Epic Istina (Epic Istina) is 97+ but people will want 99+. Resets once every 2 weeks. Epic Octavis (Epic Octavis), and same as Epic Istina, players will want 99+. Tauti (Tauti) and Epic Tauti (Epic Tauti) by going to Seed of Hellfire from Keucereus Alliance Base. Requires some prerequisite one time quests to be done. Go to Parnassus from Giran or Heine gatekeeper. Baylor is pretty easy instance, resets daily, drops are bad. Balok is not that hard, requires to have some bsoe on you in case you get trapped. Resets on Wed/Sat, drops are quite good. Crystal Caverns: Steam Corridor, Coral Garden, Emerald Square for party of 5-7 players. Pagan Temple in Rune town is mostly a place for magic classes 97+. Blazing Swamp is a region for 97+. The quest seems really long. 8. Level 99 Everything start to be harder. You have access to Hellbound. You get your first series of exalted quests Exalted, One Who Faces the Limit. You have access to Nightmare Kamaloka (Nightmare kamaloka). General Tips 1. Shift + skill will make your character attack in place. It will stay in the same position while attacking. For macro use /useskillstand skill name. Only useful for range DD or healers. 2. Alt + Click and move one of the party members window. Useful to put melee and range separately. 3. Use /target %party1 (%party2...) with macro to select party members. Iss can make a macro to select certain party member and use Angel's Touch. 4. Before you sell or buy anything from npc, make sure the taxes in that town are 0%. Go to any vendor npc and check "Can you tell me about the local lord and tax rate?". Light castle (check on map) have 0% taxes. Use these towns to buy your groceries (spirit stones) and sell your unused materials to maximize profit. There is a lot more to learn about many things, the game basically starts at level 100+.
Very nice guide. Would have loved to have something like your two entries when I was just starting out.
You guide should be no longer than 2 000 characters long (including spaces and punctuation)... And I still count over 11.000 characters. It is a nice guide but let's be honest, rules are rules and it is not fair compared with other contestants, who followed this rule.
Character? Nevers mind, I understood words, as the count number in the editor is for words. I guess they can just delete it.
I hope they will still give you some sort of prize since so far they are the best guides. Maybe not as a participant of competition. but for a hard work
It should be words and you should get the prize. Can't do much of a guide in 2,000 characters. I think even my short one is over that limit.
Up to 99lv is basicly same thing. After 100lv u gain a few new farming spots and Q/ instances ,but thats all.
With Orfen update there are only two notable changes I remember. Silent Valley is now a place for level 95-96 (previously around level 75) and you can take quests from Adventurer Penny to award you Adventurer faction points with that place. Previously, all the quests at for Adventurer faction where for level 85-94, now with Orfen I see it's for 85-97, so a positive change. Edit: Almost forgot, the one hour buffs from npc for level 95 and higher are now 3 million adena or 5 gemstone r-grade.
Hello thank you for the guide, can you please help me , im wyn lvl 97 wit iss box lvl 96. Most rooms of baylor ,cc starts with lvl 99+ as you it takes a lot of time to find a room. I used to macro farm in silent valley, can you recommend me any map like that ?
I didn't macro farm any area except for a bit of Hellbound (Desert Quarry) for my exalted but that area is for 99+ and it might be hard depending of your gear. Then I remembered Blazing swamp, I've see many afk macro there and it's for level 97-99. I didn't like that place as an active player and especially without buffs. Nornil cave in IoS, especially those named rooms, might still be a good place up to 99. Anyway, when you open your map and you click World Info button on the top right you will see some of the suggested areas for your level and some of the suggested instances.