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Candidates for Moderators

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Fahrenheit, Dec 6, 2011.

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  1. Fahrenheit

    Fahrenheit User

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    here you go - please post some information about you and let people know who you are - later on in this thread you will see how people like / don't like what you are doing on this forum.


    good luck guys and let the best ones win!

    nb: please post only once in this topic and do not comment other users' applications. thank you!
  2. Eska

    Eska User

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    hello there,

    my name is piter (piotr) 'eska', i'm 22.
    i'm from poland, and been in the game since c3 - noobwars, and then, when interlude came in, i went for retail till early high five.
    since moderation recruitment is open in here, i would enjoy to help this community by joining moderation team. i've been moderator of a few l2 private servers, e.g. l2 reneval, which is actually down, and i still managed to separate moderation and gameplay apart from each other.
    about my english, for sure, could be better, it's not my native language, but honestly i think we wont have any problems with communication.
    i'm a supervisor in my everyday workplace, so i know how to deal and manage people resource and how to interact with them. there wont be any problems for me to moderate this forum when i'm in work. my working hours are from 9am to 3pm gmt+1 time, and in this hours i could be actually all the time here. after work, when i'm enjoying the game, there wont be a problem to have browser on with a tab at forum.4game.com.
    you wont be disappointed if you will give me a shot.
    if you need any other infos, or if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
    i'm for your disposition on skype even during work hours.

    best regards,
    piotr 'eska' kostro
  3. Jazzy

    Jazzy User

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    i am from portugal, i am 32 years old and work at the lisbon airport. i work as a transport coordinator and have to deal with various personalities daily and keel all my colleagues happy. it is hard but like all people i have good days and bad days.
    i play l2 since c2 and love this game like no other.
    i have an average experience as a moderator but only at travian portuguese forums.
    my english is not perfect but i think we can communicate without seriuos problems or misunderstandings.
    i always tryed my best and always will do the best i can as a moderator. i am not the best guy for the "job" but definitely i am not the worse. let's see if i have the qualities needed to stay as a moderator but i guess that only time and my anctions will answer it.
  4. Apophis

    Apophis User

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    hello there

    my name is florin and i'm from romania. i am a 26 years old sailor (just finished the university). as almost all around here my main hobby is lineage2 and that is not including only the game by itself. i can speak 2 languages: english (8/10) and romanian (10/10)

    i applied to this section only cause i wanted to help the eu community to get the best from innova on the eu market. it was a shame to watch all this years how ncwest managed to destroy lineage2 on our market. the l2 community deserves the best and i'm shure that we will get it here: a fair and pleasent gameplay under innova.

    for the past month i tried to advertise the eu server launch by any means i had at disposal: forums, webpage, social networks ect. becoming a moderator was also to help the users, you, find what you are looking for when browsing this forum and to try and keep a closer aproach to innova team so i can provide answers to the basic questions you might have.

    i guess that is all, if you have any questions feel free to pm me or get on irc to chat.

    offtopic: reading that complaints about moderators thread on my first day of mod made me realize how innova off team feels when reading this entire forum and it's not a pleasent feeling for shure. the one thing i liked is how fast you changed your attention from the launch date and all the important stuffs for this "bash the moderators thing"
  5. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    hello, all

    i am from greece, 28 years old and i am a multilingual translator for the following languages: greek, english and italian.
    i have also degree in applied foreign languages in trade and commerce.

    i have been playing lineage2 since 2005, and have been playing in many private servers such as l2 zeus, raidfight, adenagate, rpg, asterios and l2.ws.

    i have been forum admin in l2noble server forum as well as the forum designer (server is offline since summer though), as long as forum admin of my clan section in l2 zeus server forum. (clan forum is password protected but i can provide you link of my server forum profile: http://z13.invisionfree.com/zeus/index.php?showuser=9896. (don't start calling me spammer please these posts are made in 5 years.)
    i am also forum admin and designer of my clan forum (adress is at my signature).

    my english skills as well as my italian i would like to consider them as satisfactory, but there is always room for improvement.

