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Lineage 2 Core Siege 17/2/19 By FaelynFaeryDaey

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by PowPow, Feb 18, 2019.

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  1. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    @PowPow you say you don't have a problem but your QQing shows otherwise. EN will farm next update and probably more updates after that, but guess what, it doesn't matter.
    No matter how ahead you guys are it's irrelevant cause the game is PvE and we are all only competing against mobs. And BTW most gear comes from L2 Store not IG farm so don't get too excited about your farming skills.
  2. PowPow

    PowPow Banned

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    @TranpeGG i think than u still not understand the situation, i never said nothing about pvp, i just put my video and ur started to say, if no ppl, if PVE server, if ect ect, so then it was when i said "no pvp coz ppl wont, coz there enough gear and ppl for make pvp competitive".

    U understand now?, if ppl wont, np for me, i can do other stuff for get fun, while more time pass, the gap will be more and more big, and i know ofc this server for keep top, u need hard l2store, but that only do few people, the rest need farm for improve, and that is the real question.

    i know 100% than alot ppl is waiting the moment for the come back but like atm they cant so keep in the cave farming, but for sure 100% when they see one oportunity to win again, they will do it.
    Notic likes this.
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