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A question to PK players

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Zizka, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. SaMaNoSuKe

    SaMaNoSuKe User

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    you are wrong about the skelth's part and Fragola was CM way after she played on Skelth.
  2. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Hell nope, Fragola was already streaming and doing stuffs for Innova when Skelth was going live. I'm quite sure, if not TOTALLY SURE, that she was the streamer that did the pre-opening streaming of Skelth. And, again, if i'm not wrong, at some point of the streaming we also saw a toon named "dvp" or someone of those rusky guys running around Fragola. Someone who was not even suppose to be on the stream.
  3. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    To me many went OT
    the original question, and for me this applies to red server as well, was

    if you continue to pk the paying customers who will give the money to innova to run 2 servers?

    On every mmo comes only the worst of the whole world net, only the worst
    in every other mmo [eg wow blizzard] in 30 days the worst is perma banned

    To me the answer to the original question is
    l2 essence it's atm the best l2 version ever because we are now adults and don't have 2 to 5 years of time to lvl up
    because all of us [well all but ixpy and somone else] work for a living, do have rl obligations to attend to

    on ru the servers are fantastic managed by innova
    on eu there couldn't be a worst management by innova

    So the real question here is:
    is innova ru a different thing from innova eu?
    if they are the same thing everything is happening on blue and red [rmt-pk-everything] is done on purpose

    Also a videogame is made and sold to enternain the customer
    which kind of customer wants to pay to be perma-pked?
  4. Zizka

    Zizka User

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    I am not sure if Requiem and his clan read this question, but I was not PK-ed almost a week (except on weekends ;) ). And I also see a lot of people farming in TOI and Lizards. And you know what happened? I was able to collect adena and I actually bought weapon from Requiem. And now I am happy with a cool A grade weapon, and he is probably happy with cool 35kk adena. And that is what i was talking about - why kill everyone and make people leave if you will have no one to sell your items to.
    And a little offtopic. The PK system is actually good if you want to clean AFK farmers and take their spot to have more mobs. I saw "Its" do this at the beginning. And it is OK because if you one-hit mobs you don't want to compete with some low chars. It is also good for raids. You go and clean low chars and take RB.
    But running everywhere and killing everyone for no reason... I just don't understand it.
  5. SilverFangs

    SilverFangs User

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    After GM post about the banned on sick behavior (threat to kill for adena) - Requirem go rampage again :)) I guess he is frustrated.
  6. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    The problem is innova staff doesn't want to understand they have to deal with ppl who never played on an official server
    so they not only don't even know 2/3 or 3/4 of the map, but apart for pking and doing pve in several spot they don't even
    know the basic rules of the game.
    Aka log in on red server and come to see how many red toons from united clan are trying to sell something sitting on the ground
    They are so stupid they don't even know that if someone wants to buy something from a sitting perma-red toon it tryes to attack
    the pker but because it's in town the attack it's halted and no one could ever buy anything from a pker
    they are still all perma red, all sitting like idiots in aden red server for days, maybe wondering why no one is buying


    + to exp in this game you have to pay for the sg pots
    united clan never bought a single sg pots, well maybe constance and andragon did, but the others are pking
    who's buying the pots while they don't buy them at all

    the korean devs are just koreans, idiots by definition, and trying to gain some more cent here and there
    they removed the 4 76+ exping zone, fastened the lvling to 76, but leaving only one 76 exp zone
    plains of the liz
    you are too high in lvls to go to necro
    you are too low in lvl to go to toi 2

    the result it's a pking ground
    it has been 2 months and innova eu didn't do anything.

    I mean those "ppl" are killing their very own customers under the innova staff nose
    the paying customers users' number on red server is sinking and sinking and sinking
    and they didn't do anything for 2 whole months
  7. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    This is quite wrong.
    At level 80, you have chance to exp in way more zone than that, and i'm not talking about Plains alone. Dragon valley, TOI 1 and TOI 2 (depending on gear, for some reasons mage in toi 2 and 3 are OP, in 4 and 5 their dmg is way lower but mobs are way harder now), 2 necros (70-75 and 76-80) and same for catas, you can still XP in war-torn plains in the zone with high level mobs, devil isle, silent valley.