    i am working as i said as translator so i am working from home and can be online most hours of the day.

    i am sure all moderators are gonna do our best trying to contribute and help our community, myself included.
    please be patient with us, and help us improve our mistakes.
  6. Immons

    Immons User

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    my name is artur and i am using nickname immons for over 6 years of playing lineage2.
    i am from poland, born in 1992 i am now 19 but i am responsible for what i do. i know english(maybe not advanced+ but still it's not bad).

    i started my adventure on private server called l2enraged then moved to l2existence and when kamael patch appeared on retail i exchanged my account on that priv with account on retail. so from about 20th december of 2007 i am playing on official.
    for two years that was franz server but when population of it kept falling due to go-bot! privacy of ncsoft i moved to russian retail. i am playing on lancer for nearly 2 years(started 31st of january 2010).

    i know game quite well, i know how people should behave and so that i would like to moderate 4game.com forums. if you want to test me, feel free! have a nice day.
  7. Lilith

    Lilith Knight

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    my name is irina, i am from spain, i am 23 years old.

    my english level is advanced.

    i started playing lineage 2 when it still was in prelude. started with a friend in the official server until oath of blood. after that i was not able to pay more (and some personal things happened) so i left. i was called to play and moderate as social game master in a private server for 3 years. then as moderator and game master in other 2 private servers, this time for few time, some months.

    lastly i discovered the official l2 site was free so i tested it. met some friends and they talked me about innova. a new european server that was starting so well... here i am.

    i like helping, i try to help everyone always... i think it's my nature.

    i have an almost infinite patience and i am not easy to anger. so ^^ here goes my own offering.

    have a great day all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2011
  8. VoidStar

    VoidStar User

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    my name is adrian and i am from romania.
    i can speak english,german,romanian[obviously..], and also french.

    i will not lie with my age,i am almost 18 years old.

    i am playing lineage 2 since interlude.i played alot of private servers and also retail.i know the game quite well.
    i have alot of patience,instead of writing to a question an answer like " use search button",i will always answer the question as good as i can and know.if i do not know,i will research.
    i want to be a moderator to maintain order on forums and help everyone as much as i can.also to make a great community in the l2 eu forums !

    even if will not be a moderator ,i will still try to do what i mentioned in the previous phrase.as much as i will be able.

  9. ZuzuPi

    ZuzuPi User

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    re for mod app.

    hello, my name is justas (eng. justin). i'm 18 years old, therefore i'm still a high-school student. i live in lithuania at the moment, but planning of studies in england :).

    my hobbies are mmo games, volleyball (naturally playable only in summer-time), i'm keen of photography and art (that might be strange to nowadays youth).
    i like learning, and gaining experience in every aspect, like now i'd like to participate to the staff of forums, because in future i might need this experience, not to be moderator on other sites, but this gives responsibility feeling, that you're in charge of a given task.
    as a person i'm very patient, ambitious, nifty, and helpful (though true sight reveals only after communicating :)), the merits of what i think you need.
    now a little bit of my languages. i'm studying-learning english for 9 years now, so i know it pretty well (not afraid of voice communication, nor writing), russian language (the one i find very hard to learn) - know basics of it (might be some problems with it, but i understand pretty a lot of words, grammar uses - everything needed for communication). german language - still learning but also know the basics of it.

    for the end i'd like to add, that no matter who is going to be moderator, everyone is worth it :)


    skype: aj.jg.
    e-mail.: jusgec@gmail.com / jusgec@hotmail.com
    phone number.: +37063666479
  10. Gladiator1942

    Gladiator1942 User

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    hello to all my name is joseph, i'm italian game to l2 from c3 and i have a good unforgettable experience as moderator on some private servers. my english is not perfect so i apologize in advance. i'd like to be moderator in the italian section of the forum.
  11. m3chan1c

    m3chan1c User

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    my name is alexander born in greece , born in 1981 and into computers since my 12s!

