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Looping Macro's

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Kuriyami, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Kuriyami

    Kuriyami User

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    I box a PP duo and sometimes a third DD when i'm grinding.

    I've heard that people can loop macros?

    What is the best macro set up for a DD to loop assist me when i'm killing mobs?

    He is a warlock so he'll have pet to attack, and himself.

    Thank you!
  2. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    Make sure the main toon has next target set to 'mobs only', but the best would be to target mobs by full name only. It depends if you will be watching the screen - if yes, then next target is fine. There is a bug that allows players to force you to PK them regardless of that, even if you target by mob name, thats why watching the screen is important.

    I'm not sure if you are playing the GoD version or classic (because of PP), but here are both options
    You can go for the simplest option for GoD:
    /target %party1
    /useshortcut 1 1
    /useshortcut 1/6

    Where %party1 is your first person in PT, which should be MA. Shortcut 1 1 is pet attack, the rest of shortcuts are marks. After that you can throw some self buffs.

    If it's classic then:

    /target %party1
    /useshortcut 1 1
    /delay X

    this is your basic option (I put in attack cause I dont know if summoners there still dont have a nuke attack and back in old days we used autoattack). Delay X is the time you take to kill a mob minus ~1-2 seconds. You can use that pattern twice to take 10 slots, and use other 2 for self buffs. It all depends if you are active or not. This is a good basis, you should try it and experiment around for maximum optimization.
    21Sav likes this.
  3. Kuriyami

    Kuriyami User

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    Thanks a lot this is great, i'll always be active and controlling my main character, but at the moment i just have the others sat there leeching xp.

    It'll be great to get them killing too to speed up the process.

    On and i'm on the classic server