    I named you all zones where you can XP at lv 80, now, if you're 76, even Blazing swamp.

    Now, XP is pretty much the same everywhere, in TOI i gain 60-80k per mob (with boost), when in other zones you gain probably half the XP. Plains' XP is the same as other spots more or less.

    And this was obvious even in the past, since the XP is almost 0 w/o boosts, all your exp comes from SG boost you have, reason why before DK update a lot of players were doing trains in War-torn plains even after lv 80 with mobs light blue. Now mobs are white when you're even 10 level higher than them, so in the end, you have access to lots of zones. Ofc, plains, dragon valley, TOI and Orc barracks are top spots due to elemental gains, otherwise for XP you can even go in any other zone. Slowly but surely is better than nothing.

    But ofc, as far as i can see here, players from both sides of the PK discussion are right and wrong.

    Server is pvp/pk and koreans designed the PK system to be like this. So you can't blame people abusing it. It's pretty much victim's fault, you joined this server so crying about system is useless. Even tho, people going around to PK randoms all the time and preventing them from XP even if they are randoms, is nosense.
    The PK system's design is totally wrong and doesn't fit a game like L2 and neither the style the game is heading to...you allow people to farm AFK in a server where you can PK w/o any penalty...that's stupid. But i guess we're all aware the Koreans are brainless when it comes to this things.
    Pretty much sure that those running rampage on PKs here, were the ones qqing on awakening and classic server when they were PKed, with the only difference that people that used to PK in those servers and in old L2 version had gust to risk their items, while here, there's no penalty for the PK at all but a debuff that is pretty much useless when you're a 85 PKing a 80.
    And, Warendo, there's no way an 81 can fight back against an 84 or 85, you need to have a class that is in advantage against the PK and you need to be behind a huge paywall to do that. Otherwise at level 81 you wont be landing debuffs on lv 84-85 and neither enough damage to kill it. Which means that most likely you need to be one of the OP classes to do that : summoners, OL or PP, otherwise you wont be able to do anything against a player with 3 or 4 levels more than your.
    But maybe it's because i'm playing a nerfed class such as dagger, perhaps for any other class is different.
  8. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    At 76 in blazing you get xp penalty
    toi 1 pked
    potl pked
    even pog just standing still pked
    as soon as you are 76 on red you are on KOS
    kill on sight

    you can do only 2 hours in primeval
    but at this point i don't get what we should buy if the free daily pots last 4 hours
    i guess innova eu is planning to close red server as fast as they can

    Btw i miss only 7% to lvl 80
    and i can't even log in without beeing pked in 1 minute
  9. Alan Red

    Alan Red User

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    Solution, as i said on other threads, is simple: Increase PI time stones No. per day! Only for L coins if for adena seems they are loosing money or something.
  10. Angular

    Angular User

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    I think the PK system need some updates and the teleport too! Its ridiculous that you can teleport in combat.!
  11. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    Ur all tears fuels my Essence! You see ofc what I did there:Laugh:Have a nice PK day~!:Roflmao: whahahahaha Yes me back for a fraction of a second :p Enjoy ur long lasting missery... hope is dead if u didn't know it...(for L2 ofc..) Long live L3!
    Leckter likes this.
  12. FragolaTV

    FragolaTV User

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    Hey xHaseo, it's sad to see you sad about the situation on the server. I haven't followed EU Essence, but apparently some politics is going on here.
    So I logged in for just 1 reason: fact clarity.

    Let me fix your timeline.