    languages speaking: greek (native) , english (excellent) fc , toefl, standards approved by american college.
    knowledge and experience on computer software/lan/wlan security issues
    above medium experience in os windows 3.1 /3.11 / 95 / 98/xp / linux redhat 5,6,7,/debian 1.3/1.6 / ubuntu 8+
    above medium experience in html/photoshop/macromedia(adobe now) fireworks and other graphics software, some php/sql
    gaming experience: counter strike clan leader / tactics leader (2001-2004) , participated in esworldcup in 2003 top 40 clans .
    lineage experience: since 2005 in official ncsoft bartz server ( started over in franz) and kept playing till nowadays never lost time in prv servers.

    ingame experience: always being friendly with everyone even with people acting strangly since behind characters are real people ;)

    aims and goals: get to know people across the earth, share knowledge and fun and once more try to learn russian the easiest way :)))

    have fun :)
  12. Arvi

    Arvi User

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    if you wanna get to know more people just register here: www.facebook.com

    and i guess you should read a bit more about moderator role:

    a forum moderator oversees the communication activity of an internet forum. he monitors the interchange of contributors and makes decisions regarding content and the direction of threads. moving discussions from one section to another to keep topics organized is also a common job for a forum moderator.

    if the tone of a forum becomes hostile or starts to move in the direction of personal attacks, the forum moderator usually has the discretion to lock the discussion to prevent heated, interchanges. he may also be able to hide discussions he deems unworthy of further discussion. conversely, topics he feels deserve further examination can be posted indefinitely by the moderator even if they garner no comments.

    moderator duties are as diverse as the forum topics themselves. some moderators are virtually invisible; they surface only when situations arise that do not seem likely to resolve themselves. other forum moderators are always there, ready to intercede at the smallest hint of discourse. public forum moderators often have to enforce many rules of conduct and decorum, as public contributors tend to communicate without abandon, which can sometimes upset other commenters.
  13. Incubus

    Incubus User

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    my name is sonia, i am 22 years old. i am a nurse :)

    i have been playing lineage ii since interlude. i have played on private servers and on ncsoft serverâ´s too (in fact, i still have my character there).

    i know portuguese, english and of course spanish ;). i considere myself enthusiastic, objective and patient.

    actually i am a "trial-moderator" in the technical issueâ´s section, i asked nataliya to put me in another section where i could be more usefull, but there are several moderators. i am trying to keep the section clean and prevent the recurrence of threads that are already solved; from time to time i also try to help with some problems which i have experienced too. i know that many user are not satisfied with us and we have many faults, surely this role should be played by professional people but on the other side i think if innova has decided to put players as moderators instead of professionals we only have to choose the most suitables to perform this ask.

    i would like to take this oportunity to ask nataliya considering the work that radix and voldemort are doing in the section of technical issues. they should introduce themselves!

    you do not need to tell me that i have spelling mistakes, i know, my english is not perfect.

    thank you!
  14. Razer

    Razer User

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    my name is miguel , i am from spain, i am 20 years old.

    my english level is normal.

    i started playing lineage 2 when it still was in c4. started with a friendlys clan in the official server. after that i was not able to pay more (and some personal things happened) so i left. i was called to play and moderate as social game master in a private server for 3 years.

    lastly i discovered the official l2 site was free so i tested it. meet some friends and they talked me about innova. a new european server that was starting so well.
    i like helping, i try to help everyone always... i think it's my nature.

    i have an almost infinite patience and i am not easy to anger.

