Hey, i have a big issue with my graphic card. Every time when i'm trying to login in to a Lineage i've got an crash report message. Ofc i tried with different versions of gpu driver but ressult is the same. I brought a new PC and i can't play. Maybe someone resolved similar issue with amd gpu and can help me? Best wishes Crash report: Version: EP30_Global,CL_a,V2110409,235 BuildDate: Tue Oct 01 07 : 21 : 59 2019 Time: 2019.10.5 10 : 11 : 55 [GTick=7094,LGTicks=7068,Duration=28] PosCode: 0:0:0 ZoneName: OS: Windows 10(64) 10.0 (Build: 9200), Service Pack 0.0 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor @ 3594 MHz RAM: 16332MB RAM CPUInfo: 16,8,16,1 Memory: 247558KB PrivateMemory: 688400KB Video: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (29010), DX v4.9r904 Option: 2560x1080__W0_H0A0KPB Scene: 0_0_0 Stat: 5 Replay: 0_1 WorldRaid: 0_0/0 ClientSocketClosed: 7094 NPAuthSocketClosed: 0 Sev: 63_Blue VideoResources: 82 MB MAC: 3D-52 LANG: EUROPE IME: ??? Error: Protocol: C_EX_SELECTED_QUEST_ZONEID(9, 0) <= C_EX_SELECTED_QUEST_ZONEID(9, 0) <= C_REQUEST_SKILL_COOL_TIME(3, 0) <= C_REQUEST_SKILL_COOL_TIME(3, 0) <= C_REQUEST_SKILL_COOL_TIME(3, 0) <= C_REQUEST_SKILL_COOL_TIME(3, 0) <= C_EX_AUTOPLAY_SETTING(17, 0) <= S_EX_CRAFT_INFO(14, 1) <= S_EX_ITEM_ANNOUNCE_SETTING(6, 1) <= S_EX_ONE_DAY_REWARD_LIST(726, 1) History: UObject:: ProcessEvent <+ (azit_a Transient.azit_a, Function LineageDeco.azit_a.PostBeginPlay, 0x1508A770, 0x00000000, 0, 0) <- ULevel::SpawnActor <+ (azit_a) <- UMasterLevel::SpawnActor <- UGameEngine::OnNpcInfo <- NpcInfoPacket <- ClientCmd <+ size:80, disassem:80 <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <+ Protocol Name=S_NPC_INFO <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_READ_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x35030000] Address [0x1508A889] SegCs [0x0023] Core.dll [0x15000000] Offset [0x0008A889]
One thing I can think of, is click on "repair client" on Game LAuncher, maybe is not a graphic card issue and you are just missing a file or it is corrupt?
I'm afraid it's not foult of game files becouse i already tried with couple game versions, but give me a couple minutes i'll reinstall a client
You can just click on the "tool" icon and repair client. It will search for any missing / corrupt file and replace it
I uninstall the game and install again. Now it's better i can enter the game but when i'm trying to teleport i get crash: Version: EP30_Global,CL_a,V2110409,235 BuildDate: Tue Oct 01 0759 2019 Time: 2019.10.5 1157 [GTick=15927,LGTicks=15926,Duration=106] PosCode: -80689:149764:-3045 ZoneName: Talking Island Village OS: Windows 10(64) 10.0 (Build: 9200), Service Pack 0.0 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor @ 3594 MHz RAM: 16332MB RAM CPUInfo: 16,8,16,1 Memory: 286899KB PrivateMemory: 807572KB Video: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (1004), DX v4.9r904 Option: 2560x1080__W0_H0A0KPB Scene: 0_0_0 Stat: 5 Replay: 0_1 WorldRaid: 0_0/0 ClientSocketClosed: 15927 NPAuthSocketClosed: 0 Sev: 63_Blue VideoResources: 63 MB MAC: 3D-52 LANG: EUROPE IME: ??? Error: Protocol: S_EX_BLOODY_COIN_COUNT(13, 0) <= S_EX_ADENA_INVEN_COUNT(15, 0) <= S_EX_QUEST_ITEMLIST(12, 0) <= S_ITEMLIST(411, 0) <= S_ITEMLIST(12, 0) <= S_EX_SET_COMPASS_ZONE_CODE(9, 0) <= S_EX_SET_COMPASS_ZONE_CODE(9, 0) <= S_STATIC_OBJECT_INFO(47, 0) <= S_NPC_INFO(83, 0) <= S_NPC_INFO(95, 0) History: DrawPrimitive <+ RenDev=fd940000 CurrentState=fd9465c4 <- DrawLoop <- FD3DRenderInterface:rawPrimitive <- FCanvasUtil::Flush <+ Material=L2UI_ch3.ChatWnd.chatting_system <- FCanvasUtil::BeginPrimitive <- FCanvasUtil:rawTile <- UCanvas:rawTextTTFToCanvas <- NCGDevice:rawTextTTF <- NCTextLink:raw <- NCChatListBox::OnPaint <- NCVirtualWndMain:rawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain:rawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain:rawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain:rawChildWindow <- WM_PAINT <- NCVirtualWndMain:ispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::ConsolePostRender <- UGameEngine:ostDraw <- ConsolePostRender <- Draw <- UGameEngine:raw <+ GRenDev = fd940000 <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_WRITE_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x00000058] Address [0x5E0638CC] SegCs [0x0023] amdxn32.dll [0x5E040000] Offset [0x000238CC]
Hmmm... 1. When u log in - disable GPU acceleration before u enter the game. Check Ur drivers-update. Try again. If u get crash again - delete config file, and try again. If wont help- unplug urgraphic card, uninstall graphic drivers(AMD) and run l2 on integrated graphic. If u would be able to Play, that means there is a problem with ur amd drivers(some dll). L2 engine always has problem with AMD. With GF also, but it was all about drivers.
I don't have integrated graphic card. Anyway it's problem with drivers so i have to wait for update. Thanks for reaplies
My RX 56 series hates running L2 for some reason, if I run the game in minimal detail it just about accepts it.
The solution is to uninstall gpu drivers but i have two screens and w/o drivers pc can detect only one. Good work amd!!!