    1) Skelth opened on Dec 21, 2015 https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/544212/
    2) I was a newbie streamer back then and was invited as a streamer to show the server as Amaratha was busy in the office. The whole server hated me as well as I was given a separate login queue and the start was delayed. The stream was named official as I was updated by GMs about the status of the opening and could inform everyone on the stream about it: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/544432/
    3) My party quit during April 2016 due to low population and inability fo find a BP for 4 months straight. The last recording of the siege with my party on my channel is dated April 13: all of the rest are from a special cam I was given as I wasn't part of politics anymore. Here on April 24 I say "I don't have an active CP anymore":
    And to clarify: I wasn't paid to do this, I just enjoyed attention from the players and learned how to be a good streamer.
    4) I was invited to join the team as a CM almost a year after the start of the server: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/619814/ in December 2016
    After I joined the team I stopped playing the game as a player at all.

    The "russky" guy running around me was someone who somehow got to enter the server before opening and decided to make a joke char against the rules, he was removed from the server (iirc account wiped) later that day.
    dvp later played with a different character, here's an old video:
  13. Sayune

    Sayune User

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    wait wait wait.... mage OP in TOI 2 & 3? is that a joke?
  14. AimInNape

    AimInNape User

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    Belong to Elders <3
  15. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Yo, don't worry, there was no need to clarify, i'm not accusing you of anything. And my timeline is not so wrong, it seems. In the end Skelth died cause none gave a damn about saving it.

    I don't know which mental illness Korean devs have, but they just can't seem to make anything right. I mean, it's even useless to accuse Innova anymore, at this point is clear to anyone that all they want is ur pockets. They are doing nothing to improve server life quality, they promised a dualbox fix by January, it's 23rd, i'm 100% sure they wont fix it before the end of the month. And while we wait for them to fix a dualbox, we have players using virtual machines to log several accounts, we havepeople using programs to bypass frost and a useless anti-hack protection.

    So taking off Innova from this, cause you can't blame a puppet for puppeteer actions i guess, Koreans just can't create a worthy MMORPG in the first place, and with Lineage, they just can't fix it.
    16 years of L2 and they are not able to balance a game and to take "the best" out of those years.
    Players are qqing cause we're given features that we cannot use. The auto-hunting system should allow us to XP while we're away, but PKs prevent us to XP (them, i can't xp due to all the wars i have so idc). And in Classic version, that's even worse, cause you can set up a DD to XP but you can't setup a BD or a WC or anything to buff/heal you after a set time anymore.
    They are removing usefull features (previous auto hunting was fine) to screw them up (new auto hunting, new pk system).
    And the feature is not so bright. They will remove 3 vs 3 arenas and olympiads to merge them into a 3v3 oly...what the **** is that suppose to mean? I've to play my hero status with 2 randoms? So instead of being "the strongest among ghost hunters" to take hero i'm gonna be "the luckiest among the ghost hunters"? Even the 3v3 arena is totally braindead since there's no filter, you can match a team of 3 lv 85s vs 3 levels 70. Not to mention the RNG of the buff.

    Even for classes they shows no sense of balancement : blade dancers learning stun mastery w/o any stun skill. Daggers that were suppose to be glass cannons w/o any cannon (no chance of winning against anyone w/o an heavy paywall), losing more and more skills every patch...shadow step is useless, bluff is not working, trick is not working, treasure hunters still learning a skill named "Mirage" when the only mirage there is the hope to win something. In the past at least daggers had some survival ability, here is all about spamming 2 skills in front cause you can't use backstab anymore. They modified debuffs but nothing changed, fighting a mage will end up with you dying with 2 crits while they can cast a debuff that lasts 5 seconds with 10 seconds of delay...so either you win in 5 seconds or ggwp. PP's debuffs are lasting 120 seconds, landing 100% and lowering stats...OLs are godlike and drain 80% of the dmg, summoners just hit for 2-4k w/o any gear just cause the summon has broken stats. DKs are the new class so they are broken OP as any class they introduce, it was the same with kamaels and ertheias.

    Koreans are leading this game into **** and innova's incapacity is speeding the process of killing all their projects. You guys almost make me regret Blizzard's support, and i mean, you can't even write to someone "git gud" w/o risking a chat ban there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2020