    have a great day all.
  15. CrossFire

    CrossFire User

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    hello, my name is evaldas. i'm 18 years old, i'm from lithuania. i speak english/lithuanian, a little russian. i want to be only lithuanian section moderator, cuz i want to have that section clear. i don't need any more power as a mod, i only want lt section.
  16. darky

    darky User

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    hello there

    my name is teal`c im nearly 152 years old now im from a planet called chulak
    i played lineage2 from chronicle 1 only when i wasnt chasing goa'uld apophis all around the galaxy and i stopped when high five became almost live in ncsoft i filled my gaps playing in to some earth private servers x5000 just to crack my self up i also played eve online until my ally concorde fell apart (never trust a nid..never!)
    i felt a need to apply for moderation here because deep down i know that my cause here will help to free my people from being slaves of goa'ulds i never been a moderator in lineage2 i was however for a couple of months a moderator in xdadevs forum
    about my languages now : i can write speak goa`uld language i can understand some of ancient language (only the newest dialects)and i can speak/write english too(im a bit rusty i can say) but i dont have problem communicating with others
    im an expert on crowd control and human resources as a former apophis first prime i have all the necessary skills for that for example if some underage kid dont understand in the first reply i will zat him once (since zatting twice is fatal in most cases anyway here i think that it will require more drastic measurements about that)
    in my free time im hunting down goa`uld lords(ive manage to kill some of them)replicators angry kids and pkers
    if you need proofs of my skills in combat with kids or angry rage quiters you can watch season 7 of stargate sg1 its all there

    yours trully teal`c

    in case of a rejection please take a look of how pretty im am in this photo
  17. Sayune

    Sayune User

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    my name is alvise, i am from italy. dunno if my english is good or not, but since i started to play lineage 2, everyone from other countries had no problems to understand me.

    i started to play lineage 2 in c4, but i started to play in retail on 6th october 2006, when franz started.

    i played lineage 2 for 4 years on franz and on teon, maybe some people remember me from my pvp videos omegapvp

    my l2, part 1 (youtube) - my l2, part 2 (youtube) or my l2, part 1 (megaupload) - my l2, part 2 (megaupload)
    wasteland pvp [franz] (youtube)
    omegapvp3 [franz] (megaupload)
    omegapvp4 part 1 [teon] (megaupload) - omegapvp4 part 2 [teon] (megaupload)
    omegapvp5's epic intro (youtube) omegapvp5 part 1 [teon] (megaupload) - omegapvp5 part 2 [teon] (megaupload) - omegapvp5 part 3 [teon] (megaupload)

    i quited on 26th may 2010. now i am very happy to come back and find new and old friends (and enemies too ofc, the most funny thing).

    i 'd like to help the staff of this forum , so i did this apply.

    cya guys
  18. Nefretiti

    Nefretiti User

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    my name is sebastian, i am from poland, i live currently in england . i am 22 years old, i’ve got my a* grades in science,maths,i.t and english. i study in university, i public services course , and i am a special constable (it means that every friday, saturday nights i get to work as a police officer in big events like football matches etc as a volunteer, and it will give me a good qualifications to join police force after i finish university.) i can speak english and polish really well.

    i first launched lineage 2 in 2008, and i have been playning few private servers aswell aswell on ncsoft servers( ive only quit lineage2 for a bit of time because of the unfair advantage ncsoft gave to people who used item shop and how they destroyed the game with it )

    i have been moderator on alot of counter strike servers forums and i’ve been moderator on official kalonline polish community forum (kalonline.pl) i am sure that i will do everything to keep the forum out of negative topics/posts and keep the forum tidy and help the community if they need help with anything! aswell as i will be online on forum most of the time. so if you think i am worth it! just give me a try!

  19. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    please refrain from saying if someone is qualified or not for the moderator job. you can always write your personal opinion but the final decision is up to the innova team.
  20. Alexj_89

    Alexj_89 User

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    hi all!
    my name is alessio, i'm 24 years old and i live in italy! i study at university to became an emergency nurse! talking about l2, i started to play in c2 , with some friends on an unofficial server. than in c3 we decided to try official, and start on teon, where we play until ...well, dont remeber well =) until interlude and so on, for sure... then i stopped for a little, playing less for fun with clan/friends. so when i came to know anbout innova, i decide to start,again, here. i can tell that i 'll be very usefull ,cause i have "some"knowledge" about lineage =) i 'll be very happy to help here, in this new forum / project, specially in the italian section. i also speak english very well ( i study it for my work, do some master and so on )
    hope to enjoy your team!

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