Then why you and that other guy keep talking about inflation? You come post here some random nonsense about inflation all the players coming in from Ramona etc etc and then post this? It seems to me that you clearly don't know basic economics otherwise you would not post price comparison and talk about Ramona merge as an example of your so called "inflation" Apr 5, 2019 No, its because people are pooping trillions of adena and everyone wants to buy stuff at any cost - dont you know economics?
regardless of the adena that this people keep what I say is that before there were items impossible to buy. Simply. And the ancient dragon jewelry you will say your thoughts but it is not the absolute truth. Now or you play tarot until a b.anthy comes out or someone sells it because it does not play anymore, and with the 156435653 macros that there are in the server because I do not think there are many free dragon gems in that sense.
6 years too late. best example would be dragon weapons... before event there was 2 or 3 slashers, and something else... after event. 3 or 4 bows, 2 or 3 casters. and ton of dragon claws.. but who am i to complain. those OP cloaks already in game or still on to do list?
if they remove dragon weapons, decrease enchant limits of weapons sets and set limit of lvl then game will be return to funny days like 6 years ago. but it won't be. so enjoy game with free events . I hope they can put farm events each month.