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lucky drop rate

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by BISTABIL, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Bistabil

    Bistabil User

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    Is luc or something influencing lucky drop rate?


    I am getting less of these items I would expect based on number of mobs I've been killing.
    I've assumed that Cnt 1-3 means there is equal chance (1/3) to get 1, 2 or 3 items.
    We could then take 2 as an average (if rate is same for all 3 possibilities) and multiply it with Chance to get a rate of 86.46-95.46% to get 1 item.
    So if I would kill 1000 mobs I would expect something like 900 lucky drops which is in my case is far from reality.

    What are the factors I didn't take into account?

    Also, could the fact that I am killing mobs with single feoh being in a full party influence rate in any way?
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  2. Notic

    Notic User

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    Lucky drops do not follow the same system as normal drops.

    According to old patch notes, you get it when your LUC triggers. Whether its the same as lucky lady for enchanting or not - don't know, but if we follow same logic, you have about 5-7% luc trigger with base stats and then 43-47% chance. So realistically, its more like 2-4%.

    But would be nice to know if those are really affected by luc and/or drop runes/premium
  3. rippie

    rippie User

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    there is a russian test. where it seems that the conclusion is:
    -LUC does not affect the "luck drop",
    -drop rune does not affect the "lucky drop"

    it remains to be seen if this test is adequately enough to make those statements (i think the test was not detailed enough).
    The actual modifiers (if any) to increase the "lucky drop" rate remains to be seen in a more thorough test.

    but basically what Notic says is correct: "lucky drop" has a rate of its own, and is not 100% (more likely <5% or something, and so 47% of 5% is something like 2.5% give or take a bit)