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EVENT We're doubling benefits

Discussion in '2019' started by Artchem, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Hello, EXP hunters! [​IMG]

    Have you heard the latest news? No!? No way. Hurry up to log in the game not to lose the unique chance! Because from the 30th of October till the 6th of November all your basic XP, SP points (except for those you get from quests and fishing), Adena amount and item drop rates are doubled!


    Open your eyes widely and learn carefully:
    • First. Gain 2 times more EXP/SP from ordinary monsters and raid bosses. Unfortunately, doesn't apply to EXP obtained from fishing and quests.
    • Second. Earn 2 times more Adena from ordinary monsters.
    • Third. Get a doubled chance to drop items, spoil chances are not affected.
      Event rates stack with Maphr's Rune (Item Drop Rate/Adena Amount) and Premium Subscription (Item Drop Rate +50% and EXP/SP +100%).

    Learn more about Premium Account here.

    During the event, the base experience gained from monsters and raid bosses will be doubled (namely the base value). For example, the base exp from https://l2wiki.com/Torfedo (Sea of Spores) before the event was 1,541,367,421, during the event this base value will increase to 3,082,734,842. Accordingly, all subsequent exp bonuses will be considered from the new base value – 3,082,734,842, not from the old one – 1,541,367,421.

    Note: all exp bonuses are indicated in brackets (Bonus: X), while the base experience is displayed before brackets.


    Example before the event with Premium (percentage is calculated on the base value 1,541,367,421):
    1,541,367,421 (base 100%) + 1,541,367,421 (Premium 100%) + 3,082,734,842 (Vitality 200%) + 3,082,734,842 (XP Rune 200%) + 770,683,711 (Nevit's Gold Hourglass 50%) = 10,018,888,237 XP

    Example during the event with Premium (percentage is calculated on the base value 3,082,734,842):
    3,082,734,842 (new base 100%) + 3,082,734,842 (Premium 100%) + 6,165,469,684 (Vitality 200%) + 6,165,469,684 (XP Rune 200%) + 1,541,367,421 (Nevit's Gold Hourglass 50%) = 20,037,776,473 XP

    * Premium EXP Bonus = 100%.
    ** Vitality Bonus with Premium = 200%, without Premium = 100%. When you hover over the green VP bar in the character level window, you can see the final bonus: with Premium 300% (100% Premium + 200% Vitality), without Premium 200% (100% Premium + 100% Vitality).









    Claim this FREE pack and enjoy Halloween with cool appearances, mounts and hats!



    If another indefinite appearance is already applied in the armor/weapon and then you apply a 7-day appearance, then after 7-day appearance expires, the indefinite appearance (which was applied before) will NOT be restored.
    Did you memorize all? Well, then, you just go to scale new heights.

    Good luck!