Are you opening this server illegally without the permission of Korea? It's like the least advertised l2 server ever and nobody from Innova talks about it lol. It is the one whose name we shall not say
Dear friends, unfortunately, we experience some issues with the new platform integration. That is why we do not want to open a new server with existing problems. We have just been informed by technicians that we will be ready to open Tiat server at 13:30 CEST.
This happens when the only thing they know how to do is charge from the store, surely the store will work perfectly
Bought PA from launcher but its not active 8.99e are taken tho.. need a fast answer so i can start playing balthus
Pretty nice L2Store on new server, If someone is smart he will buy this items at New server and in 3 months after merge will have many cakes ar Core for his main character