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EVENT Lakfi-Lakfi's adventure

Discussion in '2019' started by Artchem, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    When a creature of wizards was born in the laboratory of the Ivory Tower, they called their creation Lakfi-Lakfi. This intelligent Golden Pig is not just able to fly: the power of Lakfi-Lakfi allows her to fulfill dreams.

    After learning that there are such holidays as Christmas and New Year, which are accepted to give gifts, the pig decided to find a good use of their magic. Lakfi-Lakfi began her journey through the cities of Elmoreden and started giving out Happy Chests to all comers. Many coveted consumables and real treasures are hidden inside the chests.




    1. Lakfi-Lakfi NPC
    Right after the maintenance a Golden Pig Lakfi-Lakfi will appear in the cities of Elmoreden, which together with players will say 'Good Bye' to the departing 2019 year and will meet the new 2020 year.
    Lakfi can be found in major towns and villages (except Kamael Village and the Death Knights' base), use the /target Lakfi for easier search.


    2. Lakfi-Lakfi's Fortune Box
    Characters Lv. 50 and higher can talk to Lakfi and get a special item:


    * It is available to every character on the account.

    The box is a reusable item and is stored in the inventory throughout the event.
    Double-click the box to get an event buff for 1 hour, which consists of 4 levels and at the end of each level (after an hour) gives the character a gift:


    The Fortune Box can be used once a day, re-use is possible after 6:30 am (UTC +1).


    3. Lucky Sack
    Once the each buff level ends, you will receive a reward bag, which in turn contains a guaranteed reward and an additional random item.


    When opening the box, you will receive the following items with 100% chance:


    When opening the box, there is a chance to get one of the following items with certain chance:


    Golden Lucky Sack


    When opening the box, you will receive the following items with 100% chance:


    When opening the box, there is a chance to get one of the following items with certain chance:


    4. Lakfi-Lakfi's Oink buff
    One of the guaranteed rewards from Lucky Sack and Golden Lucky Sack is a consumable item Lakfi-Lakfi's Oink.
    Double-click the item to get a useful buff for 1 hour:


    The Oink buff has a distinctive visual effect over the character's head:


    The Oink buff stacks with all XP/SP bonuses.

    5. Improved Star Candy
    One of the guaranteed rewards from the Golden Lucky Sack is a consumable item that restores the full bar (x1) of Sayha's Grace upon use:


    The candy ignores the value limit of Sayha's Grace. For example, if you have 23 slot and 99% SG, it will restore only 1% of the scale, which means that you will waste the item.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2019