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Experiment 173 Attribute System debunked

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Palkah, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    Normally it means that it deals earth damage and also has higher resistances to that attribute. How high compared to the other resistances? Don't know
  2. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    in hi5 or smth around that chronicle (maybe freya) i found something about atributes on mobs.
    actually about anthy, attack/def for earth he had 320 or so. and wind only 270 def. rest was 300.
  3. Slickman

    Slickman User

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    omg, the true attribute formula is "1+sign*((sqrt(diff/2)*(diff*0,01)+2,5)/100"
    where sign="1" if attack atribute>defence, otherwise "-1"
    sqrt - square root
    diff - difference value between attack and defence. It's modulus.
    Bonus modifier can not be more than 1.25 and less than 0.75.
    It was calculated and thus known more than 3 years ago, you could just easily google all info.

    And level bonus (used for stats and physical skills). lvlMod for 1-99 characters: (lvl+89)/100.
    For characters above 99 lvl: (lvl+89+4*(lvl-99))/100. For example, if your level is 101, your level modifier is (101+89+4*(101-99))/100=198/100=1,98.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  4. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    Since my formula gives exactly the same results, with the same accuracy, you cannot claim that your formula is better, simpler, yes, but not better. They both give the same results, so they are both good. You cannot claim that your formula is used by the server, since to do that, you would need to decompile the server executable, and even if you were Innova/NCWest employee, doing that would be a break in the license agreement, which could get you sued.

    Experiments are made to discover how something works, if it was changed, if new rules were added to the system. Any info older than 1 update could be fake info in Lineage 2. And I expect to re-do this experiment after Fafurion update comes and changes the attribute system again. That's one. Two - I never trust sources who claim "this is how it works and I will show 0 proof that what I say is true". If we were to listen what people on the internet say instead of testing how something works, people would still run around saying there is cap on 80 DEX. You refer to your topic on Russian forum. I've read it. There are three possibilities, assuming it's true. 1. You have done some serious experimenting, which I've seen no proof of in the topic's first post (I dont speak russian so I did not dig deeper). 2. You have gained access to the server binary and decompiled it, which means you broke the law or license. 3. You had the info leaked by an employee of NCSoft Korea or you are their employee yourself.

    If you have any raw data from calculating the formulas, please share it, so it's possible to verify the results.

    The second experiment you refer to was made to see if gaining one level (while keeping old stats) gives you any bonus to damage against the same opponent, and the results were that it does, but not much. End users on EU (except for like 3 people) don't care about fancy formulas (which I've learned the hard way), they want answers to simple questions: which item is better, how much should I boost a stat, what will benefit me more, is there a point in farming 24/7 for something etc. This is what my experiments bring them :)