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InGame/Hardware macro and Penalties.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DefNotMits, Nov 28, 2018.

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  1. Robby

    Robby User

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    GM's tactics, so far for checking bot or not has been : porting you around and spawning boosted orbis throwers on your *** and looking at your reaction,movement and skill usage and their delays, they have been doing this for like what 3-4 years already? Mits you should know better, that you would never get a full answer from them...

    Avatar co. ltd. s.a.r.l. has probably sponsored them a yacht already with 2 hard bans, why not adding a 3rd?
    Hax likes this.
  2. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    The same result would be generated for ingame macro users
  3. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    I guess prior to that they check if you use more than ingame macro allows you to do.
  4. Notic

    Notic User

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    That was the point to check if someone is afk not to see if using ingame or hardware macro....
  5. Palkah

    Palkah User

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    But with that check you punish ingame macro users. You can do other checks that dont break their farm and tell you enough
  6. Notic

    Notic User

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    You are right, but tell that to GM's who keeps teleporting people around :)
  7. deetoox

    deetoox User

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    Fixed ;)
  8. Notic

    Notic User

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    I'm pretty sure there are better bots than you are, but self motivation is a good thing. Keep trying
  9. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    When you realise that the trends about video games totally changed , people are playing games where you can make a game , lose or win , restart from 0 , lose or win... etc etc. That Lineage have few players remaining that are willing to play on a hardcore playstyle, or those are gone already on classic for the majority of them , then you would realise that banning for maccros are just stupid. Like Rio said , players playing under maccro in pvp are just bad , and for the pve part, does it matter really ?

    Innova clowned themselves , because they are just banning the big wallet because , if they found another way to afford what they were buying with their wallet , they are losing money. You need to get it , Innova is just looking for business , nothing else.

    Btw , I just stopped playing while being in EN , but I'm not anymore linked to EN beside few talks with some friends I spend time playing with.
  10. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    I vote first offense permaban.
  11. Notic

    Notic User

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    Another "banned for nothing" post really... Whatever you think, they got banned rightfully, no point to lie and cry about it. For me people can farm with macro all they want even afk as long as it is allowed.

    And as for game, its not the grinding that killed it but l2store solely. Even casual players can make decent money now with cp, problem is l2store exclusive items that give massive boost and that 99% cant buy them ingame nor afford/willing to spend in l2store. You can farm for pvp weap/sets, decent jewels and for that you need now around 70-80b, but brooches, circles, shirts and other **** pushes it to 500b+ at least. And you could enjoy the game with 2-3 hours a day which is far from hardcore
  12. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    It depends what you are aiming for , I was looking for top pvp content , which I got , even being mediocre player ( bad for some of my ennemies) ( with less gear than my opponent) , but I simply can't now because of the gap between top players buying L2 Store , and "casual" players.

    I'm not saying they got banned for nothing , I just said that it was a mistake for Innova to do it , I'm not lieing or crying , I told you , Innova is just looking to get money , and for me they banned those players just because they could spend money in L2 Store for what they got by farming afk , I'm pretty sure there is tons of player using this kind of kb macros , but since they aren't top donors , it doesn't matter for Innova.

    Also , I'm totally agreeing with you on which fact killed this game , don't get me wrong , I just said that the people looking for hardcore farm are gone for most of them , and for me kb macros should just be allowed to counter this fact and let some people get on the level of the top donators in another way. But it doesn't suit for Innova since it would means less money spent in L2 Store.

    You're all fighting the same demon guys.
  13. Notic

    Notic User

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    That's where I do not agree with you. Innova did nothing wrong, someone broke the rules and they took actions, it happened to be one of the biggest donator on Core history, but that does not change anything. It was illegal and they either knew it or played dumb with silly excuses the kids make up - that's it. You're looking into this way too much and making it to be some kind of conspiracy against top players... If Innova really wanted to find reasons to ban top players, Im pretty sure they would have found plenty opportunities to do so. I think someone unhappy just kept reporting them and that's it.

    Totally agree on the demon part, but does not mean I have to tolerate other's ******** :p
  14. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Relax boys, all this talk will be irrelevant pretty soon, Korea already introduced IG bot to soften up the grind.

  15. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    I'm pretty sure that what I wrote is true. Because otherwise Innova would have ban those players long time ago as well as me. But anyway , I'm agreeing it was illegal , but this doesn't change the fact that : "We know you're all using it and it's illegal but we cannot give proof that it's true" and happening from nowhere : " Now , we're banning you without proving you that you're doing something wrong , we just know it." About the secrecy of the checks , it's totally stupid , every sentence given in this world are given with proof ( doesn't matter if the proof is true or not tho) but every burglar has the right to understand how he got caught.
  16. Rnika

    Rnika User

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    Just dont arguee with this meatballs with a 1g of brain.
    They think they bought all possible items in game and they are not randoms anymore, in fact they are more random than anyone in not top clan.
    If 50% of "randoms" like me and you leave this server their super known items will means nothing. Exactly like now. That they can 1shot someone on olympiad dosnt make them starts in game. Their have complexes in real life so they need to pretend they are known in game.
    ITs like this:
    They think they are important so they will thnik this is a cry post that im not important
    I just laughting at them they need to be so much attention, and i dont care i play my game
    You will read this and probably think another guy like me who dont care about ppl that thinks they are important.

    This "top" has nothing to say, zero arguments, just "i can one shot you" "who are you in game" "i have 1 item more worth than your whole account"
    Tye even will point my english, even if you can understand point of post, and they are not writing perfect, you gonna be worst then them because they can spend money on game xD
    In fact ppl in lower clans are more known than top players
    Top players are just know not as person but as items. And only by their clan
    "Random" ppl are know by their hands and personality and has more nor worth connections with ppl

    If i have to go on Kama 99
    I will enter to party and be in party with CandyPaint, iwill be happy because of his items, not because of "him".
    I will enter to party and be in party with some guy from my clan i will be happy because i will be with someone i can spend some time, even if i will make kama 10min longer.

    At some point there is no friendship. Person who getting more and more items starting to pretend "i have items im the best i need to ebe well known" starts loosing his personality and all conenctios are not with person but with items.

    Ofc there are some exceptions like hax was, he was scammer before he got items and fater he go items.
    Like CandyPaint he was bottign before items and after items.
    Logy was most dislike person before and afeter he got some items.
    Anxi who was clown before got items, and after he didnt got items xD
    Nursery likes this.
  17. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    How are you playing or not playing affecting me, avatar,taka,rio or any other top player in this server? Only way you maybe affect me is by buying one of the 300 r99 armor parts i have in auction house for 10-20kk more than vendor price. Huge loss if you decide to stop buying them, i think i won't be able to sleep at night. People like you is why this game has gone downhills, randoms who can access end game content through store so they are not forced to join one of the sides and fight.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    Robby likes this.
  18. Notic

    Notic User

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    How many people do you know that actually got banned really for nothing? And honestly, really did nothing, not that grey area stuff where you kinda feel you shouldn't but you do...And why aren't you and others at the top not getting banned on regular basis if its true? Or you actually do?:)

    There should be a clear line for doing stuff, but I do not think they should explain every single move. Put it this way, if you do everything legally, then there is no even suspicion and do not think they randomly ban people. But when you wander into the grey area, when things get messy, that's totally on you and you shouldn't go there in the first place and then expect different outcome.
    Leckter and Jintxa like this.
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